Trades – Listorati Fascinating facts and lists, bizarre, wonderful, and fun Sun, 14 Jul 2024 14:13:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Trades – Listorati 32 32 215494684 10 Trades And Professions That Started Off Much Differently Sun, 14 Jul 2024 14:13:39 +0000

Several trades and professions around today are much different than when they first appeared. In fact, many have changed so much that their origins would be hard to imagine. Who would believe that the world’s first airline did not have airplanes? That the first gas station was a pharmacy? Or that funeral homes operated the first ambulances?

Many trades and professions often have weird origins because they began as offshoots of other businesses. Others only got defined and structured long after they first appeared. At other times, advances in technology just introduced some new ways of doing things.

10 Funeral Homes Operated The First Ambulance Services

Funeral homes launched the first ambulance services when they helped to evacuate the wounded to hospitals during the US Civil War. The early ambulances only had a stretcher, a blanket, and a bottle of whiskey as anesthesia. Later alterations included oxygen. The personnel on board also learned some lifesaving medical procedures, making them the first paramedics.

The ambulances were actually hearses—the same ones used by funeral homes to transport dead people to cemeteries. The hearses worked because regular horse-drawn carriages were not long enough to allow the patients to lie down.

However, the funeral homes were not really interested in saving lives or even in the money they charged their clients. Over half of their clients never even bothered to pay. The real profit was in the death of the client because the funeral home that provided the ambulance was the likeliest to receive an offer to arrange the burial.

Funeral homes stopped providing ambulance services after Congress passed the Highway Safety Act in 1966. The act set regulations over what sort of vehicles could be used as ambulances. It also required ambulances to be staffed by trained personnel. The funeral homes could not meet the regulations and left the business for hospitals and other operators.[1]

9 The First Gas Station Was A Pharmacy

In early August 1888, Bertha Benz (the wife of Karl Benz, who invented the first practical automobile) completed the first road trip in a motorcar when she and her two sons traveled from Mannheim to visit her mother in Pforzheim, Germany. The car was the Patent-Motorwagen No. 3, which was built by her husband.

At the time, Karl Benz had problems marketing the vehicle. When Bertha suggested that they make a road trip to publicize the car, he refused. Undeterred, Bertha and her two sons went without her husband’s permission. Karl only realized what had happened when he saw her letter informing him that she had left for her mum’s.

The vehicle broke down several times, but Bertha handled the repairs. However, her greatest challenge arose when she ran out of fuel. She walked to a local pharmacy where she purchased Ligroin, a petroleum solvent that was used as fuel at the time. The pharmacy had the stuff because it was used for cleaning surfaces.

That pharmacy in the town of Wiesloch is considered the first filling station in the world. In keeping with the tradition, other pharmacies stocked up on Ligroin and then gasoline and sold these products to car owners until the first gas stations appeared. For Bertha, her trip made the news and popularized her husband’s car as a reliable means of transportation.[2]

8 The First Motels Were Unbelievably Luxurious

Motels are often less expensive than budget hotels even though motels were never intended to be cheap. In fact, the first motels were actually hotels with parking garages for car owners. That’s why they were called “motels” (motor hotels).

Arthur Heineman built the first one in 1925. Vehicles were becoming mainstream in the US at the time, and Heineman had observed that conventional hotels did not have enough parking spaces for traveling drivers. So he built the first motel at San Luis Obispo, which is between Los Angeles and San Francisco. He called it the Milestone Mo-Tel Inn.

It consisted of several bungalows with garages that could accommodate up to 160 people in total. Lodgers paid $1.25 to sleep in one of the rooms for a night. Car owners parked their vehicles in the garages while they slept in nearby rooms. The motel also had separate rooms for chauffeurs in case the car owner had one.

Heineman spent $80,000 to build his motel. It had central heating, showers, a bell tower, and other expensive features that are alien to today’s motels. He planned to build a chain of 18 motels in California alone. However, the Great Depression soon came along, forcing him to slow down on his plans.

By the time it was over, several competitors had sprung up to steal a share of the market. They engaged in price wars that quickly turned motels into budget lodges without luxurious facilities.[3]

7 The World’s First Airline Used A Fleet Of Airships

Deutsche Luftschiffahrts-Aktiengesellschaft (“German Airship Transportation Corporation Ltd.”), aka DELAG, was the world’s first airline. It was founded on November 16, 1909, as a subsidiary of the Zeppelin Company, the German airship maker. Little wonder that it had a fleet of airships in place of airplanes.

However, DELAG did not provide scheduled flights until 1919 when it started to operate flights between Berlin and southern Germany. Until then, it operated tour flights for sightseers who wanted to view the Earth from high above.

The Zeppelin Company founded DELAG to create an alternate stream of income. Before then, the Zeppelin Company had focused on selling its airships to the German military. However, it was unsure whether the military would buy enough airships to keep it afloat. DELAG remained in business until 1935.[4]

6 The World’s First Commercial Airline Used Airboats That Flew 1.5 Meters (5 Ft) Above The Water

We already mentioned that DELAG—the world’s first airline—did not offer scheduled commercial flights until 1919. This is why The St. Petersburg–Tampa Airboat Line, which was founded in 1913, is considered the world’s first commercial airline to offer scheduled flights.

The airline offered regular flights from St. Petersburg to Tampa, Florida, using a two-seat airboat called the Lark of Duluth. An airboat is an airplane that lands and takes off from water. The Lark of Duluth had just two seats. The pilot sat in one while one or two passengers were cramped in the other. The airplane itself skirted just 1.5 meters (5 ft) above the water.

The St. Petersburg–Tampa Airboat Line made its first flight on January 1, 1914, and the passenger was Abram C. Pheil, the former mayor of St. Petersburg. Pheil got the seat after winning a $400 auction. Later passengers paid $5 for a single trip.

The St. Petersburg–Tampa Airboat Line was a success because it made the 29-kilometer (18 mi) flight in just 23 minutes. At the time, steamships covered that distance in two hours, trains in 4–12 hours, and cars in 20 hours. However, the airboat line could not remain in business and shut down in 1914.[5]

5 Barbershops Doubled As Operating Rooms

Barbers doubled as surgeons until a few centuries ago. Both professions were so closely linked that they had a single association called the Company of Barber-Surgeons from the 16th to the 18th centuries. The barbers often treated medical ailments like syphilis, which physicians of the day wanted nothing to do with. Barbers also helped to remove painful teeth, which technically made them dentists.

Many barbers performed bloodletting, the now-obsolete and disproved act of draining blood from a person to expel diseases from the body. Some say that this is why barbers often have red-and-white poles outside their shops. The red represents the blood while the white is the bandage. However, this theory is disputed.

Nevertheless, we know that barbers often advertised their bloodletting services by leaving bowls of blood in their windows. Several surgeons were not comfortable with the barbers and desperately wanted to separate their trade from the barbers. The surgeons got their way in 1745 when the Company of Barber-Surgeons was split.[6]

4 The First Newspapers Were Books

Newspapers have existed as pamphlets, corantos, and newsbooks for centuries. However, the direct predecessors of modern newspapers are newsbooks. Made of several news pamphlets bound together to create a small book, they were published like regular books and even had title pages.

Unlike modern newspapers that report a variety of news stories, the newsbooks and pamphlets often only reported single events like battles, disasters, and celebrations. However, what we consider the first newspaper was published by Johann Carolus and sold in the city of Strasbourg, Germany, in September 1605.

Carolus called his newspaper Relation aller Furnemmen und gedenckwurdigen Historien. Like its predecessors, it was also a newsbook. However, it reported a variety of news. Carolus’s weekly newspaper was 4–6 pages long.[7]

3 The First Movie Was Only 2.11 Seconds Long

We expect our movies to run for around two hours these days. Interestingly, the first movie ran for only 2.11 seconds. Yes! That was no mistake. 2.11 seconds. The movie was titled Roundhay Garden Scene and was produced by French inventor Louis Le Prince in 1888.

Roundhay Garden Scene was a video of Louis’s son Adolphe and several friends and relatives walking around a garden. Louis Le Prince created the film while testing a new video camera he had invented.

To be clear, an earlier film titled The Horse In Motion was created in 1878—a full 10 years before Louis Le Prince made his movie. However, The Horse In Motion is not considered a real film because it was produced with several photo cameras timed to shoot as a horse galloped past. The photographs were later blended into a single video.[8]

2 The First Psychiatric Hospitals Were Private Businesses

Early psychiatric hospitals were called lunatic asylums. They were private for-profit businesses run by cruel entrepreneurs who were more interested in profits than the health of their patients. The patients were treated with disdain and kept in terrible conditions that rivaled prisons.

Before the first lunatic asylums appeared, mad people were often kept in homes where their conditions were managed by their relatives. However, this was no easy task. Many families experienced some relief when the first private for-profit lunatic asylums sprang up in the 1600s.

The operators of these asylums used crude methods on their patients. They held them down with irons and applied the same brutal methods used on stubborn horses to keep their patients under control. Several churches operated more decent, nonprofit lunatic asylums. But they could not take enough patients. So most families just sent their mentally deranged relatives to these for-profit lunatic asylums.

These facilities went into decline when more decent lunatic asylums started to appear in the 1790s. The for-profits finally went out of business when the government started to build lunatic asylums in the 1800s. These places were later renamed psychiatric hospitals.[9]

1 Priests And Medicine Men Were The First Barbers

Barbering dates to over 6,000 years ago when priests and medicine men started the side job of cutting hair. At the time, people believed that spirits could enter the body through the head. So getting a haircut was considered a religious rite.

People often let their hair grow long enough to allow the good spirits in. Then they held elaborate religious ceremonies where the hair was cut to lock the good spirits in and keep the bad ones out. The superstition seemed to have died off during the ancient Egyptian Empire when people regularly shaved their heads to keep clean because they sweated a lot.[10]

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10 Surprisingly Lucrative Illegal Trades Thu, 20 Jul 2023 14:24:48 +0000

It’s no secret that illegal business is big business. The illegal drug trade alone qualifies as its own very large sector of the overall black market economy, accounting for 600 billion US dollars in profit annually—roughly 70 percent of the revenue of all criminal organizations in the world. In addition, about 1.5 TRILLION dollars in drug money are laundered through legitimate businesses each year—about 5 percent of global domestic product. If five percent seems small, keep in mind that we’re talking about all of the money produced by the world annually, which is nothing to sneeze at.

Within the other shady areas of global criminal enterprise, you’ll find some very odd black markets—some that you may have thought were urban myth, many involving perfectly legal commodities, and all generating an absurd amount of cash for the crooks involved. Here are ten of the oddest.


Many species of wildlife are subject to poaching and illegal trafficking, but primates—particularly chimpanzees and orangutans—are among the most heavily poached, for a number of reasons. Not only are they actually sold for consumption in some countries (yes, people eat them), they are often used in biomedical research as test subjects, and also sold as pets and to the entertainment industry. While thousands of primates are shipped to the States legally every year—mostly for research purposes, which we still think is pretty reprehensible—around 3,000 more apes are poached, and sometimes acquired legally, even if the means by which they were captured is against the law.

The United States is actually one of the few countries where keeping a great ape, one of the larger primates, is legal. Just over 100 are kept as pets in the US In Indonesia, where a lot of the poaching takes place, laws for possession amount to a slap on the wrist, usually with the animal simply being taken away.

Which is part of the problem—according to a recent United Nations report, over 22,000 apes have been lost from either poaching or poaching-related death since 2005. During that time, a whopping 27 related arrests were made in Africa and Asia—and less than a quarter of them were prosecuted. No wonder ape poaching is a gigantic share of the 10 billion dollar per year illegal wildlife trade.


While the legitimate timber industry has long struggled to mitigate its acknowledged potential damage to the environment, the illegal version of said industry has become an incredibly widespread problem. The United States alone reports 1 billion dollars in lost revenue annually from illegal logging; in countries like Brazil and Peru, it’s estimated that somewhere in the neighborhood of 80% of all logging activity is illegal; and worldwide economic losses probably top 10 billion dollars per year—and that’s just the monetary impact.

Obviously, illegal logging operations aren’t subject to government controls and regulations meant to protect the environment and minimize damage to areas that are in need of protection. Clear-cutting is one of the primary causes of global climate change, and some recent studies suggest the very real possibility that all rainforest wildlife could be endangered within the next hundred years by the one-two punch of illegal logging and global warming. And in an incredibly alarming development, traffickers in illegal lumber are actually starting to emulate—and, in some cases, team up with—traffickers in illegal drugs. If you’re picturing cocaine being smuggled inside trees—that’s exactly right.

Illegal logging constitutes about 30% of the global timber trade, and nets the criminal enterprises involved roughly 10-15 billion dollars annually.


If this sounds a little far-fetched, or like something out of a horror movie, you may be surprised to know that the trade in human organs is quite real—and very big business.

The vast majority of illegally harvested organs are kidneys, as only one is needed to survive. Some desperate “patients” will undergo the illegal operation for as little as $5,000, and equally desperate recipients are known to pay forty or fifty times that much—$200,000 or more. This is prevalent in Middle Eastern and Asian countries, with the Philippines, India and Pakistan having booming markets; China actually sells the organs of executed prisoners, the only country in the world to do so. 4,500 executions take place per year in China, and some experts argue that they are planned around organ extractions.

And yes—while many people willingly give up organs for cash, many other are scammed or forced into the procedure, or made to undergo unnecessary surgeries during which the organs are extracted without their knowledge. A recent World Health Organization study put the number of illegal operations at around 10,000 annually, which potentially makes this a multi-billion dollar black market industry.

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The trade in python skins is ostensibly very tightly controlled. The animals are dwindling in number, and the demand for their skins—particularly in Europe, where python skin handbags and designer snakeskin shoes are all the rage—has gone through the roof in recent years. Even in California, where the sale of pythons or their parts has been illegal since 1970, snakeskin items can still be bought at some upscale boutiques—some merchants seem to either be fine with ignoring the law, or are actually unaware of it.

Unfortunately, using skins from illegally poached animals translates to a hell of a lot more profit for those in this trade, and this booming criminal enterprise is actually threatening to outgrow the legal market for the skins. While regulations are in place—and would be effective if followed—in most regions where the practice takes place, they simply are not. As silly as it may seem, this may largely be due to the image of snakes as less-than-friendly, not-so-cuddly creatures—but they are still a critical part of their ecosystems, and are being hunted to extinction at the current pace.

Believe it or not, the annual trade in python skins tallies up right around a billion dollars worldwide—half or more of which is illegal, with the criminal enterprises taking up more of that pie every year.

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A fairly recent phenomenon, the sale of human sperm over the Internet has exploded in recent years. And while this may seem fairly innocuous—even helpful, for those having trouble conceiving—at first glance, there are serious complications that lawmakers are having trouble addressing adequately.

Legitimate sperm donors are beholden to strict controls to minimize genetic defects, health problems and the like. The main problem with an individual just selling their sperm directly to another party is the obvious lack of controls—for the vast majority of the “donors”, no medical tests are performed, and the recipients have absolutely no way of knowing what they’re getting. Not to mention the thousands of infectious diseases that can be transmitted through human sperm, which is really the scary part.

While there are laws in place to regulate the sale of sperm or eggs, many of the websites that have popped up have proved very difficult to prosecute—they operate under the guise of being social networking sites, “introductory services” who merely play matchmaker and collect a fee. Worldwide annual profit estimates are hard to come by; one pair of British men were able to sign up 800 women and collect over a quarter-million pounds in a few years with a service of this type.


Abalone are edible sea snails, known as “muttonfish” in Australia and “paua” in New Zealand. They are a delicacy in these regions, as well as in Chile, France and several Asian countries; regulations governing their harvesting are lax or nonexistent practically everywhere except South Africa—which is kind of where the problem lies.

Seafood is a major South African industry, and Abalone is the highest-priced product it produces. In 1995, 615 tons of Abalone were harvested in South Africa; by 2008, it had dropped dramatically to 75 tons, and the South African government ceased abalone fishing that year for fear of completely eradicating the population. The incredible drop in volume over such a short time is attributed almost entirely to illegal harvesting, and the effect of this on the South African economy has been significant.

Populations have dropped similarly, if not quite as dramatically, in Northern California and other abalone-producing regions, where a thriving illegal trade has emerged. Authorities have begun slapping seafood merchants that deal in illegal shellfish with dizzying fines upwards of $40,000, but with poaching being so profitable, it doesn’t look to slow down anytime soon. While there is no hard annual data, red abalone can fetch up to a hundred dollars apiece.

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The gall bladders of black bears, and the bile that can be extracted from them, have been used extensively in Asian medicine for centuries. The bile is a supposed cure for everything, from eye ailments to cancer and AIDS, and we include “supposedly” because it has been definitively proven by medical science to have no medicinal properties whatsoever. In spite of that, the illegal trade in this product continues—and the scope of it is absolutely staggering.

Not only are bears poached en masse for their gall bladders and other parts, many Asian countries operate illegal “bear farms”, which are every bit as horrifying as that sounds. Bears are kept in small stalls, fed irregularly and not allowed to hibernate; they are continually surgically “milked” for the bile for a period of time before being killed to extract the gall bladder.

Despite this deplorable practice being thoroughly illegal, the products themselves are—incredibly—legal in many markets, including the United States; in New York City, it was recently found that 20% of markets that carry Asian products openly sell bile and gall bladders. The annual market in illegal bear parts is an unbelievable 2 billion dollars.


Most of us are aware that caviar is a) expensive and b) fish eggs which wealthy people are inexplicably fond of eating. While the concept of black market caviar might seem a bit silly, there are some pretty serious consequences of the trade—mostly for the worldwide sturgeon population, which has fallen by 90% since the 1970s due to overfishing.

A global ban on wild caviar (as opposed to farmed) in the mid ’00s failed to have the desired effect of protecting the population, and may actually have spurred increased black market activity. In 2006, the Pew Institute for Ocean Science called the sturgeon “the most vulnerable wildlife resource in the world”.

Sadly, sturgeons have been around for 200 million years, outlasting the dinosaurs with whom they once shared the planet, and this phenomenon is a serious threat to their continued existence. The demand for caviar certainly isn’t going anywhere—but with its illegal trade raking in three-quarters of a billion dollars annually, the wild sturgeon might be.

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In many Middle Eastern and East European nations where alcohol is still prohibited or rigidly regulated, markets in bootleg alcohol still flourish. Some of the consequences, as well as some of the means enacted by governments to crack down on the practice, are enough to boggle the minds of those of us who take a glass of wine with dinner or a couple beers with our buddies for granted.

Countries like Iran and Iraq, where booze is straight up illegal, are known to offer up lashes—dozens of them—for alcohol production, along with the standard fines and jail time; in spite of this, the market for bootleg spirits is so strong that bootleggers simply find it to be worth the risk. So strong that Iranian factories that produce rubbing alcohol were actually forced by the government to spike it with a substance that renders it almost too bitter to drink—proving that, yes, people all over the world will take amazing risks just to get drunk.

This is most terrifyingly illustrated in two recent cases of mass deaths cause by bootleg liquor, in the Czech Republic (20 killed, dozens sickened) and India (102 dead). Again, hard data for annual profit is difficult to come by due to poor reporting in these countries—but consider that the US State of Virginia, where alcohol is perfectly legal, reports annual losses of up to 20 million dollars due to whiskey smuggling, the tip of a tremendous iceberg.

Human trafficking is second only to the illegal drug trade in terms of global annual profit. Nearly three-quarters of this trade is for the purpose you might expect (sex), and much of the rest supplies slave labor—but the splintered markets in black market adoptions are becoming a serious factor as well. In addition to the non-licensed adoption agencies one would expect, there have been cases where legitimately adopted children were simply sold for a profit by their adoptive parents.

These markets are generally not associated with each other, but are isolated and opportunistic—as in the case of southern Brazil, where the large population of blue-eyed, blond haired descendants of German immigrants is mined to satisfy the demand for such babies among Westerners. Russia and other Eastern European countries have also seen markets spring up for this same purpose, while China simply has a surplus of girls for cultural and political reasons.

While seemingly well-meaning, these types of black markets can also contribute to the coffers of criminal organizations that engage in all manner of illegal activities. And while the newborn industry is only a piece of the human-trafficking pie—that’s a 32 billion dollar pie we’re talking about.

Mike Floorwalker obsessively lists things here and on his blog, and occasionally tweets random inanities.

Mike Floorwalker

Mike Floorwalker”s actual name is Jason, and he lives in the Parker, Colorado area with his wife Stacey. He enjoys loud rock music, cooking and making lists.

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