The Covid-19 pandemic is changing the world in unexpected and unprecedented ways, going well beyond wild animals reclaiming urban spaces and amateur…
I work at a value hotel in the part of the world that serves the Ark, the Creation Museum, the Cincinnati Reds,…
It is no news that most governments are struggling to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. Things are no different with terrorists, who are…
It is a matter of when, not if, we will see another global outbreak of a deadly disease. Public health officials say…
Top 10 Images That Show The Positive Side Of The Coronavirus Pandemic
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasEfforts to slow the impact of the coronavirus have been compared to rations and restrictions WWII-style and people are getting more anxious…
Spanish flu, the deadliest pandemic of the 20th century, struck the world in a series of waves, and left between 50 and…