The Weirdest Canned Foods in the World

by Marjorie Mackintosh

If you’ve spent enough time around the Internet, you’d know that there are a lot of weird types of food items available around the world, from insects to stink-meats to horse testicles. Of course, it’s wrong to just paint them all as ‘weird’, as different cultures have different factors driving their cuisine, including topography. Still, not all of them came from nutritional needs of the region; people really just like to eat them.

Some of those weird food items are so popular that there are canned versions of them. While it’s not uncommon to find some out-of-the-box canned foods at your local grocery store from time to time, they’re no comparison to these weirdest canned foods we know of from around the world.

This is an encore of one of our previous lists, as presented by our YouTube host Simon Whistler. Read the full list!

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