It is always difficult to make a television show about a real person. Inevitably, the show will not be able to include…
Are you sitting down? We’ve got some bad news for you. We’ve done a little digging, and it turns out that you’re…
The first and last royal family of Russia was the Romanovs. Tsar Nicholas II had four daughters and one son. His daughters…
We may not think about it a lot, but it’s almost magical that we can give birth to a whole new person…
The Ford Model T was the first affordable automobile. Henry Ford famously said that his vehicle was targeted at the common man.…
Practicing medicine is just that—practice—because physicians are forever perfecting their skills and acquiring knowledge. With that said, medicine is continuously evolving. But…
How much time do you spend thinking about atoms? Probably not that much since you can’t see them and most of us…
Originally settled by ancient Phoenicians, Spain features old-world cities, Mediterranean beaches, and its own unique culture. It’s a sizable country comprising almost…
Boy meets girl, romance ensues, something goes wrong, drama ensues, the something gets fixed and then boy and girl live happily ever…
At the mention of plastic surgery, most people probably think of expensive, unnecessary procedures performed on rich people for purely aesthetic purposes.…