The creator of the Incredible Hulk, Jack Kirby, claims that the character was inspired by a mother lifting up a car in…
Everyone wants to achieve their goals, everyone wants to taste success but are you on the right path for your goals? Success…
For as long as humanity has existed, we have thought about the future. It’s inevitable to wonder why we’re all here and…
A cognitive bias is essentially just a mistake in how you process information. It causes you to misinterpret or misunderstand information and…
Two-hundred years ago the average human life was short, brutal, and lasted for just 37 years. In developed countries the standard of…
Along with turning water into wine, Jesus was also said to have the power to cast out demons. That means exorcisms have…
Carl Sagan once said “somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” It’s that desire to know what is not already known…
Everything comes from somewhere. It’s a statement so preposterously obvious it’s rarely worth even making. And yet the implications of it are…