Humans share the Earth with a plethora of different bacteria, distant relatives of ours who inhabit a variety of different environments and…
When you think of a wedding no doubt chandeliers, fairy lights, romantic décor, flowers and dancing come to mind. Huge sums of…
Top 10 Creepiest Places On Earth (That You Probably Don’t Know)
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasThere’s some place in every neighbourhood that holds a creepy sway over the people there—a park, an abandoned house, a railway bridge…
It’s hard to imagine that even today, there are still places on Earth that largely remain unexplored and uninhabited. These last frontiers…
It seems that in every corner of the world, there are not only spectacular travel destinations to be found, but also paths…
We have completely transformed our world through the immense amount of buildings we have constructed, leaving only a few places untouched by…
There are strange puzzles and happenings in every corner of the planet. With the greatest minds and scientific tools that the 21st century has…
Stephen King has created eerie fictional towns for the state of Maine to co-exist along some real ones for his treasure-trove of…
10 Surprising Places You Will Find Rube Goldberg Machines
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasMost of us try to accomplish necessary life tasks in the easiest way possible. Rube Goldberg, however, entertained the world by drawing…
What makes a nation? Over the years, sovereign states have taken many forms and enjoyed widely disparate levels of international recognition. Some…