Funerals are a way for us to find closure for ourselves and to show our love for the departed one last time.…
The natural world is full of reminders of how inferior we are as a species. Not only do we lack (or rely…
We’ve always heard great things about vegetables. They tend to be low in fat and calories and high in dietary fiber and…
Nature is a funny thing, in that it can provide for us just as easily as it can lead to our destruction.…
10 Bizarre Reported Encounters Between Extraterrestrials and Humans
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasWith UFOs now part of the mainstream news cycle, it’s time to get acquainted with the pilots — according to the ten…
It seems that every day, there’s an article online about a species that humans have driven to extinction. It’s a sad fact…
Readers – the end is nigh. Any day of the week there always seems to be some terminal apocalypse just around the…
Once upon a time, there were nine human species. They did not eat bananas all day. Prehistoric hominids have displayed moments of…
Mankind has been fascinated by the idea of building something in our own image for centuries. Technology is only just catching up…
Science fiction has a curious way of being prophetic. We can only hope that stories like The Matrix, Terminator, I, Robot and…