The ancient world gave mankind some of its most brilliant thinkers and philosophers. From Socrates and Aristotle to Master Kung-sun Lung, they…
We all know about the fundamental problems faced in the ancient past. People had too little food, too much disease, shabby clothes,…
If you’ve ever been to college, you’ll be familiar with those three magic words: “Don’t reference Wikipedia”. Yet in spite of its…
We probably do not think much about fonts. Most of us can’t recognize the majority of them, let alone name them. However,…
Everyone is excited about the possibility of a manned mission to Mars. There is even speculation that the first humans will land…
Dedicated to probing the unknown, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has designed its fair share of unusual studies. Tasked with…
Math is, understandably, a complicated subject to get a hang of. Most of us are simply not wired to do anything with…
Many people believe high-tech problems require high-tech solutions. It’s not quite so. Complex technologies sometimes require simple, low-tech solutions that may cost…
Life in the wild is full of amazing adaptations and deadly dangers. While many know some of these common adaptations, from camouflage…