Feasts – Listorati https://listorati.com Fascinating facts and lists, bizarre, wonderful, and fun Tue, 13 Jun 2023 11:26:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://listorati.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/listorati-512x512-1.png Feasts – Listorati https://listorati.com 32 32 215494684 10 Outrageous Feasts From History https://listorati.com/10-outrageous-feasts-from-history/ https://listorati.com/10-outrageous-feasts-from-history/#respond Tue, 13 Jun 2023 11:26:31 +0000 https://listorati.com/10-outrageous-feasts-from-history/

For most of human history the hunt for food was central to daily life. The struggle to get enough to eat was, and for some people still is, a very real one. It is only very recently that some people in wealthy societies find themselves chronically overfed. So one of the best ways for wealthy people to show off was to throw an extravagant feast with food in such abundance that just reading about them is enough to fill you up.

Here are ten outrageous meals and the dishes served at them.

10 Catastrophes Caused By Food

10 Vitellius’ Feast


Roman orgies have become proverbial. While there were certainly often sexual antics presented to feasters it was the shear opulence of the food served up that most ancient historians found shocking. At the height of the Roman empire foods from thousands of miles away could be brought to the tables of the wealthy and swallowed down with rare vintages of wines. One emperor excelled all others in the meals he enjoyed – Vitellius used his position to raise feasting to new levels of decadence.

Vitellius, as his busts and coins show, was big man with a big hunger. He became popular with the army by lavishing them with food and drink so in the aftermath of Nero’s overthrow he was raised to the Imperial throne. For eight months he ruled Rome, or at least its dining tables.

The historian Suetonius records how he would make appointments to eat with the richest people in the city several times a day. Each meal would cost over 400,000 sesterces. “This load of victuals he could well enough bear, from a custom to which he had enured himself, of frequently vomiting.” But it was a dish that Vitellius invented that earns him a place on this list. His ‘Shield of Minerva’ was a vast dish composed in which “were tossed up together the livers of char-fish, the brains of pheasants and peacocks, with the tongues of flamingos, and the entrails of lampreys, which had been brought in ships of war as far as from the Carpathian Sea, and the Spanish Straits.”

9 Feast of the Pheasant


What do you do if you want to encourage people to go to war? In the case of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, in 1452 he held a lavish banquet to drum up support for a crusade against the Turks. Called the Feast of the Pheasant it was one of the most lavish banquets ever held.

The feast hall was decorated with huge displays. One table featured a model church large enough to hold a choir while a further 28 musicians were hidden inside a pie. Fake ships sailed amongst the guests and a live lion could be seen in a false forest. A fire-breathing dragon swept overhead and a little boy on a deer rode about singing. The highlight of the feast was an elephant, probably mechanical, that was led into the hall by a giant Turkish man. A lady, representing Constantinople, on the back of the elephant called out for the men present to rescue her.

After 50 different dishes were served the guests swore an ‘Oath to the Pheasant’ over a living bird. They promised to participate in the crusade to recapture Constantinople but no crusade followed.

8 The Acclimatisation Society of Great Britain


In the 19th century many European thinkers joined societies designed bring non-native species into new countries. They thought that these species could be adapted to be useful to agriculture and society in general. Of course we now know that species can be invasive and cause untold damage to an ecosystem. The Acclimatisation Society of Great Britain decided to kick off their campaign with a feast.

At their first dinner guests were greeted by a hall decorated with stuffed birds and fish and the heads of other animals that they thought might be brought over to Britain. But it was the meal that really showed what new species could do for the dining tables of the nation.

Among the dishes served were birds’-nest soup (which guests thought not worth the expense) and a soup made from sea snails. Kangaroo was boiled to perfection. A course made from a rare hybrid of the hare and the rabbit was produced. Birds from Dominique, Syrian pigs, the Honduras Turkey, and all manner of fish found their way to the table. Even seaweed jelly was served. Few, if any, of these meals have made their way into the everyday English diet however.

7 Regent’s Banquet


Throughout his life George IV was always a little too fond of luxury. While still Prince of Wales he managed to get into £630,000 of debt – £65,568,000 in today’s money. His father, George III, would only agree to pay this off if his son got married. Unfortunately George III became increasingly unstable and Prince George was made regent. This gave him more opportunity to spend.

One of his most lavish spending sprees was creating a gaudy pavilion in Brighton. There, in 1817, the Regent hosted a feast for Grand Duke Nicolas of Russia. This feast was prepared by the first superstar chef of Europe, Marie-Antoine Careme. Careme’s notably extravagant style was just what the Regent wanted.

The banquet featured (among many, many others) dishes like rice soup, the head of a great sturgeon in champagne, chicken in aspic, haunches of boar, a terrine of larks, upside-down lemon jelly, truffles in warm linen, and a pyramid of shrimp. In total 121 different dishes were served to guests. The Prince Regent was always in debt, but hardly ever in a caloric deficit.

6 Manchu-Han Feast


Sometimes a single day is just not long enough to fit in all the gormandising you plan to do. The Manchu-Han feast was so luxurious that it took three days to serve all the foods – or so the story goes. This meal became a symbol for Chinese unity.

Under the rule of Emperor Kangxi there was increasing tension between the Manchu and Han factions in the nation. To bring them together the emperor decided that only a superlative meal could heal the rift. For his 66th birthday he held six banquets over three days which saw over 300 dishes being served.

Among these dishes you could sample ones called Snowy Palm, a bear claw with sturgeon, and Golden Eyes and Burning Brains, made from bean curd and bird brains. One of the dishes was an “imitated leopard fetus,” though no one is sure what was used for the imitation. Simpler plates featured grilled ape. Some scholars question whether this feast ever actually happened but most chose to believe that it did, or dream about being one of the diners.

10 Bizarre Food Developments We May See In The Future

5 The Fête at Vaux


Few parties can be said to have led to political disgrace but the one held by Nicolas Fouquet in 1661 certainly sealed his fate. The fete at Vaux-le-Vicomte, Fouquet’s palatial home, was so magnificent that the king of France decided it must have been paid for by Fouquet plundering the royal treasury.

Fouquet was in charge of finances in France and the young king Louis XIV was already suspicious of Fouquet’s management. Yet Louis accepted an invitation to Fouquet’s new château. 6000 other guests were invited and so many carriages filled the road that traffic was jammed for miles. At the fete guests were treated to a production of a newly written play by Moliere and best art available in France at the time.

At the meal most guests dined from solid silver, while the royal family was served from solid gold plates. Dishes included pies of pigeon meat, veal steaks stuffed with delicacies, and imported oranges. Actors dressed as fauns and elves gave out diamonds to the ladies present. So spectacular were the fireworks and entertainments of the feast that Voltaire commented “On 17 August, at six in the evening Fouquet was the King of France.”

Voltaire however added “But at two in the morning he was nobody.” The king was now convinced that Fouquet must have embezzled money to pay for all this. Within weeks Fouquet was arrested and imprisoned. He would spend the rest of his life in jail.

4 Banquet of Chestnuts


Sometimes the entertainments presented at a feast overshadow the dishes on the table. At the Banquet of Chestnuts it was very definitely the events occurring under the table that caught most people’s interest.

The Vatican is not particularly noted for its rocking night life today but there have been times when the Popes have hosted lavish affairs, in all senses of the word. Pope Alexander VI, Rodrigo Borgia, was a member of one of Italy’s most notorious families. Unusually for a celibate priest he had children. The Pope’s son Cesare was to be the host at the Banquet of Chestnuts.

On the 31st of October, 1501 Cesare arranged a banquet in the Papal Palace. According to the official in charge of ceremonies this party was attended by “’fifty honest prostitutes’ called courtesans, who danced after dinner with the attendants and others who were present, at first in their garments, then naked. After dinner the candelabra with the burning candles were taken from the tables and placed on the floor, and chestnuts were strewn around, which the naked courtesans picked up, creeping on hands and knees between the chandeliers, while the Pope, Cesare, and his sister Lucretia looked on. Finally, prizes were announced for those who could perform the act most often with the courtesans, such as tunics of silk, shoes, barrets, and other things.”

3 The Epicurean Masters of the World


Epicurean philosophers preached the virtue of pleasure but they believed in taking joy in simple pleasures. For Epicurus a good treat was a simple pot of cheese. Yet the word Epicurean has come to suggest gluttons chasing rare dainties. It was in this sense that in 2007 the “Epicurean Masters of the World” gathered in Bangkok.

For 1 million Baht, around £15,000, per head the guests were able to enjoy food produced by six chefs who each had 3 Michelin stars to their name. Using only the finest ingredients the chefs created their signature dishes. The feast began with crème brûlée of foie gras with Tonga beans and was followed with tartar of Kobe beef with Imperial Beluga caviar and Belons oyster. Each of the dishes was paired with one of the rarest and most expensive wines on the planet. Apparently Mousseline of pattes rouges crayfish with morel mushroom infusion is best served with an Alain Soliveres 2000 Corton-Charlemagne.

The feast ended with an extravagant gingerbread pyramid. And maybe a bit of indigestion.

2 Raiding a Zoo


For four months from September 1870 the city of Paris was under siege by Prussian forces. Instead of bombarding the city it was decided that Paris would be starved into submission. For the people of the city food soon became scarce. The Parisians ate thousands of horses, their dogs and cats, even rats became prized meals. One restaurant however served a more exotic menu.

Alexandre Étienne Choron was one of the most famous chefs of his age. His restaurant Voisin was famed for its brilliant food. With ingredients running low it was perhaps inevitable that when the Paris Zoo announced it would have to put down its animals because they could no longer feed them that Choron should see an opportunity. He would serve an extraordinary Christmas meal.

The feast began with a donkey’s head accompanied by sardines, an elephant consommé, fried camel, kangaroo stew, wolf with a deer sauce, and an antelope with truffles. Though there were limited supplies of food Choron still had access to the wines of Paris’ fully-stocked cellars. The finest wines were paired with these wild dishes.

1 Cleopatra


Cleopatra VII of Egypt was one of the most alluring women of her age. Witty, educated, and seductive she formed relationships with both Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Being monarch of one of the richest nations on Earth was also attractive. But perhaps it was her cuisine that brought all the Roman boys to her palace.

The historian Plutarch recorded that his grandfather had visited Cleopatra’s palace and seen her huge kitchens. When he saw 8 whole boars being roasted he assumed that a huge feast was being prepared. Instead he was told that only 12 people were dining. The boars were all cooked at slightly different times so that one would be perfectly ready whenever the guests sat down at the table.

One feast was even more expensive than all the others. Cleopatra bet Antony that she could spend 10,000,000 sesterces on a single meal. When the meal was served it was nothing special so Antony thought he had won but then Cleopatra called for the dessert – a single bowl of vinegar. Cleopatra owned two of the most perfect pearls in all the world that she wore as earrings. She plucked one from her ear and dissolved it in the vinegar before drinking it down and winning the bet.

Vinegar will not actually dissolve a pearl so some have conjectured that Cleopatra won her bet and managed to keep her pearl as well. She would just have had to go fishing for the pearl in her chamberpot and not the deep sea.

10 Luxury Foods That’ll Break Your Bank

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Gallows Grub: Famous Final Feasts https://listorati.com/gallows-grub-famous-final-feasts/ https://listorati.com/gallows-grub-famous-final-feasts/#respond Fri, 17 Feb 2023 09:27:23 +0000 https://listorati.com/gallows-grub-famous-final-feasts/

Criminals condemned to die are typically granted one last meal of their choice. The long-standing tradition invariably begs the question: what would your order be? While you decide, take a look at the selections of these notorious killers.

10.  Richard “Bruno” Hauptmann

The case would become known as “The Crime of the Century.” Richard Hauptmann, a German-born carpenter, was convicted of kidnapping and murdering the infant son of aviation hero Charles Lindbergh. 

Although Hauptman maintained his innocence to the very end, the state of New Jersey saw things differently, handing him a death sentence in 1936. 

Last Meal: chicken, French fries, buttered peas, celery, olives, cherries, and a slice of cake

Method of Execution: Electric Chair 

9. Gary Gilmore

In the Summer of 1976, Gary Gilmore robbed and murdered two men in Utah. Gilmore then accidentally shot himself while disposing of the murder weapon, leaving behind a trail of blood which ultimately led to his arrest. 

The career criminal subsequently demanded to be executed. The request prompted several states to reevaluate a new series of statutes in which death sentences had been converted to life in prison. Gilmore’s story later became the subject of Norman Mailer’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Executioner’s Song.

Last Meal: a hamburger, hard-boiled eggs, baked potato, coffee, and three shots of contraband Jack Daniel’s whiskey

Method of Execution: Firing Squad

8. John Martin Scripps

His grisly crimes while on holiday earned him the nickname “tourist from hell.” John Martin Scripps was an English serial killer who may have murdered as many as six people in several countries, including Thailand, Mexico, and the United States.

Originally from Hertfordshire in England, Scripps used his butchering expertise (skills he learned in prison) to dismember and dispose of dead bodies. Authorities eventually arrested him in Singapore in 1995 with six different passports and several stolen credit cards belonging to his victims. Additional items in his possession included a hammer, stun gun, knives, and handcuffs. 

Last Meal: pizza and hot chocolate

Method of Execution: Hanging 

7. Velma Barfield

On Nov 2, 1984, at 2:15 a.m., Velma Barfield made history. The 52-year-old grandmother received a dose of Pancuronium bromide, a powerful muscle relaxant that stopped her heart, making her the first woman to be executed by lethal injection.

While on Death Row at Central Prison in Raleigh, North Carolina, Barfield spent much of her time praying and knitting for her grandchildren. The devout Christian confessed to poisoning five people with arsenic, including her mother, but denied any malfeasance regarding the mysterious deaths of two former husbands.

Last Meal: Cheez Doodles, Coca Cola, and a Kit-Kat bar

Method of Execution: Lethal Injection

6. Adolf Eichmann

During the trial of Adolf Eichmann, the former SS officer refuted any remorse for his involvement in the Holocaust, stating he was simply “doing his job” and obeying orders. His indifferent demeanor would later introduce the phrase “The banality of evil.”

Following Germany’s defeat in WWII, Eichmann, like several other high-ranking Nazis, fled to South America. He was later captured in Argentina by Israeli Mossad agents and indicted by an Israeli court on numerous crimes against humanity and various war crimes.

Last Meal: a bottle of Carmel (dry red Israeli wine)

Method of Execution: Hanging

5. Timothy McVeigh

He wanted revenge for “what the US government did at Waco and Ruby Ridge” and would orchestrate what was then the worst terrorist attack on US soil. Timothy McVeigh, a decorated Army veteran who served in the Gulf War, killed 168 people and injured hundreds more when he detonated a bomb underneath a federal government building in Oklahoma City in 1995.

McVeigh constructed a homemade explosive device with a timed fuse mounted in the back of a rented truck parked in front. The bomb consisted of about 5,000 pounds (2,300 kg) of ammonium nitrate (an agricultural fertilizer) and nitromethane (motor-racing fuel). Among the victims were 19 children attending a daycare center located on the ground floor of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.

Last Meal: two pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream

Method of Execution: Lethal Injection

4. Robert Alton Harris

In the span of only a few hours, Robert Alton Harris and his younger brother stole a car, abducted and murdered two teenage boys, robbed a bank, and were then apprehended by the police. Smith even managed to have lunch, allegedly eating the victims’ half-eaten cheeseburgers. 

The whirlwind crime spree occurred in the San Diego area in the Summer of 1978. During the ordeal, Harris executed both boys, telling them, “Quit crying, and die like men.” In a bizarre twist to the cold-blooded slaying, one of the arresting officers was the father of one of the murdered boys but didn’t realize his son had been killed until later.

Last Meal: 21-piece bucket of KFC, two large pizzas, ice cream, a bag of jelly beans, a six-pack of Pepsi, and a pack of Camel cigarettes (Harris had requested Domino’s Pizza but received Tombstone instead)

Method of Execution: Gas Chamber

3. Peter Kürten

Known as “The Vampire of Düsseldorf,” Peter Kurten committed a series of murders and sexual assaults in Germany before being sentenced to death in 1931. His macabre moniker derived from drinking the blood from his victims’ wounds — both human and animal.  

During Kürten’s sensationalized trial, he was placed in a special cage to prevent escape. The serial killer also candidly recounted his horrifying rituals to the celebrated psychologist Karl Berg, whose opus, The Sadist, became a highly influential study of criminological literature. 

Last Meal: Wiener Schnitzel, fried potatoes, and a bottle of white wine

Method of Execution: Guillotine

2. “Tiny” Davis

Allen Lee Davis weighed over 350 pounds, a morbidly obese condition that gave him the ironic nickname “Tiny.” He was convicted for the brutal murders of Nancy Weiler, who was three months pregnant at the time, and her two young daughters, aged 5 and 10. Davis had been on parole for armed robbery when the attacks occurred.

For his crimes, Davis was strapped to “Old Sparky” and died by electrocution on July 8, 1999. Witness accounts reported that “Tiny” bled profusely from the nose and suffered burns to his head, leg, and groin area. As a result of the botched punishment, Davis remains the last person executed by the electric chair in Florida.

Last Meal: lobster tail, fried potatoes, half-pound of shrimp, six ounces of fried clams, half-loaf of garlic bread, 32-ounce A&W root beer

Method of Execution: Electric Chair 

1. John Wayne Gacy

Among the crowded field of notorious serial killers, John Wayne Gacy ranks as one of the creepiest. The married father of two children frequently performed as a clown at hospitals and charity events and worked as a manager of three Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants before being convicted of murder and sexual assault. 

Between 1972 and 1978, Gacy’s heinous crimes involved at least 33 teenage boys and young men, several of whom he tortured and buried under his Chicago-area home. After spending 14 years on death row, during which time he created several controversial paintings, he was finally put to death at the Stateville Correctional Center in Illinois.

Last Meal: a bucket of original recipe Kentucky Fried Chicken, french fries, 12 fried shrimp, and a pound of strawberries

Method of Execution: Lethal Injection

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