When most people think of strange medical conditions, what comes to mind is Tourette’s syndrome or albinism. But the world of ailments…
Many people already have a healthy fear of going to the doctor. Unfortunately, that fear may be well-founded, especially when you consider…
Medicine has changed a lot over the years, but you’d be surprised at the unconventional nature of some of the medical procedures…
For most of us, getting an X-ray, ultrasound, angiogram, CT, or MRI means walking into a windowless room that has more in…
People who lived in the past had some pretty crazy ideas about the world. There was a time when no one was…
The medical world evolves almost daily. New vaccines and treatments are developed at an unbelievable rate, and millions have been successfully treated…
Most of the treatments on this list are prescribed by proponents of so-called “natural medicine.” However, more often than not, they are…
Ancient cultures have been practicing healing arts for as long as we have written historical records. Many of these practices eventually led…
The history of medicine has not unfurled gradually. Instead, it is made up of moments—points in time when someone did something really…
In high school, many young people are simply trying to adjust to teenage life as they deal with the awkwardness of their…