Granted – Listorati Fascinating facts and lists, bizarre, wonderful, and fun Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:55:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Granted – Listorati 32 32 215494684 10 Life Forms That Lack Abilities You Take for Granted Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:55:29 +0000

We come to expect some things as par for the course in the world. The sun rises in the east, tacos are delicious, roosters crow, and so on. But just because you expect a thing and have even grown used to a thing based on past experience doesn’t necessarily mean that’s how it always is. It may not even be that way at all, you just have a misunderstanding of the facts, like back when people thought the sun revolved around the Earth.  

Many things in the natural world are not always the way we think they are. Nature is nothing if not surprising. So with that in mind, let’s look at some life forms that may not work the way you expect.

10. The T. Rex Lacked the Ability to Roar

Do you remember the end of the first Jurassic Park, when the T. rex somehow stealths its way into the visitor’s center, takes on the velociraptors, and enables our heroes to escape before letting out a mighty roar? Most of us can probably pick that sound effect out of a crowd at this point. And that speaks to the power of sound in movies, and Steven Spielberg’s vision. It’s also very ironic because, as far as the evidence shows, the T. rex could not roar at all. 

It’s hard to piece together the anatomy and real-life characteristics of dinosaurs based on fossils, but we’ve been doing this for a long time. While it’s also speculative, based on the science at hand, it’s unlikely a dinosaur like a T. rex had a larynx. That means it’s unlikely it could vocalize like any mammal that exists today, such as bears and lions and others we associate with roaring.

Birds, however, have something called a syrinx, and that allows vocalizations. It’s more likely a dinosaur could have something like that to allow for bird-like chirps, but even then, that may have been from the order of smaller, arboreal dinosaurs that evolved into modern birds.

Still, the T. rex could have made sounds, but they may have been more in line with more modern reptiles. Think the hissing that can be done by snakes and crocodiles, or even humming and drumming sounds. While they weren’t likely to be 100% silent, they were probably nowhere near as vocal as the movies make them seem.

9. Cheetahs Aren’t Big Cats Because They Can’t Roar

Speaking of roaring, in the modern world, a roar is a defining characteristic of what we consider a big cat. Obviously, a lion can roar, and tigers can do that, too. Jaguars and leopards also have that trait, so if you ever hear that coming from the woods at night, maybe stay indoors. But don’t think you’re always safe if you don’t hear it. 

Aside from roaring cats, there are purring cats and while that may sound like your cute kitty at home, there are other cats in the same group that are bigger than seems entirely normal. The cheetah, for instance. It can’t roar, and is therefore not a “big” cat in that sense of the word. It lacks a ligament in its larynx that allows the other big cats to make big noise.

Despite the fact a cheetah can weigh up to 140 pounds and run at over 60 miles-per-hour, it’s not a big cat. They’re actually in a weird family all their own called Acinonyx. They’re the only cats with only semi-retractable claws instead of fully retractable ones, too.

8. Earthworms Can’t Drown Very Easily

How many times have you gone outside after the rain and seen the sidewalk covered in earthworms, all pale and damp? If you’re like most people, you assumed, or even learned, that this is because they were escaping the rain so they don’t drown. After all, their little worm holes have to be full of water, right? Not so fast.

Earthworms breathe through their skin and can survive, fully immersed in water, for days. They need dampness to breathe properly. So the rain can’t drown them at all. Instead, it’s believed worms surface because it allows them to get where they’re going faster.

Because they need moisture to survive, burrowing in dry soil is actually a slow process for a worm. But in the rain, they can come up, stay as moist as they like, and likely move places much faster. It’s a convenience thing.

A second possibility is that rain confuses worms who may think the patter of drops is a predator, so they’re just heading up to escape. Either way, though, they’re not drowning.

7. Baby Pandas Cannot Poop Without Help

People make jokes online about pandas a lot. Thanks to many videos of the animals being goofballs, it’s not uncommon for folks to ask how they survive in the wild at all since they seem like limited-diet cartoon characters. With that in mind, here’s another thing to make you wonder how they’ve lasted this long.

Baby pandas are at risk of dying if they are not taken care of by their mothers from the moment of birth because they are some of the most helpless babies in all of nature. At just 1/900th of their mother’s size they cannot see, they cannot move, and they cannot even go to the bathroom on their own. They can potentially die of constipation without help.

Panda mothers can be observed licking their cubs frequently, not to groom them but to stimulate excretion. Yes, that means they need help to, shall we say, unload. For the crucial first week, mothers are with their young constantly, rubbing their bellies to make sure they can poop when they need to.

6. Reindeer Can’t Walk and Pee

Ever heard a joke about not being able to walk and chew gum at the same time? That’s an old school one that basically means someone seems clumsy and too incompetent to handle simple tasks. But the fact is some animals out there can’t walk and do other basic tasks at the same time. Reindeer, for instance, cannot walk and pee.

The fact reindeer need to stop for regular pee breaks, and they will all stop together in herds, is so well known that the Finnish reindeer herders have a name for the length a reindeer will walk before it pees. One poronkusema is about six miles. If the herd all stops to pee, you can count on them to all walk about six more miles before it has to happen again.

5. Birds Are Unaffected by Capsaicin

We know from YouTube that people love hot peppers. Hot Ones is a big deal, after all. But whether you love or hate spicy food, you’ve probably experienced the sensation that capsaicin, the ingredient in peppers that gives you that hot feeling, provides. 

If you’re not a spice fan, you may be envious of birds because they lack the ability to experience what capsaicin offers. Part of this is because of birds and their incredibly rudimentary ability to taste. Humans have 2,000 to 10,000 taste buds that help us experience flavor. A chicken has 24. Research suggests birds either have no capsaicin receptors, or just ones that are not very sensitive. This could also be beneficial to plants because it would allow birds to ingest seeds from spicy peppers and spread them around, making it an evolutionary advantage.

4. Velociraptors Lacked Higher Intelligence

We already visited Jurassic Park once. Why not go back and look at the raptors? The movies have also given modern audiences an idea of how a velociraptor works. They’re pack hunters, sly and deadly and intelligent, and nothing short of Chris Pratt with his arm extended can stop them. But, again, that’s Hollywood. And while raptors may have been smart in real life, that’s a loaded word.

Raptors were smart for dinosaurs, which is like describing a hot dog as pretty tasty for gas station food. When you’re the best of the worst, you’re still not great. Smart for a dinosaur, based on the size of the cavity in which its brain was housed, means a raptor was probably smarter than a rabbit but not as smart as a cat. 

Also, don’t forget, movie raptors were actually closer to Utahraptors. Velociraptors were small, about the size of turkeys, and with less intelligence than a cat, they were less intimidating than we all think. 

3. The Domestic Silk Moth No Longer Has the Ability to Fly

Agriculture has done wonders for mankind, but that’s not always the case for things we farm—for instance, the silk moth. For thousands of years, humans have been making silks out of these insects, and that has changed the way these little creatures live. They’re the second most widely cultivated animal in the world after bees, and we breed trillions of them

Once upon a time, when a silk caterpillar went through a metamorphosis and became a moth, it could fly away. Thanks to generations of farming, the domestic moth no longer can fly because we’ve bred it out of them. For so long they’ve never been allowed to fly that now, even if they had the chance to fly away, they couldn’t. 

2. Cats Can’t Taste Sweetness

Cats can be remarkably finicky about the food they eat or they can be furry garbage cans taking everything from cat food to salad, bread, and rabbit turds. Like people, there’s no accounting for taste sometimes. But you shouldn’t let that trick you into thinking food is the same for cats as it is for us.

If your cat likes your ice cream, you might be tempted to think he has a sweet tooth, but that’s not the case. Your cat may love all desserts, but that’s probably because of the dairy or the fat or literally anything else. Cats are physically incapable of tasting sweetness.

Almost all other mammals can taste sweetness. There is a gene responsible for sending sweet signals to our brain and it’s useful for survival because sweet usually means sugar, which means a carbohydrate, which means energy. For most animals, sugar means something to keep you alive. But cats, carnivores as they are, don’t work that way. So the gene, known as Tas1r2, works with another gene to create the proteins that make up sweet receptors. But cats didn’t evolve that way.

Now, when it comes to cats that seem to go crazy for sugar, there may be something else at play. Researchers say it’s possible the other gene, Tas1r3, allows them to taste sugar at high concentrations. Or maybe cats are just weird. 

1. Not Everyone Has an Inner Monologue

It’s very easy to take for granted that the way you think is the way other people think. In fact, it’s probably impossible to get through life without wondering what the heck someone else was thinking when they did something foolish.  But the truth is, we do not all think the same way. And some of us think very differently than others.

Most people experience an inner monologue when they think. Your thoughts exist as words, whole sentences and you “hear” them in your mind, probably in your own voice, as though you were talking to yourself. You may be surprised to know not everyone can do that and even the people who can don’t do it all the time.

It’s been estimated that inner monologue is the predominant method of thought for between 30% and 50% of people. But we also engage in other manners of thinking. Another common method is visual thinking, which is picturing something in your mind. Not everyone can do that, either. But in this way of thinking, you imagine a place you want to go, a person you want to see, maybe a food you want to eat with no actual words or dialogue included.

There are other methods of thinking also based on feeling, based on sensory awareness, and based on a thoughtless kind of instinct. Most of us engage in all kinds at various times, and rarely just a single kind. So few people have an inner monologue 100% of the time, but some people seem to have it none of the time.

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10 Social Conventions You Might Be Taking for Granted Sat, 16 Dec 2023 17:23:52 +0000

In a world where social norms subtly shape our behaviors and interactions, it’s easy to overlook the intricacies of everyday conventions. Delving beneath the surface of our routines unveils a fascinating tapestry of unspoken rules that govern our society. From greetings that dictate the course of conversations to the subtle art of personal space, this article uncovers ten social conventions you might be taking for granted.

Related: 10 Things Normal In The US That Are Strange In Other Places

10 Greeting People

Let’s talk about that classic “Hey there, how’s it going?” routine we all do. You know, the one where we nod our heads, slap on a smile, and ask about someone’s well-being as if we’re the best of pals. It’s like a universal script we follow, a dance of pleasantries that we’ve all learned by heart.

But have you ever stopped to wonder why we do this? I mean, it’s not like we genuinely want to know how everyone we encounter feels, right? Well, it’s all about the magic of social conventions. These unspoken rules help us navigate the labyrinth of human interaction without getting lost.

Sure, sometimes we’re just going through the motions, and the answer is almost always a casual “I’m good, thanks!” or a “Can’t complain.” It’s like we’re in a politeness ping-pong match where the score never changes. Yet this ritual is more than just words—it’s a way of saying, “Hey, I acknowledge your existence, and I hope you’re having an okay day.”

The next time you find yourself mid-greeting, remember that you’re participating in a centuries-old tradition of acknowledging others and spreading positivity. Whether you’re a fan of it or not, this quirky little convention is one of those things that keeps the social wheels turning.

9 Covering Your Cough

How about one of those unsung heroes of social conventions—covering your mouth when you cough? It might seem like a no-brainer, but trust me, it’s a gem of a habit we often overlook.

Sure, sometimes it’s easier to just let that cough fly, especially when you’re in a rush. But grabbing your elbow and giving a gentle cough into it can make a world of difference. Not only does it prevent a germy explosion, but it shows that you’re thinking beyond your own bubble.

This simple gesture goes a long way in today’s world, where hygiene is the word of the day. It’s like a secret handshake between responsible adults, silently saying, “Hey, I’ve got your back, and I’m not about to spread my coughing symphony all over the place.” So, remember—your elbow is the superhero cape your fellow humans need.

8 Waiting Your Turn

Waiting your turn might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s a social convention that keeps our daily interactions from turning into a chaotic free-for-all. Think about it—whether you’re at the grocery store checkout, waiting for your caffeine fix at the local café, or just queuing up for the restroom at a concert, the unspoken rule is pretty clear: Stand in line and wait your turn.

Sure, it might feel a tad frustrating when you’re desperately craving that double-shot latte, and the line seems to stretch to infinity. But the alternative would be everyone jostling for the front spot, elbowing each other, and giving rise to a whole new level of awkwardness. Plus, waiting in line isn’t all bad—it gives you a chance to people-watch, catch up on texts, or simply take a moment to zone out.

Just imagine the chaos if this social convention didn’t exist. The barista would have a meltdown, you’d be playing bumper cars with fellow shoppers, and restroom lines would turn into a WWE match. So the next time you find yourself twiddling your thumbs in line, remember that this seemingly small courtesy is actually a big deal in maintaining some semblance of order in our bustling world.

7 Speaking Softly in Quiet Places

You know the drill—you’re in a library, a museum, or even a cozy coffee shop, and suddenly, your voice drops to a barely audible whisper. It’s like a reflex that kicks in as soon as you enter a hushed environment.

Sure, it might seem a bit funny—I mean, who’s going to shush you if you accidentally let out a giggle at a museum exhibit? But think about it: This social convention is actually pretty cool. It’s all about respect and creating a harmonious atmosphere for everyone. Nobody wants to be the person who disrupts the peace with a booming conversation about last night’s TV show or their fight that morning with their partner.

It’s like we have this unwritten agreement that we’re all in this together, navigating the waters of quietude. Speaking softly in these places isn’t just about keeping noise levels down; it’s a way of showing consideration for those around you. It’s like a gentle reminder that we’re sharing a space, and let’s make it enjoyable for everyone.

6 Respecting Your Elders

Respecting your elders might sound like an old-school concept, but there’s some wisdom in it, right? It’s not just about holding the door open for your grandma or grandpa (although that’s nice too). This social convention is like a secret recipe for maintaining a well-balanced society.

Those folks who’ve been around the block a few times have stories that can make your jaw drop faster than a roller coaster. They’ve seen things, lived through wild times, and probably have more life lessons than your favorite self-help book. Giving them respect isn’t just about acknowledging their age; it’s about recognizing the treasure trove of experiences tucked under their belt.

Respecting elders isn’t just an age-old cliché; it’s like paying tribute to the OGs of life. And let’s face it, one day, you’re going to be the elder in the room, and you’d probably want some whipper-snapper to treat you like the legend you are.

5 Facing the Front in an Elevator

Standing facing the front in an elevator might seem mundane, but it’s one of those quirky social conventions we all unconsciously follow without even realizing it. It’s like elevator magic!

Why do we do this? Well, for starters, it’s all about personal space. Nobody wants to feel like they’re under a microscope, right? Facing forward ensures that everyone gets a little breathing room and avoids awkward accidental eye contact.

It’s not just about personal bubbles, though. Standing facing the front is also a nifty trick to avoid potentially uncomfortable situations. Imagine if everyone decided to turn around and engage in a staring contest (creepy, right?). So we avoid the potential for weirdness and keep our noses pointed at the ever-so-fascinating elevator doors.

The next time you hop into an elevator and automatically pivot to face the front, give yourself a pat on the back for being a social convention champ. It’s like a secret dance we all know, a ritual that keeps our daily rides smooth and glitch free.

4 Table Manners

Table manners might seem like a relic from the past, but trust me, they’re still relevant today. We’re not talking about having a full-on Downton Abbey formal dinner every night, but a little dose of politeness can go a long way.

First up, the basics. Chew with your mouth closed. Nobody wants to see your food transformed into a science experiment. And let’s keep the elbows off the table, shall we? I mean, we’re not lounging on a beanbag – it’s a table, not a comfy couch.

Then there’s the magical world of utensils. Start from the outside and work your way in with the cutlery—it’s like a culinary treasure hunt. And if you’re baffled by the array of forks and knives, just follow the lead of the person who looks like they know what they’re doing.

But the pièce de résistance is smartphone étiquette. Yeah, we get it. Instagram-worthy food needs to be shared, but scrolling while others are tucking in is a no-no. Keep the screen time for later, and give your dining companions the attention they deserve.

3 Maintaining Eye Contact

Maintaining eye contact might seem like a small thing, but it’s actually a big deal in the world of social interactions. Think about it – when you’re talking to someone, and they’re not looking at you, it’s like they’re mentally checking out to another dimension. Not cool, right?

Keeping that gaze locked in is a sign that you’re present and engaged in the conversation. It shows that you’re not just physically there but mentally too. It’s like a secret signal that says, “Hey, I’m paying attention, and I care about what you’re saying.”

But don’t take it to the extreme and go staring-contest mode. That’s just plain creepy. A little eye contact goes a long way. It’s like a sprinkle of seasoning on a dish—too much, and you’ll ruin the whole thing.

Here’s a pro tip: If eye contact makes you feel like a deer caught in headlights, try the 3-second rule. Look into their eyes for about three seconds, then glance away briefly before coming back. It’s like a mini eye contact dance that keeps things from getting awkward.

2 Giving Personal Space

Personal space—it’s like the invisible force field that keeps us from going all Hulk on someone. We all have our “Do Not Cross” tape that we lay down around us without realizing it. You might be cool with your bestie getting all up in your grill, but a stranger? No way, José! It’s like a dance, a delicate balance of proximity and comfort. Too close, and you’re doing the awkward shuffle. Too far, and you’re shouting across the Grand Canyon.

So remember the sacred rule of personal space next time you chat. Keep a respectable distance and save yourself from those cringy, too-close encounters. It’s one of those social conventions that are like a silent agreement among humans—a universal language that says, “Let’s keep our cool and give each other some breathing room.”

1 Running or Walking without Gasping for Air

Have you ever joined a brisk walking group or decided to go for a run, only to find yourself huffing and puffing like a steam engine within the first few minutes? It’s like your lungs are staging a protest against this newfound activity. Well, fear not because there’s a trick to mastering the art of running or walking without sounding like Darth Vader on a jog.

First things first, pace yourself! It’s not a race to the finish line unless you’re actually in a race. Start slow, find a rhythm that suits your breathing, and stick to it. If you feel like you’re about to audition for a heavy-breathing ASMR channel, that’s a sign to dial it down a notch.

Breathing through your nose might seem like a no-brainer, but trust me. It’s a game-changer. It helps filter the air and warms it up before it enters your lungs, making the whole process much smoother. Plus, it’ll keep your mouth from feeling like the Sahara desert after your workout.

Another secret weapon? Focus on your exhales. Yup, you read that right. Make those exhales a bit longer than your inhales. This simple technique can help prevent that gasping-for-air sensation and keep your oxygen levels in check.

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Top 10 Things We Take For Granted Thu, 07 Sep 2023 04:22:35 +0000

You wake up one morning and realize that you’re terribly late for work. What do you do? You spring out of bed, hop on your feet, slap together a crude sandwich and dash out the door. After arriving to your workplace – in one piece hopefully – you surreptitiously sneak into your seat only to be approached by your boss. You quickly fabricate a seemingly legitimate reason for your tardiness, “there was a marching band full of seniors crossing the road next to my driveway. Sheesh! Can you believe it?” Your boss looks at you with a gaunt expression on his/her face and finally smiles and says “don’t you remember? I gave you the day off today!”

As hinted within the story above, people have an innate tendency to take some of their abilities for granted. Oftentimes, we overlook the remarkable features that are ingrained within our daily lives. This list will cover 10 such attributes, which are deemed the most conspicuous traits that distinguish us from most brute animals.


On average, humans begin walking at approximately one year of age. Our ability to learn how to walk exclusively on two legs, regardless of age, is an astonishing feat in and of itself. The very act of walking has allowed us to free up the use of our arms, and in turn, permits us to wield a wide array of tools. Bipedalism not only liberates our arms, but the remainder of our bodies as well. Instead of having our heads positioned parallel to the ground like our quadrupedal relatives, humans have eyes perpendicular to the world below, and thus, possess a broadened view of the world around us.

Walking on two legs also consumes far less energy than walking on all fours (or even knuckle dragging for that matter). As a result, our minds are less occupied with the need of a constant meal, and are instead left to wander and think about things other than food.


More than a handful of people here have suffered from a broken wrist or finger, and most will agree that these types of injuries are extremely debilitating (especially if you’ve incapacitated your dominant hand). A broken hand would make everything from typing on the keyboard to making a sandwich much more difficult to do. We must therefore remember to pay homage – or at least be thankful for – the anatomical makeup of our arms. To start, we should become aware of the importance of our opposable thumbs. Humans share this feature with other primates meaning that we are all capable of using our thumbs to touch any other digit on our hands, from index to pinky.

“So what? Why is that so important?” You may ask. The answer to that question lies in the fact that our hands have the ability to perform fine/precise tasks such as gripping a pencil, or typing on a keyboard. Imagine a world devoid of pencils and keyboards, or worse, a world abundant with pencils and keyboards but humans being unable to use them. It would be a scary world indeed.

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Have you ever stopped to gape at the jaw dropping majesty of some of humanity’s products of ingenuity? From the Great Pyramids and the Eiffel tower, to the nuts and bolts holding your chair in place, people have utilized their understanding of mathematics since the dawn of civilization itself. Math has even been used as a tool for seemingly profound feats such as calculating the escape velocity of our planet in hopes of one day overcoming it (and we eventually did).

Other than its vital application to engineering and rocket science, we also make use of it in a more mundane, everyday fashion. Whenever we are counting the change we’ve received from the store, or anticipating our delayed arrival back from work, we are using mathematics.

Language 2

The origin of spoken language is shrouded in mystery and is still a much-debated topic by scholars across the globe. The origin of written language is also a topic of heated debate; however, most people agree that its earliest roots stem from ancient cave drawings, as they are man’s first attempt toward making a visual record of ideas. Much like many other things in this world, language has taken countless steps to evolve from the rudimentary grunts and cave drawings of antiquity into its present form. Humans have devised thousands of spoken and written languages, which are still currently in use today. Language has become ubiquitous within every corner of society in that we employ our verbiage for one main reason, to communicate our ideas with others.


Long gone are the days of our agrarian ancestors who built their lives around the understanding of the intricacies of nature. Civilization has taken a turn from its grassroots heritage and has spawned into the amalgamation of metropolises we live in today. Most people have displaced themselves from the natural world in favor of a more urbanized one. Although the city life does contain many positive aspects, like allowing people to connect within a cohesive network, it is not devoid of caveats. For example, people in general have become increasingly desensitized toward the world beyond their microcosms. As pollution begins to perpetuate through our forests and oceans, entire ecosystems could become ravaged and disfigured. The best thing to do is to appreciate what is ‘out there’ and realize that we are ‘a part’ of nature, and not ‘apart’ from it.


What do chicken, pork, and nettles have in common? Yes, you guessed it; they all need to be cooked before they can be safely eaten. Cooking fires have been around for a large chunk of humanity as they extend as far back as 250,000 years into our past. In our contemporary era, cooking comprises not only of placing a slab of food over an open fire, but also boiling, steaming, frying, baking and virtually any other process that prepares food with the application of heat. Cooking allows us to take a once bacteria laden piece of meat, and rid it of all of its toxins. (To eat a piece of chicken or pork raw is no doubt a recipe for disaster). Over the years, we have become accustomed to the taste and texture of cooked foods and could not imagine eating said foods in their raw states. The knowledge accompanied by cooking has allowed us to expand our menus and to truly get a taste of the world around us.


If you have ever had a cast, a splint, or even a vaccination, you have been introduced to the ways in which humanity uses its knowledge of medicine. Everything from blood pressure pills to eyeglasses can be considered forms of medicine. Frequently people forget the implications it has on us and other organisms. Veterinary medicine for instance, seeks to apply the medical knowledge procured throughout history in order to treat animals.

The art of medicine has advanced by leaps and bounds since the time of Hippocrates. From the archaic belief of the four humours, to the discovery of the smallpox vaccine (and even other future endeavors such as nano-technology), medicine has always been utilized for the outward benefit of humanity.


Did you wake up to the sound of an alarm clock this morning? If you have, then chances are you’ve made use of electricity (unless you’re the type to still use a wind-up alarm clock). The presence of electricity has been around for far longer than humans have roamed the earth; in fact, the properties of electricity predate the earth itself, going back to the inception of the universe. However, it is the ability to harness electricity for our own benefit that is truly remarkable. We have electricity to thank for the operation of our computers, our central heating systems and even our alarm clocks (for most of us that is).

The modern world is riddled with electrical grids and power lines seeking to distribute functional electrical current to every nook and cranny of our households. The now commonplace notion that our planet is literally connected by a series of grids would appear ludicrous (or even supernatural) to our great-great-great grandparents. Ironically, we have them to thank for laying down the foundation for what is now a truly electrifying era.


The Internet? What’s that? What day is it today? What did I have for breakfast this morning? Most of you will not struggle to remember the answers to the aforementioned questions. That is because you are able to successfully draw upon past occurrences from your memory banks. Memory is still seen as somewhat of an enigma and is thus, not yet fully understood. The capabilities of human memory are as diverse as they are complex. Some people claim to have exceedingly powerful memories while others are hindered by neurological disability. Regardless of your position on the continuum of memory, there are still ways to keep yourself sharp and primed to the best of your abilities. For example, take a little time out of each day to exercise your memory and jog the old neurons for a bit. It could be something as simple as trying to remember the title of number 8 on this list, or something as ambitious as trying to remember the order of a randomized deck of cards.

Lastly, you must always remember that even “the dullest pencil is better than the sharpest memory.” – Mark Twain

If the thought is in danger of escaping you, make sure to write it down somewhere.


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the wealthiest person in the world? What about the smartest, fastest, or strongest? In fact, if you’ve ever wondered about anything, then you have been subjected to the maelstrom of your imagination. Without it, humanity would be reduced to nothing but a bunch of dull, languid belly-scratchers (okay, perhaps that statement was overly hyperbolic). Then again, without imagination, we would not have language, mathematics, medicine, or other such things on this list. We would not possess the desire to test the limits of our cunning minds nor contain the willpower to push the envelope of our physicality. Imagination is the ability to take a vague, amorphous concept and transform it into a tangible reality. It is something we have in all of us, waiting eagerly to be used to its fullest.

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10 Celebrities with Titles Granted by Royalty Tue, 14 Feb 2023 19:26:05 +0000

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A rock star? An actor? A knight? Some of the lucky celebrities on this list have achieved all three! Each year, the royal family bestows honorific titles of the Order of the British Empire. This practice goes back centuries.

In recent years, many celebrities have been given these titles. Most commonly, the men are knighted, while the women become dames. These titles are rewarded because of service, loyalty, or gallantry (or sometimes all three!).

You may be surprised at some of the names on our list. From authors to inventors, directors to music legends, all of the celebrities on our list have done something to be considered knights and dames. So, let’s look at an eclectic mix of celebrities with at least one thing in common: they all have titles of honor. However, I am not sure any of them know how to joust.

10 Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is known for many things. She is the daughter of well-known actor Jon Voight. She is also known for her acting ability, her relationship with Brad Pitt, and her willingness to give to charity. As of 2014, she became officially known as a great actor and philanthropist and an Honorary Dame. She was given recognition at Buckingham Palace by Queen Elizabeth herself. The official emblem was of an Honorary Dame Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George.

According to the royal family, Jolie was given this distinction because of her work to end war-zone sexual violence. Jolie was the co-chair of the End Sexual Violence in Conflict (ESVC) global summit in 2014. Throughout her career, Jolie has shown compassion, kindness, and generosity to important organizations such as these. While there is no telling where she ranks a damehood amongst her significant accomplishments, it is certainly no mean feat. And by all accounts, she earned her honorific title.

9 Mick Jagger

Mick Jagger is a rock and roll legend, the frontman of the Rolling Stones. Jagger is unique on this list because he received public backlash from his knighting. Some of that may relate to Jagger’s unique history. He was a typical rock and roll star for decades. This includes multiple arrests and eight children from five different mothers. His band, the Rolling Stones, is generally seen as rebellious and anti-establishment, two ideals that clash greatly with those of the royal family.

Still, Jagger was willing to take on the title. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth, not by Prince Charles. Perhaps he thought that Jagger was not suitable to be a knight. The other person who took exception to Mick Jagger becoming “Sir Mick” was his longtime bandmate, Keith Richards. The legendary guitarist was also offered a knighthood but turned it down. When asked about Jagger’s knighthood, Richards reportedly said, “It’s not what the Stones is about, is it?” I guess you can’t always get what you want. Despite some opposition to Jagger’s knighthood, the ceremony continued, and he became a knight in 2003.

8 J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling is best known for the Harry Potter series and related books. Obviously, she has received numerous accolades for her writing. She is one of the most famous authors on the planet and has inspired many. The Harry Potter movie franchise has also been a huge success, and two of the actors from those movies have received honorary titles themselves!

As far as Rowling goes, she has been awarded three titles. Two were awarded by the British royal family, an Order of the British Empire (OBE) and a Companion of Honor. The other came from the French government when she was knighted in 2012 by French President Nicolas Sarkozy. The OBE was awarded to Rowling by the royal family for her work with charitable and welfare organizations. She established the charity Lumos, as well as the Volant Charitable trust.

Most of Rowling’s charitable efforts focus on the needs of at-risk women and children. Her French knighthood was awarded to her for her efforts in literature. In fact, the fifth book in the Harry Potter series (Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix) was the first English book to become a top bestseller in France. As if Rowling didn’t have enough connections with royalty, two Harry Potter cast members also have OBE titles: Helena Bonham Carter and Maggie Smith.

7 Helena Bonham Carter

Helena Bonham Carter is a well-respected actress with many iconic roles and movies. She is known for Fight Club, Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, Planet of the Apes, Corpse Bride, The Harry Potter movies, Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events, and so many more.

In 2010, she starred in The King’s Speech, playing the role of Queen Elizabeth. While she did not win the Oscar for the best-supporting actress, she received a different (arguably more important award). She was awarded a Commanders of the Order of the British Empire, commonly abbreviated to CBE, in 2011. She dedicated the award to her late father. This award was given to her for her services to drama in the British Empire.

Following this award, Bohman Carter was appointed to Britain’s National Holocaust Commission, another significant honor. However, Helena Bonham Carter was not the only Harry Potter star with a title.

6 Maggie Smith

Maggie Smith is an English actress who has been active since the early 1950s. While she has a very impressive resume, she is well known worldwide as Professor Minerva McGonagall, the no-nonsense professor (and head of Gryffindor house) at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

However, before the Harry Potter series had even been written, Maggie Smith had a title of honor, an OBE. She became a dame back in 1990. She received a second royal title as well! In 2014, in the aftermath of the Harry Potter movie series, Smith was awarded another title, Companion of Honor (CH). These awards are given to individuals who contribute to arts, sciences, medicine, or government over a long period. Considering Dame Maggie Smith is still a working actress (and has been since 1952), she certainly fits the bill!

5 Steven Spielberg

If you like any movies, you probably like at least one Steven Spielberg movie. He is one of the most prolific directors of all time. Some of his most successful movies include Jurassic Park, E.T., Saving Private Ryan, and Schindler’s List, to name a few.

Because of his incredible contributions to the film industry, the royal family recognized him with an honorary knighthood. It is important to know that only British citizens can be official knights (or dames), so many of the titles on this list are unofficial honorary ones.

Still, as of 2000, Spielberg is a Knight of the British Empire or KBE for short. For a man with so many accomplishments, it is well-deserved for Spielberg to be officially an (honorary) knight. His knighthood may inspire his next great film.

4 Bill Gates

Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft and one of the richest people in the world. He was not recognized for his work with Microsoft, however. Instead, he was recognized for his work after retirement. Gates has made many charitable efforts worldwide, including in parts of the British Commonwealth. He has focused his efforts on employment, enterprise, education, and volunteer work.

Overall, he looks to reduce poverty in the developing world, often through technological advances. Bill Gates was awarded a knighthood in thanks for all his great work. He was awarded KBE (Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire). Since he is not a British citizen, he is not technically “Sir Bill Gates,” but he could call himself Bill Gates, KBE if he wanted to. He may prefer Bill Gates, Billionaire. All jokes aside, it is inspirational to see a person with so much money wanting to help others to live a better life.

3 Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee Curtis is a celebrity with quite a lot of connections. She has had a very impressive career of her own and is well-known for the Halloween films and Freaky Friday, among others. She was born as a part of “Hollywood royalty” as well. Her father, Tony Curtis, was a famous actor in the ’50s and ’60s. Her mom, Janet Leigh, was also famous. She starred in the iconic Hitchcock movie Psycho.

However, Jamie Lee Curtis also has an official title of nobility. That is because she is married to Christopher Guest. Or to give him his official title, Baron Christopher Guest. When Guest’s father passed away in 1996, his title passed on to his son. This made Jamie Lee Curtis both Hollywood royalty and an official baroness.

2 Elton John

Elton John is an iconic musician whose songs are well-known around the globe. He grew up in suburban London. John is not only known for his musical prowess but also for his open sexuality. He came out as bisexual back in 1975. In 1998, he was the first openly gay person to be awarded as a knight.

Elton John has contributed to many charities, including the Elton John AIDS foundation. He was awarded a CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) for his work with this foundation for over 15 years. While John may seem somewhat aloof, the knighthood clearly meant a great deal to him, as he brought his parents and partner along for the ceremony. He has won six Grammys, an Oscar, and a Golden Globe, but none of these hold “a candle in the wind” to call himself “Sir Elton John.”

1 Lewis Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton is the most recent knight on our list. He is a successful Formula One race car driver, one of the most successful of all time. In 2021, Hamilton just barely missed out on a historic eighth title. Just three days later, in December of the same year, Hamilton was invited to Windsor Castle to receive a knighthood from the Prince of Wales, making him the first Grand Prix driver to be knighted while still active.

At the time of the ceremony, Hamilton was only 36 years old, and his mother was in attendance. While Hamilton was surely upset to miss out on his record-breaking eighth title, a knighthood is definitely a worthy consolation prize!

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