Happy – Listorati https://listorati.com Fascinating facts and lists, bizarre, wonderful, and fun Mon, 24 Jun 2024 09:09:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://listorati.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/listorati-512x512-1.png Happy – Listorati https://listorati.com 32 32 215494684 Happy Thanksgiving https://listorati.com/happy-thanksgiving/ https://listorati.com/happy-thanksgiving/#respond Mon, 24 Jun 2024 07:49:01 +0000 https://listorati.com/happy-thanksgiving-from-listverse-listverse/

I am a New Zealander and we don’t celebrate thanksgiving here, but most of our audience is in the United States and I feel a very kindred connection to you all.

These last few years has been very difficult for me with the deaths of some very important people and the flow on from that. You have all been incredible in welcoming me back this year. In 2019, the thing I am most thankful for is you: the readers readers.

So, thank you for making a very difficult time a little easier for me. I hope you have the happiest of Thanksgivings. You have all of my most heartfelt and genuine best wishes.

—Jamie Frater (Chief editor)

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10 People Who Live Happy but Bizarre Lifestyles https://listorati.com/10-people-who-live-happy-but-bizarre-lifestyles/ https://listorati.com/10-people-who-live-happy-but-bizarre-lifestyles/#respond Fri, 24 Mar 2023 02:04:46 +0000 https://listorati.com/10-people-who-live-happy-but-bizarre-lifestyles/

It’s often not easy to understand people who live a different lifestyle than yours. Something as simple as dipping a limp french fry into a chocolate milkshake can make some people (such as myself) cringe as they watch others enjoy it. At some point in their lives, people develop biases and ideas about what is good for them and what’s not, and a lot of times, these perspectives will differ from your own.

But what about those extreme examples? Some people live their lives in ways that most of us could never picture as enjoyable or even sustainable in the simplest of ways. Contradicting all norms of life, these individuals go against the grain and still live successful and productive lives. So with no judgment, here are 10 people who live happy but out-of-the-norm lives.

Related: 10 Weird But Fascinating Problems Faced By Ancient People

10 The Man Who Never Bathes

For most people, a nice hot shower is a perfect way to unwind and relax after a long day of work. Whether your job is in an office or outside in the elements, it’s always a nice feeling to scrub off that layer of dirt before enjoying your next show on Netflix. However, imagine you couldn’t bathe at all. Better yet, imagine you hadn’t taken a shower for over 60 years! I bet your skin is itching just thinking about it.

Well, that’s the case for 87-year-old Amou Haji. Deemed “the world’s dirtiest man,” Haji hasn’t bathed in 67 years. Haji spends his days isolated in an Iranian village in Kermanshah province, where locals are familiar with him and his behavior. According to MSN News, Haji doesn’t bathe because he fears water will bring him sickness. In addition to some other quirks, Haji occasionally burns his hair to trim it and smokes interesting cigarettes, sometimes containing animal dung. Nevertheless, it’s safe to assume that Haji is perfectly fine with his current lifestyle.[1]

9 The Man Who Never Sleeps

We’ve all had those nights where we stared at the ceiling wishing ourselves to sleep as the time to get up for work slowly approached. It always seems like you manage to get back to sleep just 20 mins before your alarm begins blaring. The following day, you feel like crap as you drag yourself along through your responsibilities. Imagine how you would feel if you never got a wink of sleep for more than 48 years.

Thai Ngoc, an 80-year-old farmer, hasn’t gotten a minute of sleep in over 48 years. According to sources, Ngoc can complete his work on the farm daily without being groggy. The lack of sleep helps him complete tasks around the farm easier than the average man since he doesn’t need to rest. Thai lives a normal life with minimal health issues despite his extreme case of insomnia.[2]

8 The Woman Who Doesn’t Drink Water

Have you ever gone an entire day without drinking a glass of water? Or how about those early mornings after a long night of drinking, which produces a monstrous headache and a dry, sticky tongue. These two examples of minor dehydration are just common occurrences for most of us. But what if we took it a step further and witnessed someone who doesn’t drink water at all because of the taste?

There’s nothing better than a full bottle of chilled water after an extreme workout. The rush of cool liquid is an instant reward after pushing yourself to the limit. However, this isn’t the case for Lori Cheek, a woman who “despises” the taste of water. No, Lori would rather take a hot coffee into her workout instead of water because she describes water as “slimy nothing.” Lori has managed to live a fulfilling lifestyle, despite her lack of proper hydration. Lori tries to get water in other ways, such as putting Crystal Light into a water bottle. She may not choose it, but nothing beats a plain-ole bottle of water. Am I right?[3]

7 Breatharians

Okay, I want you to stop what you’re doing for a brief moment and take a deep breath. When I say a deep breather, I mean a really deep breath. The kind that forces your belly to stretch out as far as possible. Okay, did you do it? It felt good, didn’t it? Did it feel good enough for you to live off that same deep breath alone for the majority of your life? You’re probably saying to yourself, “No, it didn’t feel that good!”

Well, believe it or not, there are people out there who live this way.

Breatharians are people who live off the nutrients and energy that the world provides them. They still consume food and water, but only in very small portions and usually weeks to months apart. One married couple has managed to live a healthy breatharian lifestyle for years and has even had two healthy children while enjoying this lifestyle.

Husband and wife Akahi Ricardo and Camila Castello have successfully taken on the Breatharian lifestyle and are raising two healthy children as Breatharians as well. They believe that the only thing humans need to live healthy lives is the energy from the universe.[4]

6 Supersize Me

Big Macs are the staple of McDonald’s cuisine. I know, I shouldn’t use the words “cuisine” and “McDonalds” in the same sentence, but I couldn’t help myself. Nevertheless, Big Macs are some of the most popular burgers on the McDonald’s menu, and for a good reason. The succulent patties, sweet sesame seed bun, and tangy sauce create a blast of flavor for many to enjoy. Perfect for the occasional “cheat day.” Most of us couldn’t fathom eating big macs regularly. But one man has taken it to the extreme and has eaten Big Macs every day since 1972.

Donald Gorske has eaten 2 Big Macs a day for 50 years and has claimed the world record for most Big Macs eaten. Despite the number of burgers Gorske has consumed, he is still relatively healthy—thanks to his six-mile walks around his neighborhood and the exclusion of fries from his order. At 190 pounds, Gorske believes that the Big Mac is the reason for his healthy weight.[5]

5 The Man Who Only Eats Raw Meat

People have specific preferences for the way they prepare and eat meat. Some people like it medium-rare, while others want a well-done steak. But, there’s a guy who likes his meat completely raw.

Derek Nance, a 35-year-old carnivore, has eaten nothing but raw meat for over 10 years. Nance believes that his extreme carnivorous diet is the reason for his good health and lack of allergies. Nance prepares his own meat in his backyard, and he uses every bit of what he butchers. At times, Nance will even gather small pieces of meat, throw them into a blender, and make what he calls an “intestine smoothie.” Bon-appetit![6]

4 Off the Grid

Where’s your phone right now? The majority of you know exactly where it is. Others have hopped up in a panic, looking around the room searching for it. Don’t worry, this article isn’t going anywhere, so take your time. Anyway, our phones are almost like an extension of ourselves. We always have to have it with us, and it has been that way for years since we have become so accustomed to it. How freeing would it be to be able to leave your phone, and the rest of technology for that matter, and escape the normal consumerism of society.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, you should pack your bags and move to a place called Somerset. Somerset is a tight-knit community of individuals who choose to live off the grid. Their only source of energy comes from a few solar panels, and they do everything on their own. To some, this may sound like a daunting lifestyle, but the individuals in Somerset are happy to be away from the “rat race” of everyday life. It takes two hours to heat bathwater, and they wash all their clothes using old-school tools, but the families in Somerset wouldn’t have it any other way.[7]

3 The Man Who Lives Like A Dog

Escapism is important for everyone. We all should have an activity that allows up to take a break from the everyday monotony of life. For some, it may be a good book or an hour-long session of playing video games. Some even enjoy getting into a suit as they pretend to be a dog. Yeah, you read that right.

Tom, who calls himself “The Human Puppy,” likes to dress up as a dog from time to time. Tom, who goes by “Spot” when he is in puppy form, has a specific skin-tight dalmatian suit he puts on from time to time. In puppy form, Tom crawls on all fours, eats out of a dog bowl, and sleeps in a spacious doggy crate. Tom says that his puppy side is the center of attention, and he gains confidence when he puts the suit on. [8]

2 The Man Who Lives With Wolves

Wolves are ferocious creatures. They hunt in packs and use their keen senses to take down most prey. There are always pack leaders (one male and one female) in the wolf community. Usually, the pack leader is the most dominant male and female wolf. With that said, there’s one man who has managed to infiltrate the wolf hierarchy and present himself as the alpha dog to the rest.

Shaun Ellis, author and wolf researcher, takes in wolves that are abandoned at birth and teaches them how to survive in the wild. Ellis hunts like a wolf, eats like a wolf, and even howls like one. Ellis believes that he and the wolves share a common language, and this is the reason why he can lead in the way that he does. At times, Ellis has to assert dominance by showing his teeth and growling at the wolves who need a reminder of who the alpha dog is. [1]

1 Extreme Cheapskate

Many of us do what we can to save money. There are some things that we are willing to spend a pretty penny on, but that may only be for things we want. Typically, we’re more frugal about the other things we don’t care about as much. Kate Hashimoto, self-proclaimed “cheapskate,” chooses to be frugal about every purchase she makes.

Kate lives in New York City, but she manages to save money in a lot of different ways. Kate doesn’t believe in buying clothes or furniture. Her entire house is furnished with items that she found on the streets and in the garbage. She doesn’t believe in buying things that will be thrown away, so she doesn’t buy or use toilet paper. No, Kate chooses to use water and soap each time she uses the restroom, and she even saves the paper towels she uses in public restrooms. Kate is happy with her financial and lifestyle choices so much that she can’t fathom the amount of money people spend on the most wasteful things.[10]

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10 Most Nostalgic McDonalds Happy Meal Toys https://listorati.com/10-most-nostalgic-mcdonalds-happy-meal-toys/ https://listorati.com/10-most-nostalgic-mcdonalds-happy-meal-toys/#respond Wed, 15 Feb 2023 20:58:41 +0000 https://listorati.com/10-most-nostalgic-mcdonalds-happy-meal-toys/

If there were something kids in the 1970s through to the early 2000s looked forward to, it was the trip to McDonald’s for a Happy Meal. The scent of the paper wrappers, the conversations, the laughter…

Beyond stuffing ourselves with gloriously greasy chicken nuggets and piping hot fries—without worrying about calories—we looked forward to what cool trinket we’d find inside the cheerful red and yellow box.

Are you smiling yet? Come relive those memories with us as we explore 10 of the most nostalgic McDonald’s Happy Meal toys ever.

10 Grimace, Hamburglar, & Birdie (1979)

Yes, we know, Ronald McDonald always looked like something from a creepy movie, and that cup on his nose… We were definitely relieved when McDonald’s introduced Grimace, the affable monster, Hamburglar, the burger hoarder, and Birdie, the girly early bird, to take the edge off.

The three popular figurines released in 1979 have made a nostalgic comeback targeting adults in 2022 through a limited edition collaboration with Cactus Plant Flea Market. The Adult Happy Meal (aimed at the ’70s and ’80s, well, and maybe ’90s kids) will also include a new figure-Cactus Buddy.

There is an unmistakable twist to these figurines, though. They now spot two sets of eyes, which is creepy, but nothing new if you’re familiar with McDonald’s Happy Meals. Fans who are eager to relive their childhood have come out in droves to snag these meal boxes before it’s too late.

We’re never too old to enjoy a Happy Meal, especially if it includes some of our beloved but mostly forgotten character toys.

9 Hot Wheels (1983)

Back in the day, toy cars were a favorite. We raced them at home, in the car, and just about every place our parents took us. So you can imagine how awesome it felt getting a brand-new toy car for free, along with a delightful lunch.

McDonald’s partnered with Mattel to offer a collection of 14 quality metal cars in different colors and shapes. You could find ambulances, police cars, and race cars to keep you on the fast lane at the restaurant or in your car as you left the drive-thru.

In later years, McDonald’s conjured their own car designs and distributed those instead. These cars were made of cheaper plastic bodies but were cool nonetheless.

If you remember, Happy Meal toys depended on whether you requested “boy” or “girl” toys. The boys got the Hot Wheels cars meal box, while the girls received the Barbie doll meal box. Of course, that has changed now, and kids can choose whatever toy they like.

8 Ghostbusters (1984)

If there’s something strange in your neighborhood… who you gonna call? Who can forget that catchy Ghostbusters theme song? And to imagine that your next meal included all the RGB TV show characters was blissful.

Behold, Staypuft the sharpener, Slimer pencil topper, Ghostbusters pencil, a ghost-shaped notepad, and pencil pouch were just one part. The boxes contained a bonanza of fun-filled games and activities to fill your day.

My favorite Happy Meal Box had an “Ecto’s Defectos” puzzle on one side, and I needed to name everything wrong with Ecto-1. I’m certain we mostly thought about the ghost settled in the driver’s seat, yet the car also had a flat tire, broken light, and a missing door. No, I didn’t forget the busted bumper.

On the other side of the box, the “Bedtime Surprise” activity was the quickest ever. All you needed to do was match the ghosts (all set to surprise our friends) to their slime trails.

The “Total Confusion” puzzle had these distinct-looking but weirdly shaped ghosts trapped in an Ecto-Containment Unit. Your job was to count them, and if you found all 13, hurray.

Last was the Ghostbusted jigsaw puzzle, where Slimer, unfortunately, broke into little pieces thanks to Egon’s ghost net. Reassembling Slimer meant popping out all his parts which caused major damage to your box, but it was worth it.

Other boxes had different activities to keep you delighted as you dug into your deliciously greasy fries.

7 Transformers/My Little Pony (1985)

So back then, a perfect Happy Meal allowed boys to add a Transformer character to their collection while girls could show off their My Little Pony Charms.

Transformers figurines included Cliffjumper, my favorite Bumblebee, Brawn, and Gears, while Blossom, Butterscotch, the all-too-cute Snuzzle, Minty, purple-haired Blue Belle, and Cotton Candy completed the My Little Pony Charms set. The toys were so popular that they spawned addictive animated series and movies.

Moving into 1996, McDonald’s added five different toys to their Transformers Happy Meal line to aggrandize the Beast Wars cartoon. These characters comprised Beetle, MantaRay, Rhino, Panther, and an under-3 toy.

The franchise distributed two meal cardboard boxes—one featured punch-out cards of Optimus Prime and other heroes, while the other box had punch-outs of Megatron and his villain partners.

My Little Pony’s ’97 collection had kids wowed with turnable heads, brushable tails, and intricate decals. While girls mostly clipped the original toys to their back pockets, the design evolved beautifully to make them even more playable toys.

6 Changeables (1987)

With the Transformer toys being such a hit among kids, McDonald’s decided to create its own version: the Changeables.

So what typically passed for an ice cream cone, fries, burgers, Egg McMuffin, Chicken McNuggets, and hotcakes were robots, dinosaurs, and many other creatures. You just needed to unfold these food items, and voila! You’d be off to whatever world-changing rescue mission you imagined.

The ’87 wave of Changeables didn’t have much of a story going, save for a couple of jokes on the box, but McDonald’s did come up with lore in ’89.

The Munchoids (food thieves) were intent on stealing every Happy Meal from Earth. It became the Changeables’ mission to stop them. So, Fry, the robot, had this idea where the Changeables would shrink down to cross the galaxy and arrive on Earth, where they would duplicate themselves so every kid would have one.

And they did just that.

5 Fraggle Rock Toys (1988)

Muppets aside, the Fraggle Rock series was a winner. For an early ’80s musical fantasy show, it was artistic, silly, downright raucous, and appealed to all ages.

McDonald’s saw the opportunity and jumped right in. This particular meal box contained one of four characters: Gobo in an orange carrot car, Mokey doing her thing in a purple eggplant car, Red in a red radish car (red has always been a thing), and the duo Wembley and Boober in a shared green cucumber car. Weird how Boober was facing the wrong way. He probably lost the toss and was mad about it.

With choking possibilities, kids under 3 received Gobo holding a carrot or Red with a radish in his hand.

I always wondered why the Fraggles drove veggie cars. Perhaps, they were trying to inspire us to eat our vegetables. Or were they predicting a future where we would replace our gasoline-powered cars with eco-friendly vegetable-powered ones…?

4 Super Mario Bros. (1990)

By now, the ’70s and ’80s kids were older, Nintendo video games were the thing, and we were gobbling up every available game, including Super Mario Bros. 3.

We weren’t even done talking about the Super Mario Bros. 3 game when McDonald’s introduced its characters. Our interest in getting these toys was beyond casual; it was absolute—like we had to get those characters.

The original set comprised four characters, well, five if you count the stoic Racoon Mario designed purely for younger kids. Jumping Mario had this spring-loaded doohickey that let him fly while Luigi held on to a starman as he sat on his pull-back cloud car. A bouncing Koopa Paratroopa and somersaulting Little Goomba rounded things off.

We all had a favorite figure, but there really wasn’t a bad one. You just needed to figure out how to work them into your action figure adventures without them jumping off and away.

3 Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (1995)

McDonald’s has never shied from partnering with popular TV shows or movies, so it was an absolute thrill when they released MMPR Happy Meal toys just as the MMPR movie premiered.

Lunch or dinner now included cool Power Ranger devices like the “Power Siren” and “Alien Detectors.” You could also chance upon the “Power Com,” or if you were lucky, the “PowerMorpher Buckle.”

The actual Power Ranger figurines, complete with Zord merch, were available at McDonald’s, but you purchased them separately. These figurines were pretty well made (even by today’s standards) and resembled their TV counterparts. The perfect collection for kids in the ‘90s.

2 Teenie Beanie Babies (1997)

We remember the Beanie Babies craze more than we do the toys. Or maybe we remember everything and still have our favorite collection tucked somewhere in the back of the closet or the attic.

Those squishy, cuddly, irresistibly adorable bean-filled toys had kids, parents, and grandparents clamoring for one or all of them. It was so bad that fights even broke out at multiple McDonald’s locations.

McDonald’s partnership with Ty Inc. was such that new beanies would be introduced yearly at the former’s locations until 2000.

The 1997 set contained 10 Beanies that included Patti platypus, Chops the lamb (I doubt that name would fly today), Pinky flamingo, Chocolate moose, Snort the bull, Goldie goldfish, Seamore the seal, Speedy turtle, Quacks the duck, and Lizz lizard.

While we all had our favorites, popular Beanies in the 1998 set included Doby dog, Inch Worm, Pinchers Lobster, and Bongo monkey. And 1999 saw Freckles the leopard warm our hearts along with Chip the cat, Strut Rooster, and Nuts squirrel.

If you were still interested in Happy Meal Beanies, you found that the critters were now grouped as “Pet Pals,” “Garden Bunch,” “At the Zoo,” and “Under the Sea.” And let’s not forget Libearty Bear.

So even though the internet screams about the “worthlessness” of these pocket-sized Beanie babies today, we know that they hold an invaluable spot in our hearts.

1 Mini Furbies (1999)

Furby toys were an overnight sensation in the ‘90s, and McDonald’s jumped on the bandwagon by creating Mini Furbies for their Happy Meals.

McDonald’s tweaked the original toys’ design, so their eyes didn’t stare at you creepily. Yup, Mini Furbies blinked and could move their ears. Still, their eyes were gigantically creepy (there’s no moving away from that), and their ears remained batlike. At least the Mini Furbies didn’t talk to you in the middle of the night (unlike their larger cousins), or you would have blasted through the walls in fright.

Perhaps the “horror feel” they inspired in us drew us to them… I wonder if they have been spying on us all this time and will wake up one day and take over the world…

Anyway, the 1999 figures were 80 in total. So if you were a die-hard fan, you probably went in search of all eight series that contained ten mini Furbies each.

In 2000, McDonald’s introduced 12 mini Furby stuffed keychains based on the 1998 Furby toys. Okay, so maybe these didn’t look too shabby, and they had names too if you can recall—Diamondback Snake, Elephant, Cow, Lamb, Giraffe, Tiger, Fox, Raccoon, Monkey, Owl, Tree Frog, and Dinosaur.

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