Just because a band or artist doesn’t actually exist in real life doesn’t mean they can’t make great music. Films are full…
Pope Alexander VI is often considered the most evil man ever to hold the papal office. He fathered seven children, helped his…
10 Book Characters Who Were Miscast in the Adaptation but Still Great
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasCasting is among the most scrutinized aspects of adapting books. Authors often provide vivid descriptions of their characters. Weight, height, age, and…
Louis XVI (1754–1793) is generally known mainly as the French king who was guillotined when his country fell into chaos during the…
These days, much of the history of the Americas before Europeans arrived has been lost or forgotten. This is a shame because…
Great and powerful families have ruled over countless lives since the first civilization was born. There are empires that have stretched across…
Though their skills and ingenuity are often underrated by more modern minds, our ancient forebears were quite adept at construction, building structures…
We write history as a battle between heroes and monsters. But even the darkest shade of black retains a glimmer of light.…
The great white shark is a powerful beast. Even so, it has its fair share of enemies and freak accidents. Humans remain…
Great Britain’s rich and colorful history has been a host to some of the best-known mysteries across the world. Just looking at…