An intriguing aspect of history concerns hidden features. Some were secret on purpose, while others were buried over time and forgotten. Concealed…
Humans are social animals, and one of the ways we bond with each other is by playing games. When an adult plays…
Everyone craves excitement. Some people find their thrills in little things like having a second glass of wine. Other people get their…
At its heart, forgery is the misrepresentation of one item for something of higher value. Although many people are impressed by great…
It is fair to say that many people are feeling isolated at the moment. Even though maintaining your distance is the best…
For all the marvels of the modern world, there’s something to be said for things that were created in the distant past…
Top 10 Everyday Objects That Have Drastically Changed Through History
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasThe quality of life that modern society has become accustomed to is dependent on various products and utilities. People tend to take…
For most, history class in grade school was a dry, tedious affair. Memorize names, memorize dates, repeat. But as any veteran reader…
It is widely accepted that “Rocket 88” by Jackie Brenston And His Delta Cats was the first ever rock ‘n’ roll song.…
In today’s society, fortune-telling typically involves tarot cards, palm reading, and horoscopes. These modern practices are tame compared to what went on…