Archaeology reads like a book. Some chapters are mysterious, and others are littered with bodies from past calamities. But some stories are…
The dictionary defines a nomad as “a member of a people having no permanent abode, and who travel from place to place…
Animal behavior is a classic example of a topic most of us believe to be more knowledgeable about than we really are.…
It’s often been said that songs are largely driven by emotion rather than meaning or complexity of the music. This certainly would…
Top 10 Football Stadiums with Bizarre and Fascinating Architecture
by Brian Seppby Brian SeppThe Ancient Greeks are credited with inventing sports stadiums for their Olympic and Panhellenic athletic contests. The word stadium itself is of…
Misquotations are numerous, prevalent, and seemingly, inevitable. Hamlet’s “Alas, poor Yorick. I knew him, Horatio” (5.1.190-1) is frequently misquoted as “Alas, poor…
In the Marvel universe there’s something called the “strength scale”, against which all heroes are measured and ranked in terms of their “raw…
Treats can be a nice surprise, but you never want a surprise in your treat. From razor blades to nails, from mice…
Bollywood is noted for hero worshiping where heroines either play the stereotyped love interest. arm candy, adding mere glamour, singing and dancing…
Imagine being either chosen or bestowed the mantle of leadership over a nation, kingdom or empire. You would be excited and happy…