Military actions and life have long been a subject for the film industry. Virtually every war in which American troops were involved,…
Hollywood is certainly not known for realism. Action movies often feature heroes and heroines capable of dodging bullets, surviving explosions that should…
Beginning with The Great Train Robbery in 1903, the Western has been one of Hollywood’s most definitive genres. These so-called “oaters” (cheaply-made…
Beginning with The Great Train Robbery in 1903, the Western has been one of Hollywood’s most definitive genres. These so-called “oaters” (cheaply-made…
Romantic comedies — better known as ‘rom-coms’ — have long been a Hollywood staple, typically serving up light-hearted fare to love-starved audiences.…
Romantic comedies — better known as ‘rom-coms’ — have long been a Hollywood staple, typically serving up light-hearted fare to love-starved audiences.…
We know that action movies – like all other fictional works of art – are supposed to be a dramatized version of…