Eyes – Listorati https://listorati.com Fascinating facts and lists, bizarre, wonderful, and fun Fri, 01 Nov 2024 21:28:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://listorati.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/listorati-512x512-1.png Eyes – Listorati https://listorati.com 32 32 215494684 10 Strange Things That Can Happen To Your Eyes https://listorati.com/10-strange-things-that-can-happen-to-your-eyes/ https://listorati.com/10-strange-things-that-can-happen-to-your-eyes/#respond Fri, 01 Nov 2024 21:28:11 +0000 https://listorati.com/10-strange-things-that-can-happen-to-your-eyes/

While people might worry about the health of organs like the heart, lungs, and liver, not many people think about their eyes. But our vision can be affected by some very strange diseases and conditions indeed.

10Cat Eye Syndrome


An extremely rare chromosomal disease, cat eye syndrome appears at birth and is a lifelong condition. The syndrome was named after its signature symptom—an absence of tissue in the eye, which causes the pupil to narrow and push itself into the iris. However, not all sufferers of cat eye syndrome actually experience this ocular abnormality.

Unfortunately, cat eye syndrome also affects the kidneys, heart, ear, and skeletal system. It may also cause hyperactivity and mild mental disability. The condition can often be detected early on, as it causes growth delays before birth.

Treatment varies depending on the phenotype of the sufferer and the severity of the symptoms. The ocular abnormality cannot be reversed, but eyesight can be improved with glasses or other prescription eyewear.

9Eye Paralysis


In every case of eye paralysis, the eye loses all sensory and motor functions—and it’s a much more common condition than you’d think. It’s usually a symptom of various diseases, such as diabetes, peripheral artery disease, a tumor in the pituitary gland, or a cardiovascular problem. It is also associated with Kearns-Sayre syndrome, which causes pigment to build up behind the eye and comes with a horrible bonus of heart disease. Other signs of Kearns-Sayre are seizures and deafness, which usually strike in late adolescence. In rarer cases, eye paralysis is a side effect of Moebius syndrome, which paralyzes the entire face. Treatment for eye paralysis depends on the underlying cause—if the cause is cured, the paralysis will be as well.


More of a natural occurrence than a medical condition, hippus can be observed in anybody. When you shine a light into a person’s eye, their pupil will enlarge and contract at a slow pace, as it adjusts to the new, brighter environment. This is the pupil’s normal way of reacting. In fact, if hippus doesn’t occur under these circumstances, that may be a sign of medical problems in itself.

But when hippus occurs without the help of light, it can indicate a wide range of conditions, including neurosyphilis and multiple sclerosis. It has also been linked to renal failure and cirrhosis, and even cerebral tumors.

7Eye Tumors

Normally appearing behind your eye, ocular tumors are unpleasant enough to begin with—but are even weirder when they appear on the outside of the eye. These types of tumors, called limbal dermoids, are almost always benign and usually don’t cause any major vision problems, since they rarely cover the center of the cornea. Doctors who have treated limbal dermoids (a typical ophthalmologist may see one or two cases in their lifetime) say that patients often don’t request surgery to have them removed, because the tumors don’t harm them, aside from the possibility of mild astigmatism.

Some limbal dermoids will grow hair follicles, cartilage, and even sweat glands. One anonymous Iranian man had an eye tumor removed after it sprouted several black hairs, which were causing him mild discomfort.

6Ocular Herpes


Ocular herpes is exactly what it sounds like: herpes of the eye. It can be caused by the varicella-zoster virus or by herpes simplex type 1. These are distinct from the virus that causes genital herpes and ocular herpes cannot be sexually transmitted (the majority of people will actually be exposed to some form of herpes during their lifetime, mostly without noticing it). Ocular herpes can appear as a sore or bumps on the eyelid. These sores will usually heal within about a week, but until then they can cause redness, headaches, and photophobia.

More unusually, the virus can also affect the cornea itself, resulting in more severe versions of the usual symptoms. In very rare circumstances, herpes can even appear inside of the eye, causing temporary vision loss.

5Red Eyes In Albinos


Albinism is a condition caused by insufficient production of melanin, the pigment that gives color to your skin and hair. This melanin deficiency also affects the eyes, which can appear red or pink as a result.

Since albinos lack pigment, their eyes aren’t really red. Instead, the iris becomes transparent enough that the blood vessels behind it show through, creating the reddish color. Unfortunately, the lack of melanin means the retina is less efficient at absorbing light. This causes photophobia, an uncomfortable or painful response to bright light, and can lead to eye damage. Albinism can also inhibit the eye’s development and is strongly associated with astigmatism and other vision problems.

4Star In The Eye


Nine months after being punched in the face, an Austrian man went to the doctor complaining of deteriorating vision. When the doctor examined his eye, he was surprised to find a perfect star-shaped cataract. It’s common for cataracts to form after a blow to the eye, since the shock wave can disrupt the structure of the lens, causing it to become opaque in places. The cataract’s unique shape was a beautiful coincidence. Doctors eventually used sound waves to break up the cataract, which was then removed and replaced with an artificial lens.

A much more serious case of a star-shaped cataract occurred in California in 2004. An electrician’s shoulder came into contact with an exposed wire, causing 14,000 volts to course through his body—including his optic nerve. The initial shock of the electricity created the unusual star shapes. The cataracts were eventually removed, but the damage to the optic nerve was unfortunately permanent, leaving the man with limited sight in both eyes.



A fairly well known condition, heterochromia is a difference in color between the eyes. Most cases are hereditary, but it can be acquired later in life. Heterochromia itself is fairly benign, although it can be a symptom of an underlying condition like Waardenburg syndrome.

Heterochromia can manifest itself in different ways. For instance, not all heterochromia cases involve two totally different-colored eyes. Some people have two different colors within the same eye—for example, with sectoral heterochromia, you could have two blue eyes, but a quarter of an iris might be red or brown. The third type (other than complete heterochromia, which is described above), features a circular ring of color around the outside of the pupil, and is known as central heterochromia.



True polycoria is one of the rarest conditions in the world—there have been only a handful of cases in recorded history. Even exactly how it occurs is still unknown. People with true polycoria have two or more pupils in one eye. The pupils are contained in the same iris, but have their own sphincter muscles and are capable of operating independently of each other.

Much more common is a condition called pseudopolycoria. People with this condition simply appear to have two or more pupils. However, the additional “pupils” are merely holes in the iris, lacking a pupillary sphincter, and do not function as true pupils. One Massachusetts woman appeared to have five pupils in one eye. The condition apparently did not cause her any major vision problems, other than mild discomfort in very bright light. Other than mild vision loss, polycoria doesn’t affect the inner workings of the eye.



Maybe one of the strangest conditions in medicine, haemolacria is better known as crying blood. In 2009, a teenager named Calvino Inman randomly began weeping blood one day. Reasonably thinking he was dying, Inman was rushed to the hospital and had a CT scan, MRI, and ultrasound. None of these revealed any abnormalities. Today, researchers are still puzzled as to why Calvino keeps bleeding from his eyes.

Another sufferer, Michael Spann, felt a violent pain in his head and suddenly began bleeding from his eyes, nose, and mouth. Ever since then, he has wept blood at least once or twice a week. Spann’s life has been badly impacted: “Any job I get, I lose, because my eyes start bleeding and they can’t keep me on.” Oddly, both Spann and Inman are from Tennessee.

A 2004 study looked at four children with haemolacria, all of whom eventually recovered without any medical treatment. It is unclear what caused Spann and Inman to develop the condition, but Spann at least appears to be recovering—he used to weep blood up to three times a day.

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10 Curious Facts Our Eyes Reveal About Our Biology https://listorati.com/10-curious-facts-our-eyes-reveal-about-our-biology/ https://listorati.com/10-curious-facts-our-eyes-reveal-about-our-biology/#respond Sat, 27 Jul 2024 13:24:14 +0000 https://listorati.com/10-curious-facts-our-eyes-reveal-about-our-biology/

The eyes may be said to be the windows of the soul, but a look at our eyes also sheds some interesting light upon diverse facets of human biology. In this list, our discoveries take us through a surprising story about the history of the blue eye mutation, lesser-known facts about eye color and disease correlations, hidden blind spots, and why we can shed three different types of tears.

10Blue-Eyed People Have A Common Ancestor


Blue-eyed humans make up a significant percentage of the population in certain areas of Europe, Eurasia, and the lands inhabited by the diaspora of these populations. Despite a range in distribution, scientists have determined that blue-eyed individuals can be traced back to a single common ancestor who would have resided in the Baltic Sea region 6,000–10,000 years ago.

Prior to a peculiar genetic change, all humans had brown eyes. A team led by Hans Eiberg from the University of Copenhagen discovered that blue-eyed humans were created by a genetic mutation on the OCA2 gene, which specifically cuts down melanin production in the iris. If the genetic effects went all the way, we would be seeing albinos rather than light-eyed individuals.

Eiberg was the original identifier of OCA2 as the gene responsible for eye color, continuing research begun in 1996. The study compared people from across Eurasia and determined just how specific were the roots of the wide-ranging mutation.

9Men And Women Exhibit Differences In Visual Perception

Men and women appear to see differently, according to some rather interesting scientific investigations. According to research by Israel Abramov and his team from CUNY’s Brooklyn and Hunter Colleges, men are more sensitive to detail and motion, whereas women excel to a greater degree when it comes to picking up the nuances of color. The study included a comparison of male and female vision with a request to describe different colors as they were shown. Men were found to require a longer color wavelength and also exhibited reduced sensitivity to slight differences between shades.

However, male volunteers exceeded the capabilities of females when it came to rapidly moving images. Males could better identify rapidly shifting images composed of colored bars compared to the women, who experienced a greater challenge at this particular task. Abramov explained that these factors are linked to thalamic neurons within the primary visual cortex, which are influenced during development by the presence of androgens.

Research at the University of Bristol indicated another difference in male versus female visual activity patterns, this time in the area of how men and women use their eyes. Men tended to fix their gaze on an individual’s face or other point of focus, whereas women would tend to shift their gaze at different parts of an image when asked to look at still images.

8Eye Color, Facial Morphology And Trust


Eye color appears to be linked to morphology and human perceptions of trustworthiness, according to a recent study in Europe. In January 2013, Karel Kleisner and her colleagues from Charles University in the Czech Republic published research identifying some fascinating biological and sociological relationships. When facial structure and eye color were compared, it was found that brown-eyed men typically possessed broader chins, larger mouths and noses, and closer eyebrows with increased prominence. In contrast, blue-eyed men had “finer” features, with narrower, more downturned mouths, longer chins, smaller eyes, and widely spaced eyebrows. The faces of these men were generally more angular in appearance.

Interestingly, public perceptions of trustworthiness from all audience members tested showed that these blue-eyed men with correspondingly different faces were less likely to garner trust from subjects. However, the few men with blue eyes who had less typical, broad faces garnered more trust. Women’s facial structures and eye colors did not seem to affect observer perception of trustworthiness, suggesting that human females may be judged according to different factors than the ones to which males are subject.

7Eye Color And Macular Degeneration

Nature does not guarantee equality when it comes to disease and genetics. Certain afflictions are biologically biased tendencies that can relate to ethnicity and distinct physiological traits. Macular degeneration is one such condition. Coming in wet and dry forms, macular degeneration sees cone cells in the central part of the eye responsible for central vision suffer damage. This leads to a loss of visual capabilities in the middle of the visual fields, although peripheral sight is maintained. Studies and observation suggest that the color of the eye and related physiological considerations play a role in macular degeneration incidence.

Blue-eyed and green-eyed individuals, especially those of British, Scandinavian, or German descent, are more prone to developing this disease compared to darker individuals who may come from nationalities with a higher number of brown-eyed individuals.

According to optometrists, those with lighter eyes such as blue eyes or lighter irises have less melanin to shield the eye and are thus more prone to macular degeneration. Macular degeneration affects women to a significantly greater degree than men. With the lightest human eyes being found in the Caucasian race, it is no surprise that these people are the most likely to experience macular degeneration. A diet rich in antioxidants and nutrients to limit free radical damage, along with the use of sunglasses, is frequently recommended to potentially reduce macular degeneration incidence.

6Cataract Risk Trends And Eye Color


Although it is tempting to assume we are all the same, seemingly superficial traits can directly affect our health predispositions in sometimes counterintuitive ways. People with light eyes tend to have light skin that burns easily in sunlight, yet scientific findings published following research in Sydney, Australia, indicate an increased incidence of certain cataracts in individuals with dark eyes at a rate of 2.5-fold. It appears that those with dark eyes are simply significantly more vulnerable to this form of harmful change over time than light-eyed humans.

Robert Cumming, PhD, points out that a certain type of cataract was significantly more likely to develop in darker-eyed individuals than those with blue or hazel eyes. Sunlight was identified as a potential factor through speculation that dark eye colors absorb sunlight in the same way black surfaces do. While sunlight may be a factor, increased cataract risks were found even in those who were not spending an inordinate amount of time in the sun. This might suggest that internal factors are also at play.

5Tears Are Very Diverse


Even the apparently simple things in nature are not as straightforward as they might seem. For example, consider human tears. Tears serve a range of purposes and form distinct types to meet different needs. Tears originate in the lacrimal glands, formed with an outer layer of oil to prevent evaporation, with a middle aqueous layer carrying nutrients and salt to the cornea. The innermost mucous layer brings essential moisture to the eyes. Tears are produced for different reasons, according to the directions our brain provides.

Basal tears have nothing to do with emotion; they coat your eyes each second with moisture. Other tears are formed in response to physical pain or as soon as the presence of foreign objects is detected. Such tears have a chemical makeup suited to providing healing effects. Finally, we have the most familiar form of tears, the emotional tears, which are a response to sadness, stress, or even extreme emotions of a positive nature such as joy. Emotional tears contain hormones that may help rid the body of chemical effects from emotions as they build up.

4Brown-Eyed People May Have Faster Reaction Times


Human reaction times and certain task performance patterns vary in studies sorting participants by dark and light eye colors. While one might ask whether the differences are directly linked to eye color, or whether a separate factor linked with eye color is at work, a scientific study involving 44 male and 82 females of Caucasian descent showed clear relationships. When tested, individuals with dark eyes exhibited statistically significant reductions in reaction times to simple stimulus trials. Complex reaction time tests indicated similar trends, even though the findings were not statistically significant.

According to the research, darker iris colors seem to indicate reductions in reaction times with tasks involving speed of response without accuracy. Blue-eyed individuals may experience great success in tasks requiring longer-term thinking, such as game strategy. Commentary by Barry Wasserman, MD, notes that while differences are slight, there may be multiple correlations that directly involve eye color as well as interrelated traits. Melanin levels in the brain could relate to melanin levels in the eyes, influencing diverse responses. Light sensitivity may also be a factor in human reactions.

3The Cornea Is Bloodless But Sensitive


Standing out as an oddball among other parts of the human body, the cornea is completely without blood vessels. Instead, the cornea receives nutrients from the tear ducts at the front and the aqueous humor from the rear. The cornea is extremely sensitive, with massive concentrations of nerve cells and an ability to protect the eye and refract light for proper vision. A perfectly clear and functional cornea is thus essential for good vision, and the need for clarity lies behind the otherwise odd lack of blood vessels, unparalleled elsewhere in the human body.

Despite the lack of blood vessels, the cornea is highly innervated. Any type of injury may not only cause long-term damage—it will be extremely painful. Damage to the surface of the cornea is not the only cause for concern. Inside the cornea, the endothelium regulates fluid flow in and out of the stoma of the eye. If the endothelial cells are lost or damaged, fluid buildup may lead to serious damage in what is known as corneal edema.

2Cataracts Reflect Aging, Not Disease


Cataracts are feared for their ability to impair vision and appear with less notice than we might expect. And rightly so are they feared, for cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide. However, cataracts are not so much a disease as an aging process.

The lens of the eye is mostly protein and water, allowing for clear and vision-enabling processing of light waves. As human beings get on in years, proteins clump together, clouding and eventually leading to significant impairments of normal vision.

Increased susceptibility to glare as well as reduced vision may indicate cataract formation, which is interestingly capable of occurring in younger people even though aging is a central predisposing factor. Scientific investigation and healthy living inquiry points to nutrition as an important factor for consideration. A 10-year study looked at female health professionals and found that higher vitamin E levels in the diet, together with carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, significantly reduced cataract occurrence risks.

1Optic Nerve Attachments Create Blind Spots


We may think we have perfect vision, but every human has a blind spot in each eye where the optic nerve attaches. Known more technically as Cranial Nerve II, the extension of the ganglions from the retina acts in a manner more similar to brain tissue than eye tissue. While each optic nerve enables sight and communication between the eye and brain, its necessary attachment zone creates a full blind spot in each eye, near the center. It is simply not possible for rods and cones to be present where the optic nerve head is located.

To compensate, the blind spot in one eye will correspond to a section of the opposite eye’s retina that is seeing correctly. Therefore, we experience uninterrupted vision. The existence of these blind spots and our compensation for their effects show how subjective our perception of reality can be as our brains fool us for our own good.

Christopher Stephens is a researcher and writer based in British Columbia, Canada. He completed his M.Sc. In Environment and Management and enjoys writing about health, science, and environmental studies. An experienced naturalist, he leads world-class birdwatching tours for Pacific Rainforest Adventure Tours in B.C.

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Top 10 Creepy Controversies Around Eyes Wide Shut https://listorati.com/top-10-creepy-controversies-around-eyes-wide-shut/ https://listorati.com/top-10-creepy-controversies-around-eyes-wide-shut/#respond Wed, 01 May 2024 03:59:53 +0000 https://listorati.com/top-10-creepy-controversies-around-eyes-wide-shut/

Although it is just over 20 years old, the Stanley Kubrick film, Eyes Wide Shut remains one of the most controversial movies ever made. And not so much for any particular scene, but rather due to the overriding plot which, at least to some, makes some rather heavy hints of the reality of The Illuminati and the secret rituals they are involved with. And while most have dismissed most of the claims of what the film is “really saying” as conspiracy nonsense, in light of the recent Jeffrey Epstein case, some are starting to look again at what Kubrick might have been trying to tell us in his final movie.

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10 Stanley Kubrick’s Sudden Death

Perhaps the conspiracies surrounding Eyes Wide Shut began when the maker of the film, Stanley Kubrick, died only days after the first viewing of it. The official cause of death was from a heart attack. However, as we might imagine, there were many who believed his death was far from natural.

Given the subject matter, a popular conspiracy theory soon took hold that elite members of Hollywood had arranged to have the world-famous director killed. And of course, in true conspiracy style, this murder would have to look like anything but. In this case, the most popular claim is that a heart attack was intentionally induced in Kubrick. There is, however, no evidence to support these claims. And as easy as they might be to subscribe to, we must treat them for what they are.

So why would someone wish to bump off Kubrick? Well that is subject of our next point.[1]

9 Allegations Of Cut Scenes From The Finished Film

The main conspiracy as to why some people believe Kubrick was murdered revolves around a “damage limitation” mission ordered by elite financial backers in Hollywood. It is the belief of some that upon seeing Kubrick’s film at the first viewing they decided much of the content had to be cut away. Not confident that Kubrick would agree (he was known very much for his determination in such matters) and consequently fearing a surge of publicity from any fallout, a decision was taken to remove Kubrick from the picture permanently.

Once this had happened, the movie could be trimmed down and tempered somewhat. Once more, we should mention that there is no evidence for this. And while the movie was completed in terms of editing and such after Kubrick’s death, it is maintained that nothing significant was removed. Although, if there was a cover-up over such a matter, then that is exactly what the powers that be would say.[2]

8 Hints Of Illuminati Activity

OK, so why exactly is the content of the film so controversial. Ultimately it is because it appears to lean heavily on many of the Illuminati and secret society conspiracies that have been around for decades. Perhaps the main drive of these is that such secret societies use “mind-controlled sex slaves” for their rituals. In some cases, with “high class sex slaves”, they are also used to pass top-secret information between world leaders and high-ranking members. We will come back to some of the alleged specific symbols used to convey this message a little later.

Essentially, the movie suggests that those on the inside of these secret societies control anything from the police to the media. And because of this, anyone who presents problems or becomes of no further use, can be made to disappear with no questions asked. Almost any of the conspiracies that surround the Illuminati can be found in Eyes Wide Shut leading many to question just how real these claims might be. And when we move on to our next point, that blurring of fiction and reality increases.[3]

7 The Depiction Of The Rothschild Party

One of the main parts of the film revolves around a secret party at a lavish mansion. And it looks almost exactly like the mansion owned by Baron Guy and Baroness Marie-Helene de Rothschild, the Chateau de Ferrieres. What’s more, the mansion was subject to a mysterious masked party hosted by the owners in 1972, photographs of which have since been leaked online.

It certainly appears a morose affair. Aside from the very strange masks people are wearing – ranging from animal heads to pretend cages – there are dismembered dolls and other broken children’s toys purposely scattered around on the tables. Some tables even feature naked mannequins as if laid in a coffin with food served on top of it.

It is even claimed that invites to this “surrealist ball” were sent with coded wording. Furthermore, the wording was written backwards so it could only be read in a mirror. Even stranger, as the guests arrived at the mansion, it was bathed in a deep red glow. This was to give it the appearance of being on fire.[4]

6 Suggestions Of Mind Control

We mentioned mind control in an earlier point, and how the film appears to drop discreet messages of this throughout. Perhaps one of the main ways this is done is by the constant references to rainbows throughout the movie. It is claimed by some conspiracy researchers that rainbows are a reference to the MKUltra mind control techniques used by high-ranking elite members. And this is particularly the case when this is done to create sex slaves.

For example, a costume rental shop named Rainbow plays host to several scenes. Perhaps the best example, though, is when the main protagonist, Dr. Bill (played by Tom Cruise) finds his way inside the secret party. He lies to get inside (he is eventually found out) but is greeted upon his arrival by two “Monarch Presidential” models. They begin to lead Dr. Bill away from the hall, so he asks them where they are going.

To this, one of the girls replies they are going “where they rainbow ends”. Before Dr. Bill can respond, the second girl says to Dr. Bill “don’t you want to see where the rainbow ends?”[5]

10 Quirky Facts About Tom Cruise

5 Masonic Symbols Are Everywhere

As we might imagine, there are also numerous Masonic symbols and references within Eyes Wide Shut. And this happens right from the off. At the beginning of the film, for example, when we see Alice (played by Nicole Kidman) undressing ready for bed, she does so while standing in between two large pillars. It is claimed that these represent the Masonic pillars, Boaz and Jachin. There is also discreet appearances of the Star of Ishtar in the film, another strong Masonic symbol.

Perhaps one of the most obvious Masonic symbols can be seen in the scene where Dr. Bill has been discovered at the party and is standing in the main hall in front of the cult leader. This leader sits on a throne that contains a two-headed eagle on the back of it. The two-headed eagle is a primary emblem to the 33-degree Scottish Rite Freemasons, one of the most powerful Masonic organizations in the world.[6]

4 Sex Slave Rituals

A great part of the film revolves around the idea that woman from all backgrounds of life have been somehow subjected to mind control programs. And the reason for this is mainly so they can be used as sex slaves at the society’s secret gatherings. We have already mentioned the rainbow aspect relating to mind control.

However, another clue can be found in the term often used in such scenarios – a scarlet woman. Several of the main characters that surround Dr. Bill all have scarlet hair. And this might be pure coincidence. However, even the most skeptical person should at least raise an eyebrow at this. Furthermore, and much more harrowing, Dr. Bill’s own daughter has scarlet hair. This is an apparent reflection of the claims that many of the woman who find themselves trapped in these situations – if we believe the claims to be anywhere near true – are often programed and groomed from being young children.[7]

3 Hints At Murders Disguised As “Overdoses” Or Suicides

Toward the end of the film, one of the prostitutes who was at the party (seemingly as a mind-controlled sex slave) is discovered dead. It is reported in the media that she died of a drugs overdose. However, in a later scene, it is revealed to Dr. Bill that the high-ranking members of the secret society control all of the media, and even the police. Anybody at all, in fact, who might cause a problem with their activities.

Furthermore, while it is not said outright, it is heavily implied that she was murdered, and her death made to look like an overdose.

As outlandish as the above might sound, it is a scenario that has been discussed in conspiracy circles for decades. And not exclusively for unfortunate woman who might find themselves mixed up with such organizations. Many researchers – even (relatively) serious minded ones – have made various claims of politicians dying in strange and suspicious circumstances, for example.[8]

2 What Is It Called Eyes Wide Shut?

The reason the film is called Eyes Wide Shut, at least according to some researchers, is a blatant reference to Hollywood and the number of people who (allegedly) know this kind of activity is taking place yet do not say anything about it. And, like the conspiracies of the alleged Illuminati, such talk has been rife in Hollywood for years. And while some people have spoken out, they are usually left as lone wolfs with no one willing to corroborate their accounts.

While most dismiss such rumors as exactly that, it appears that in recent years there certainly appears to be certain parts of the film and television industry that appear a little suspect. That is not to say that activities are taking place as some conspiracy theorists say they are. It does appear, though, that there might be more to uncover than most of us would like to admit.

When we consider our final point, that likelihood increases even more.[9]

1 In Light Of The Epstein Allegations, What Should We Think?

Although the rumors were rampant for years when the revelations about the secret sex parties hosted by Jeffrey Epstein on his private island came to light recently, it caused many people to look again at such claims of secret societies made of high-ranking people. And that, at least for some, included another look at Eyes Wide Shut.

With what we know now of Epstein Island – and there is surely more to come to light – should we take some of the claims of the “real” messages of Eyes Wide Shut a little more seriously? Might, as some researchers will tell you, the Epstein case simply be the tip of the iceberg? Might the happenings in Eyes Wide Shut be going on behind closed doors in real life? Right under our collective noses? And if they are, will we ever truly discover anything about them? To end on a cliché, only time will tell.[10]

8 Conspiracy Theories That Refuse To Die

Marcus Lowth

Marcus Lowth is a writer with a passion for anything interesting, be it UFOs, the Ancient Astronaut Theory, the paranormal or conspiracies. He also has a liking for the NFL, film and music.

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Top 10 Animals That Evolved To Not Need Eyes https://listorati.com/top-10-animals-that-evolved-to-not-need-eyes/ https://listorati.com/top-10-animals-that-evolved-to-not-need-eyes/#respond Sun, 26 Nov 2023 19:47:09 +0000 https://listorati.com/top-10-animals-that-evolved-to-not-need-eyes/

When you stop to think about it for a moment, there are actually a lot of animals that don’t have eyes. Jellyfish, Hydras, Sea Urchins, Sea Cucumbers, worms, and many more critters never evolved a means of looking around, and instead, use other means to make their way in the world.

Other than those animals, there are some that either had eyes at one point in their evolutionary history, and lost them over time, or they evolved eyes that were later rendered incapable of seeing. Whatever their evolutionary niche, these ten interesting animals lost their ability to see the world around them but found innovative ways of surviving.

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10 Blind Legless Lizard – Dibamus Dalaiensis

A new species of legless lizard was discovered in 2011, and as the name suggests, it’s completely blind. These interesting animals have some of the characteristics of snakes but fall under the Dibamidae family of blind skinks. Though they look similar, they have external ears, and depending on the gender, they may have small protuberances where legs would normally be located. The new species was discovered in Cambodia and marks the first time an animal of its kind was located in the Southeast Asian nation.

The Blind Legless Lizard of Cambodia evolved not to need eyes, as it spends nearly its entire life burrowing through the soil. According to one researcher, when it comes to eyes, “Those adaptations are simply a waste of energy when you’re working your way through underground tunnels.” Legless lizards evolved prior to snakes, and many species, including this newly discovered one, are threatened. D. dalaiensis, as far as any researcher is aware, lives in a small area on a single mountain in Cambodia, which is under threat from logging and other industries.[1]

9 Brazilian Blind Characid – Stygichthys Typhlops

In the caves of Minas Gerais, Brazil, lives the Brazilian Blind Characid, a species of cave-adapted fish, which has evolved to no longer need eyes, or pigmentation. Like other species of tetra, they are small fish, measuring up to 1.8″ (4.6 cm), and live a relatively solitary life in their cave ponds. In the wild, they are becoming rarer, due, in large part, to a reduction in the local water table, which has resulted in the drying up of numerous ponds and streams. Despite their decline int the wild, they are sometimes kept in aquariums as pets, where they are prized for their unique features.

The fish was initially discovered in the 60s and was later rediscovered in the early 2000s. Since that time, only a limited population has been studied in their native habitat, as well as in laboratories, where their behavior could be monitored. They have no reaction to light, and there are no visible eyes, where they would normally be located in other tetra species. They are the last remaining species of Stygichthys, and there was once a surface variant, but habitat loss has likely resulted in its extinction. The Brazilian Blind Characid is limited to a 25km-long aquifer and is threatened by habitat loss due to a lowering of the local water table.[2]

8 Kentucky Cave Shrimp – Palaemonias Ganteri

The Kentucky Cave Shrimp is a freshwater species of troglobite shrimp found in the caves of Barren, Edmonson, Hart, and Warren Counties, Kentucky. The species has evolved without eyes of any kind, and its shell lacks pigment, making it almost entirely transparent. They live exclusively in underground streams found in caves and can be found mostly in Mammoth Cave National Park. They survive in the low energy environment off of the sediment that washes into the cave via the movement of groundwater. Within the sediment, they find a rich bounty of protozoans, fungi, algal cells, and other organic materials.

Most species of shrimp possess small eyestalks topped with ocular receptors of some type, but the Kentucky Cave Shrimp evolved without these and has no way of sensing light. They look much like Ghost Shrimp, a common species found in many aquariums. Unlike Ghost Shrimp, the Kentucky Cave Shrimp is threatened due to its limited range. It only occupies a small area within Kentucky and is suffering in that area due to poor water quality resulting from a deterioration via groundwater contamination. Fortunately, conservation efforts are underway to ensure this strange animal doesn’t disappear from the world.[3]

7 Olm – Proteus Anguinus

An Olm is a species of aquatic salamander, which is the sole cave-dwelling chordate in Europe. It is entirely aquatic, which is unusual for any amphibian, and it is found solely in caves in the Dinarcip Alps, where it spends its life eating, sleeping, and breeding underwater. Their fleshy skin color has earned them the nickname of “human fish” by the locals, and it has a rich history dating back hundreds of years. The first examples were identified in 1689, where the locals found them washed up after heavy rains. They were believed to be the offspring of a cave dragon, but sadly, they are mere salamanders, and cannot breathe fire.

Unlike some of the other species on this list, the Olm possesses eyes, but they are undeveloped and incapable of seeing any light. It uses its other senses of smell and hearing to navigate its dark environment. Their eyes are formed into small slits, which are completely covered by transparent skin, leaving no eyelids and no other “seeing” features. They have small limbs, with three toes on their forearms, and two on its hind feet, and they lack pigmentation, which is why they have a fleshy, earthworm look to their skin.[4]

6 Kaua’i Cave Wolf Spider – Adelocosa Anops

The Kaua’i Cave Wolf Spider is a blind spider found in only a few caves located in the Koloa–Po’ipu region of Kaua’i, Hawaiian Islands, where only six populations have been observed. They are relatively small for wolf spiders, and only reach a body length of around 0.8″ (20 mm). Their above-ground cousins have large eyes, but the Kaua’i Cave Wolf Spider has evolved to no longer need them—it has no eyes, whatsoever. They are completely harmless to people, and instead, prey almost exclusively on a small amphipod found in its environment, which itself is limited to only nine populations in the same area.

Because of their limited range in the caves of Koloa–Po’ipu, the spider is under threat of habitat loss and deterioration. This has resulted from human intervention and activities, which have contaminated their habitat. The biggest threat has been the use of chemical and biological pest controls, which kills their intended prey species, resulting in significant losses to the known populations of the Kaua’i Cave Wolf Spider. They are currently listed as endangered, and efforts are underway to limit their habitat loss to ensure their survival.[5]

10 Amazing Evolutionary Discoveries In Prehistoric Creatures

5 Widemouth Blindcat – Satan Eurystomus

The Widemouth Blindcat is a species of catfish found in Texas, and the only member of the genus Satan. Yes, Satan. The species was first identified in a dark well, indicating it evolved to live in a lightless, subterranean environment. It is currently found in only five artesian wells in and around San Antonio, Texas. They lack pigmentation, and as their name implies, they have no visible eyes on the outside of their bodies. They do have eye remnants, suggesting they once had eyes but evolved to no longer need them. Their ocular remnants are incredibly reduced in size, and have little to no trace of a retina or lens, though the optic tract is present, it doesn’t reach the brain.

The Widemouth Blindcat is comparatively smaller than typical catfish and only grows to a length of around 5.4″ (13.7 cm). They have been found with crustacean skeletons in their stomachs, which implies they are a top-tier predator in their environment. Because of groundwater contamination, they are currently listed as vulnerable, and their population has been noted as declining. Conservation efforts are underway, but there are significant challenges due to their limited range to only a small area in central Texas.[6]

4 Blind Albino Cave Crab – Munidopsis Polymorpha

The Blind Albino Cave Crab is a species of squat lobster found only in the caves of Jameos del Agua in Lanzarote, Canary Islands. They are small, pale in color, and completely blind. They live exclusively in lava tubes, which were created thousands of years ago after seawater flooded into the caves created by volcanic eruptions. They are unique to their environment and very little has been learned about them since their identification in 1892. Despite the little known about them, they represent the animal symbol of the island of Lanzarote.

The Blind Albino Cave Crab lives in a cave, which can be visited and is even listed on Trip Advisor as a good place to check out while visiting Lanzarote. Physically, they look like tiny lobsters, which is actually what they are, despite what their name implies. They lack pigmentation and have no eyestalks of any kind. They have no reaction to light and get around by using their senses of smell, taste, and touch. Unlike most of the species on this list, they are not currently listed as threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.[7]

3 Southern Cave Crayfish – Orconectes Australis

There are several aspects of the Southern Cave Crayfish, which make it an interesting specimen for study. One of the most important details about this critter is that it is a centenarian species, which means it can live in excess of 100 years, and one reported example of a Southern Cave Crafish was noted to be more than 176 years in age. The Southern Cave Crayfish looks much like other species of crayfish, though it lacks pigmentation, making it translucent, and it has no eyes or any reaction to light. They are found in subterranean cave waters of Alabama and Tennessee, where it is listed as being of least concern for survival.

They measure up to about 1.8″ in length, and have adapted to their surroundings such that they don’t need to see to get around, which is good seeing as there isn’t any light where they live. They subsist on small fish and insects, as well as whatever they can suck from the sediment washed into their environment via groundwater. They have been observed clinging to walls, on banks, and within open water, where then enjoy burying themselves beneath rocks.[8]

2 Mexican Tetra – Astyanax Mexicanus

The Mexican Tetra is a species of characin found in the freshwaters of the Rio Grande, the Nueces, and Pecos Rivers in Texas, as well as various bodies of water in the central and eastern parts of Mexico. The fish grow to an impressive 4.7″ (12 cm), which is fairly large for a tetra and has no pigmentation, or eyes of any kind. Like the Brazilian Blind Cavefish, the Mexican Tetra is popular among aquarists, where it is often kept in cave-style tanks requiring minimal illumination.

These fish originally had eyes, as their surface-dwelling cousins still do, but over time, they evolved to lose them. Energy conservation is incredibly important in their environment, and scientists have surmised that they lost their eyes over time, as they no longer needed them. A published study determined that “for young, developing fish, the energy cost of sight is 15 percent greater than if they were blind.” This was due to the energy-hungry needs of photoreceptive cells and neurons, which the fish completely lacks. To compensate for their lack of eyesight, they scoop up and eat everything they come across, including dead animals and plants.[9]

1 Texas Blind Salamander – Eurycea Rathbuni

The Texas Blind Salamander is an incredibly rare species of troglobite amphibian found only in San Marcos, Texas, where it can be found in the San Marcos Pool of the Edwards Aquifer. They can reach lengths of up to 5″ (13 cm), and their diet enables them to subsist on whatever happens to flow into its dark environment. This can include a species of blind shrimp, snails, small fish, and anything else they come across. The species was first identified in 1895 when they were extracted from a newly constructed well, which drew water from a depth of 58 meters below the surface. Since that time, they have been studied from seven known locations in and around San Marcos.

Because the Texas Blind Salamander lacks eyes, possessing only subdermal sightless black dots where eyes would normally be, it hunts by sensing water movement in its environment, which is normally completely still. It hunts by moving from side-to-side, as it senses water pressure changes. They are rare, due to their limited range, and because of pollution to the groundwater in their area, their population has been on the decline. The IUCN has listed them as vulnerable, and conservation efforts are underway to protect them in their native habitat.[10]

Top 10 Surreal Animals That Really Exist

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10 Ways Cultures Around the World Are Obsessed with Eyes https://listorati.com/10-ways-cultures-around-the-world-are-obsessed-with-eyes/ https://listorati.com/10-ways-cultures-around-the-world-are-obsessed-with-eyes/#respond Fri, 09 Jun 2023 16:05:32 +0000 https://listorati.com/10-ways-cultures-around-the-world-are-obsessed-with-eyes/

There is one part of the human body that has been the greatest source of numerous myths, legends, and superstitions—the eye. The symbolism of the human eye has been found in cultures around the world for thousands of years, and many of these symbols still exist today.

The eyes have long been considered the windows to our soul, the omniscient presence of God, of prophecy, and as symbols of inner spirituality and the cosmos. Here is a list of ten ways cultures around the world are obsessed with eyes.

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10 The Evil Eye

Most cultures around the world have some version of the evil eye. Whether it’s the “mal de ojo” in Mexico, the “mati” in Greece, or the “ohlo gordo” in Brazil, all of them share one thing in common—that a person could be cursed or harmed with an unwanted gaze or stare given out of jealousy or envy.

Believed to have originated in ancient Greece or Rome, the eyes were considered to have strong powers which could be used to curse or hurt someone with merely a glance. Over the centuries, the superstitious belief of the power of the evil eye took hold across the world, taking unique elements from the various cultures that embraced it.

Various methods and cultural artifacts were used to ward off the evil eye. Brides used veils to escape the glare of jealous people. Newborn boys, prized in ancient cultures, were given protective amulets with blue beads. And, in India, babies’ eyes were lined with kajal, a form of powdered charcoal.

Wherever you find yourself in the world, ancient symbols of the evil eye are sure to be found.[1]

9 The Eye of Horus

Look no further than the Eye of Horus, which originated in ancient Egypt, as an eye symbol still seen around the world today. According to Egyptian myth, Horus lost his eye in a battle to avenge his father’s death. After his eye was magically restored by an Egyptian goddess, the symbol of his eye—the Eye of Horus—became a talisman that represented protection, health, and restoration. It was one of the most frequently used symbols in ancient Egypt and has been discovered in tombs dating back to the Fourth Dynasty (c. 2613–2494 BC).

The Eye of Horus is made up of six parts, each one representing a fraction of a geometric formula. Amazingly, when superimposed over an image of the human brain, each section corresponds to one of six major sensory centers. These sections are believed to represent the six senses—smell, sight, thought, hearing, taste, and touch. Many sources believe the RX symbol we see on all our doctors’ prescriptions today evolved from the Eye of Horus due to its connection with healing powers.

Even today, the Eye of Horus can be seen in many homes, used as a symbol for protection from danger or threats. [2]

8 Ocular Opals

Opals are the only gemstones that naturally refract light, in a process eerily similar to the way the human eye sees color. In the human eye, light travels through a prism, and wavelengths separate into the different colors we see. In opals, the white light splits into the colors of the spectrum and bounces back to give each gemstone its distinct color pattern.

For some, the stones were prized for their magical qualities. They were thought to protect them from eye diseases and could possibly even make them invisible. The opposing view, however, was that they were evil incarnate. Witches were said to use black opals to increase their powers or to possess people they wanted to harm, and some linked the opal to the eyes of detested creatures like toads and snakes.

In the Harry Potter book series, JK Rowling references opals three times. Using the folkloric belief that opals provide “eyes” to see the future, she uses them as a powerful symbol of vision and to predict what might befall the witches and wizards of her fictional world.[3]

7 Fill in the…Daruma Dolls

Look at a daruma doll, a traditional Japanese doll, and the first things you notice are its eyes.

When first purchased, the odd-looking dolls, featuring a bearded man’s face, contain oversized, blank, white circles for eyes. The big eyes are only left blank temporarily, however—an eyeball will be painted in one of the eyes upon receipt of the doll as a gift. The second eye will only be filled in when a determined life goal or wish has been attained.

The dolls are modeled after a 5th-century monk named Bodhidharma, who, legend says, faced a cave wall in deep meditation for five years. He was so committed to his search for enlightenment that eventually, his body atrophied, but his spirit remained steadfast. The eyes on the doll represent his determination and the eye-on-the-prize mental strength needed to accomplish his goal.

Unsurprisingly, the expression “Both eyes open” is commonly used in Japan to wish someone the best of luck and success.[4]

6 Third Eye of Shiva

Legend has it that the Hindu god Shiva opened his third eye after being shot at with an arrow by Kama, god of lust. He burned Kama to ashes out of anger and frustration at being tempted by him. In the Buddhist and Hindu religions, “awakening one’s third eye” is a metaphor for achieving inner clarity, as Shiva did in order to crush his temptation.

Commonly seen on women worldwide, the bindi—a colored dot or sticker placed on the forehead—is linked to the importance they put in the symbolism of the third eye. It is said to be placed on the spot of the sixth chakra, or energy points, located slightly above and between the eyes and is linked to wisdom.

Scientists describe the pineal gland as a dormant “third-eye” controlling the hypothalamus, which plays an important role in releasing hormones and regulating behavior. Famed scientist René Descartes also referred to the pineal gland as a third eye, the place where all of our thoughts are formed and the principal location for the soul.[5]

5 Unmatching Eyes

We all know about Alexander the Great, the legendary king of Macedonia who changed the course of history, but did you know he had two different colored eyes—one blue and the other one brown? He is said to have had heterochromia—a condition that occurs when a melanin imbalance occurs in the irises.

There was a time when people with two different colored eyes were feared. In some Eastern European cultures, a child born with heterochromia was thought to have had one eye replaced the eye of a witch. People with the condition were considered evil and were connected to supernatural events. Today, heterochromia is regarded as a unique, intriguing trait. Some recognizable people with the condition are Kate Bosworth, Dan Akroyd, Jane Seymour, and New York Mets pitcher Max Scherzer.

Some animals such as dogs and cats are also affected by the condition, making for a dramatic appearance. Some Native Americans called dogs with two different colored eyes “ghost dogs” and believed they could see heaven with one eye and Earth with another.

Although it affects less than one percent of the world’s population, there is a day—July 12th, National Heterochromia Day—when we can all obsess about the beauty of people with different eyes![6]

4 The Eye of Providence

The earliest example of the symbol of the Eye of Providence, an open eye set within a triangle, was found in the religious art of the Renaissance as a representation of God’s omnipresence. Artist Pontormo’s 1525 painting, Supper at Emmaus, features the divine eye, a symbol of God the Father, within the trinity triangle.

In 1782, the Great Seal of the United States was unveiled, featuring the Eye of Providence. It was Charles Thompson, Secretary of the Continental Congress, who came up with the image of a pyramid along with the eye, representing God’s oversight over the new nation. Some people contend that the symbol was linked to Freemasonry, but that has been proven incorrect. Benjamin Franklin was the only Mason on the committee that decided on the seal, but the all-seeing eye only became a Masonic symbol in 1797, fourteen years after the adoption of the seal by Congress.

The all-seeing eye symbol has been the source of conspiracies involving the Illuminati, other “secret elites,” and even pop star conspiracies with Madonna, Kanye West, and Jay Z using it in their art. But all of this is more likely part of the obsession we all have for a powerful symbol of the eye.[7]

3 The Eyes of the God Tāwhirimātea

The Maori New Year revolves around the Matariki constellation, sometimes known as Ngā mata o te ariki Tāwhirimātea, or the eyes of the god Tāwhirimātea. The Maori name of the constellation comes from the legend of the sky-mother Ranginui and the earth-father Papatūānuku, who are split up by two of their unhappy children. They recruit Tane Mahuta, the god of the forest, to banish their parents, and he succeeds. Their other child, Tāwhirimātea, the god of wind, is angered by the events. Out of contempt for his siblings and love for his parents, he gouges out Tane Mahuta’s eyes, crushes them, and throws them into the sky. These “eyes” are now called the Matariki constellation.

Each of the nine stars of the Matariki is a separate “eye” that forms a connection of importance to the Maori people. The nine stars include the “mother of all the other stars” of the constellation; the star that connects to their ancestors; the ones that connect to food from the ground, trees, freshwater, or saltwater; the stars that connect to the rain and the wind; and the youngest star where wishes are sent.

The celebration of Matariki, for the Maori, is a time to unite people, share memories and make plans for the future. And the inspiration for this comes from the eyes in the sky of Tāwhirimātea.[8]

2 Two Eyes—On a Platter

Santa Lucia, or St. Lucy, the patron saint of light, is often represented with her two eyes…on a platter. This bizarre symbolism reflects the devotion to her, among people of the Christian faith, as a protector of sight.

How Lucy ends up holding her eyeballs on a platter is a tragic story. She was born to noble parents in Sicily, Italy, in AD 283. Her father died, leaving a young Lucy and her mother alone. She dedicated her life to God and spent her dowry on helping the poor. To Lucy’s chagrin, her mother arranged her marriage to a pagan man who disagreed with her charitable endeavors. Her husband turned her over to an evil Roman governor who forced her to make sacrifices to his idols, which she refused to do. Her stubbornness frustrated the governor, and he had her tortured until a) the Romans removed her eyes or b) she gouged out her own eyes, depending on the version of events.

The stories of St. Lucy inspired many Renaissance artists, known for their flair for the dramatic, and paintings of her are most often painted with a side of eyeballs. In the painting Saint Lucy by Francesco del Cossa, Lucy holds a branch with two eyeballs, instead of flowers, at their tips. In another painting by Francisco de Zurburán, also titled Saint Lucy, she is portrayed holding a pewter dish topped by a pair of realistic-looking eyeballs.[9]

1 The Whites of the Eyes

When George Ohsawa correctly predicted the death of President Kennedy in an August 1963 interview, he credited his prediction to his belief that the president had Sanpaku eyes—to him, a sign of ill fate and sickness.

Sanpaku, roughly translated from Japanese as “three whites,” is when the white is visible above or below the iris. According to the same George Oshawa, the first step of Oriental Physiognomy is the observation of the eye and if and/or to what extent Sanpaku is present. Ohsawa says those with Sanpaku eyes are physically and/or emotionally distressed and can be untrustworthy, suspicious, and fearful, as well as prone to accidents and death. Examples of Sanpaku eyes can be seen on Princess Diana, Abraham Lincoln, Charles Manson, and Sylvester Stallone.

Sanpaku is based on unproven theories and superstitions—something to keep in mind next time a person you meet gazes at you with some extra white in their eyes.[10]

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