Encounter – Listorati https://listorati.com Fascinating facts and lists, bizarre, wonderful, and fun Thu, 29 Feb 2024 03:03:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://listorati.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/listorati-512x512-1.png Encounter – Listorati https://listorati.com 32 32 215494684 Top 10 Otherworldly Beings You May Encounter Around The World https://listorati.com/top-10-otherworldly-beings-you-may-encounter-around-the-world/ https://listorati.com/top-10-otherworldly-beings-you-may-encounter-around-the-world/#respond Thu, 29 Feb 2024 03:03:54 +0000 https://listorati.com/top-10-otherworldly-beings-you-may-encounter-around-the-world/

Those with a strong belief in the paranormal often speak of a thin veil between our world and the dark “realm” of spirits, ghosts, and other unearthly beings. Some claim to possess the ability to lift the veil—especially during certain times of the year or on “special” days—and see into the spectral beyond.

Others insist that they are more sensitive to spirits in specific locations around the world. In fact, some individuals maintain that paranormal entities such as ghosts never cross over to other realms. Instead, they spend their afterlives on Earth with only a select few of the living aware of their presence.

10 Terrifying Places Haunted By The Ghosts Of Brutal Violence

10 Women At The Crossroads

Should you find yourself in Mexico on traditional feast days, it would serve you well to avoid all crossroads around midnight. It is said that the Aztec Cihuateteo lie in wait at crossroads on these days. They hope to grab their next victim and mercilessly inflict illness, paralysis, or seizures.[1]

It is believed that the Aztec Cihuateteo are the spirits of women who died during childbirth and that young children are their favorite victims. If a child does not cross their path during feast days, they settle for men they can seduce. Then the Cihuateteo show their true forms—skeleton faces, claws in place of hands, and horned headdresses. They are also naked from the waist up.

As the ancient Aztecs looked upon women who died during labor and birth as fallen warriors, the Aztecs gave these women permission to enter the Heaven of the Sun, where they remained for four years. Once these years had passed, the women made the clouds their home and were turned into Cihuateteo.

9 The Shackled Murderer

Moscow has its own dark side consisting of vindictive spirits, headless spooks, and vengeful specters that appear just before terrible events occur. Once of these restless ghosts can be found on the Gorky Highway.

It is alleged that a murderer was marching along in a penal convoy en route to a Siberian penal colony. He did not survive the trip. As there was no time to bury him, his body was simply left at the side of the road.

Many drivers claimed to have encountered the spirit of the murderer on the side of the road. He has a beard and is dressed like a homeless man. He also walks as though his feet are still shackled.

If a driver stops next to the apparition, he will be asked to “forgive me.” If the motorist does not reply with “God will forgive you” and drive away without looking back, the ghost will drag the motorist into the afterlife.[2]

8 Creepy Kids In Your Home

In Kempton Park, Gauteng, South Africa, stands the now-derelict shell of what used to be Kempton Park Hospital (later known as Kyalami Hospital). For reasons still unclear, the hospital was completely abandoned and shut down on Boxing Day 1996. All patient files and medical equipment were left inside the hospital where they can still be found today.

Those who love a thrill often visit the spooky building in search of ghosts. Residents of the surrounding neighborhood, however, do not have to step on the hospital grounds to encounter some of its creepy inhabitants.

One family claimed to have experienced poltergeist activity in their home, while others have watched in fear as their curtains opened and closed of their own accord and doors slammed for no earthly reason.[3]

Yet another family is said to have found small, wet footprints trailing throughout their home. Meanwhile, a married couple in the area claims to have entered their children’s bedrooms only to find unfamiliar youngsters playing with toys and looking up at the adults with blank eyes. The spooky children vanished soon after being discovered.

The high number of creepy-kid hauntings in the area is attributed to a “doctor” who managed to successfully fake being a qualified pediatrician at the hospital before being caught. Unfortunately, several young children and babies died before he was sentenced to 18 years in prison in May 1992.

7 The Wailer That Will Blind You

An old Mongolian legend says that a nomadic traveler died long ago after being overcome by hunger and thirst as he tried to cross the Gobi Desert. His spirit never left the vast arid landscape and still wails loudly, lamenting his fate.

Those who wish to visit or travel through the Gobi Desert are warned to avoid laying eyes upon the deceased traveler, better known as the Gobi Desert Wailer, if they hear his mournful cries. It is said that any living person who looks at the Wailer will start bleeding from the eyes and become blind.

An unnamed victim claimed to have looked at the Wailer, saying that he saw a gaunt spirit with empty eye sockets who wore frayed clothing. Soon after he saw the apparition, blood started streaming from the victim’s eyes and he became blind.[4]

6 The Goat-Legged Woman

The story of Aisha Kandisha is said to be the Moroccan version of the popular Bloody Mary legend. There are several versions of the tale, but it is widely claimed that Aisha Kandisha appears near water sources. She uses magic to look beautiful so that she can lure men to her before driving them insane or killing them.[5]

Whereas Bloody Mary can be summoned by whispering her name three times in a dark room, Aisha Kandisha will appear if you pour boiling water down a drain. She also materializes in other forms, such as a freaky-looking mermaid or a topless woman with the legs of a goat.

Before she attacks and possesses unsuspecting men, she turns into an ugly old witch. Men who survive the attack become impotent and severely depressed.

If you gaze into a body of water in Morocco, you might just see Aisha Kandisha staring back at you. Also, if you hear chains rattling along the ground, you’d better get out of there immediately. The sound of chains is believed to announce Aisha’s presence in the vicinity.

10 Terrifying Tales Of Ghosts Of The Ancient World

5 The Woman In The Black Sari

In Jammu and Kashmir lies the Jawahar Tunnel (aka the Banihal Tunnel). Before you get to the tunnel, you must travel along the Khooni Nala stretch of road. It is infamous for a high number of accidents resulting in driver and passenger deaths.

There is also the danger of boulders falling onto vehicles from the mountains alongside the road. A steel mesh structure has been erected to protect motorists. But another threat lurks, and there is seemingly no protection against it.[6]

Some travelers claim to have seen a woman wearing a black sari and carrying a baby. The woman stands on the side of the road, flags down drivers, and asks for a lift. If a driver refuses, he is instantly cursed by the woman and will soon die in a car accident.

4 Dead Sailors Looking For A Place To Stay

Many people consider the isolated Sandwood Bay to be the most beautiful beach in Scotland, if not the whole of Britain. It lies 6.4 kilometers (4 mi) from the nearest parking area and is flanked by massive sand dunes and a freshwater loch. Its coastline is believed to be one of the earliest inhabited areas of Scotland.

Sandwood Bay is also considered by some to be Britain’s most haunted beach. A multitude of ships wrecked off its shores in the absence of a lighthouse, and many sailors’ lives were lost. A lighthouse was eventually constructed at Cape Wrath during the early 19th century.[7]

Between the beach and Sandwood Loch stand the ruined remains of Sandwood Bay Cottage. A long time ago, when the cottage was still in use, inhabitants would be awakened on stormy nights by the sound of a ghostly sailor knocking on the windows.

An old fisherman claimed to have seen the face of a bearded sailor looking at him through the window after he heard footsteps approaching the little cottage. Some believe that the bearded sailor is the restless spirit of local hermit James McRory Smith who lived in the area for 32 years.

Other guests at the cottage have awakened to the walls shaking as a herd of wild phantom horses stamped their hooves and stormed past the cottage.

3 Specters That Rise From The Mist

The city of Kilkenny in Ireland has been named one of the five most haunted places in Europe. The iconic Foulksrath Castle is reportedly so haunted that ghost hunters from BBC arrived in 1992 to see if they could catch some specters in action.

Other haunted sites include the stone tombs of the Black Abbey, Rothe House, and the Kilkenny Prison. Kilkenny is also believed to be the site of Ireland’s first witch trial.[8]

The creepiest story, however, tells of a flood that occurred in the area in 1763. Sixteen people lost their lives after falling into the River Nore when a bridge collapsed beneath their feet because of the swollen floodwaters.

In modern times, locals and tourists have reported seeing specters float in the mist covering the River Nore as the Sun rises above it.

2 The Girl From The Gap

Gaps in wardrobe doors, in drawers, and between walls are common in houses, especially older ones. While most simply need fixing up, it is believed that an evil spirit takes up residence in a gap in a Japanese home. The spirit takes the form of a little girl who is always seeking a playmate.[9]

Once an inhabitant or visitor notices the little girl’s eyes watching from a gap inside the house, the spirit will ask whether the person wants to play hide-and-seek. Whether or not the invitation is accepted, the person will be dragged into another dimension if he or she looks at the girl a second time. That other dimension is believed to be Hell, and the unfortunate person will never be seen again.

1 The Hopping Jungle Spirit

Although Thailand is most popular among tourists for its breathtaking beaches and mesmerizing architecture, the country also has magnificent jungles filled with diverse plant and animal life and jaw-dropping waterfalls. These jungles call out to the adventurous and those who love camping.

If you are lucky enough to visit these wilderness areas, make sure you look out for Phi Kong Koi. This Thai jungle ghost hops around on one leg and shouts, “Koi, Koi, Koi.”

Those who have encountered the ghost report that it is very ugly with a bulging belly. It hunts down campers and other travelers who stay overnight in the jungle. That way, it can suck blood from their toes while they sleep. Crossing your feet or keeping them together is said to provide protection against the Phi Kong Koi.[10]

Top 10 Crimes Allegedly Committed By Ghosts

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10 Appalling Protozoans You Don’t Want to Encounter https://listorati.com/10-appalling-protozoans-you-dont-want-to-encounter/ https://listorati.com/10-appalling-protozoans-you-dont-want-to-encounter/#respond Sat, 29 Jul 2023 23:18:34 +0000 https://listorati.com/10-appalling-protozoans-you-dont-want-to-encounter/

Some diseases, like the flu, although unpleasant, aren’t going to do much more than leave you feeling a little under the weather. However, there are some much more sinister bugs that can have horrifying consequences if you wind up catching them. Many of these diseases are caused by nasty protozoans and amoebas, or single-celled parasites. Here are 10 appalling protozoans you wouldn’t want to catch.

Related: Top 10 Creepiest-Looking Fungi

10 Acanthamoeba

Acanthamoeba is an amoeba that lives in freshwater, brackish water, pools and hot tubs, HVAC systems, soil, and dust. In other words, this is an amoeba that gets around.

The amoeba can get picked up through wounds or by entering infected waters, and once it’s in your body, it makes its way into the bloodstream. From there, acanthamoeba can either cause keratitis, a nasty eye infection, or granulomatous encephalitis, an infection of the spinal cord and brain.

Although keratitis is pretty easily treatable, brain and spinal cord infections aren’t. Instead, people usually start displaying symptoms of confusion, lack of attention, loss of motion control, seizures, and hallucinations, which progressively worsen as the infection progresses. Eventually, this infection leads to death.[1]

9 Balamuthia mandrillaris

Balamuthia mandrillaris is an amoeba that lives in soil, and it’s easily picked up by people breathing near the area where the amoeba is present. However, it can also enter the body through open cuts or sores.

B. mandrillaris is much more common in temperate parts of the world, and if you’re unlucky enough to catch it, your symptoms will probably be pretty mild at first. Initially, all you’ll have to worry about are vomiting, lethargy, and a fever. However, if the disease progresses, it can lead to far worse things. These advanced symptoms involve issues with mental health, seizures, trouble speaking, and even paralysis.

Probably the worst part of this disease, however, is that there’s not a whole lot that you can do about it. Sometimes, symptoms won’t show themselves for months, and when they do, it’s too late to do anything.

Although there are medications available to help treat the disease, doctors usually only figure out what’s going on right before the patient dies. As a result, even if they administer medication, it’s generally ineffective.[2]

8 Entamoeba histolytica

Entamoeba histolytica causes a disease called amoebiasis, or amoebic dysentery. This nasty parasite infects both humans and animals and kills several thousand people each year.

In general, people contract this disease by touching feces or anything that’s been in contact with feces. Although that sounds hard to do since it can spread through animal feces, too, all you’d have to do is pick up your pup’s poop one day to put yourself at risk.

Once a person has contracted amoebiasis, it takes about ten days for symptoms to start showing up. Common symptoms include fever, nausea, and diarrhea. Besides these more minor symptoms, E. histolytica can also cause abscesses to develop in the liver, lungs, and even the brain.

For those who are unfortunate enough to catch this disease, there is some hope of getting better. Doctors can usually treat the disease with one or two antibiotics, depending on the severity of the infection.[3]

7 Leishmania

Leishmania is a parasite that spreads through sandfly bites, which can occur in the tropics or even in parts of Europe. In other words, unfortunately, this is a more common disease than some of the others on this list.

Leishmania causes leishmaniasis, which leads to lesions on your body. Although these sores on your skin won’t do much more than be a bit of a nuisance, you can also develop sores inside your body. These internal sores affect your organs and can lead to some life-threatening complications.

To make matters worse, there aren’t a whole lot of treatments available at the moment. If you want to get rid of leishmania, you’ll be limited to just two different FDA-approved drugs to treat it—amphotericin B and miltefosine. And, in order to diagnose the disease in the first place, you’ll be put through a rigorous round of bone marrow and blood testing.

So it’s safe to say that this is one parasite that it’s best to just steer clear of rather than trying to treat it after the fact.[4]

6 Plasmodium falciparum

Plasmodium falciparum is one of four different types of protozoans that causes malaria, an infection of the red blood cells. Malaria is usually spread through mosquitos, which means it’s far more common in tropical regions where mosquito counts are high.

Malaria starts by shaking you with fever and chills and gradually leads to more severe symptoms such as coma, kidney failure, and seizures.

Although malaria used to cause death in most cases, today, modern medicine means we have pills to treat this disease. There are also preventative pills you can take to keep you from getting it in the first place. So even if you’re heading to the tropics sometime soon, you’re most likely safe from this nasty bug.[5]

5 Cyclospora cayetanensis

No one likes a case of the runs, but if you catch Cyclospora cayetanensis, that’s exactly what you’ve got in store. C. cayetanensis causes something called cyclosporiasis, a disease that leads to gas, diarrhea, nausea, and stomach cramps.

Most people catch this disease by drinking contaminated water—just one more good reason to always stick to bottled water while traveling!

Although this disease won’t kill you, it can last for months at a time. In other words, you could be dealing with loose poop for weeks on end—yuck! Even if you don’t get medical treatment, however, this disease usually clears up on its own, although it can leave you with lingering fatigue and loss of appetite—and maybe fewer friends.[6]

4 Toxoplasma gondii

Most people love snuggling and kissing their cats, but perhaps they should think twice before doing so. That’s because a nasty protozoan called Toxoplasma gondii lives inside cat feces and can infect humans, causing some disastrous results.

If these bugs get into humans, it can lead to toxoplasmosis, which causes flu-like symptoms. However, it can also lead to an increased risk of schizophrenia as well as brain swelling and even blindness!

Despite these horrifying effects, many cases of toxoplasmosis go away on their own. If your symptoms persist for a while, however, you may need medical intervention to prevent something more sinister, like a seizure, from developing.[7]

3 Giardia duodenalis

Giardia duodenalis is a rather nasty protozoan that causes something called “beaver fever.” Beaver fever, or giardiasis, gets picked up when people ingest the protozoan, which lives in feces, food, and contaminated water.

Once you get the disease, you’re likely to start dealing with issues like diarrhea and weight loss. Some people even become lactose intolerant as a result of the infection.

Although this is an unpleasant bug to catch, it’s one that you can treat fairly easily. If doctors find you’ve got a case of giardiasis, they’ll usually give you tinidazole or metronidazole to get you feeling better again.[8]

2 Naegleria fowleri

One of the scariest amoebas out there is Naegleria fowleri, a nasty amoeba that lives in warm, shallow bodies of water. This amoeba usually eats bacteria, but if given the opportunity, it will also feed on neurons and astrocytes, or brain cells.

The way this nasty amoeba harms humans is by swimming up your nose. From there, it makes its way to the brain, where it starts to chomp away on your neurons and brain cells. Because of this, it’s often called the brain-eating amoeba.

What’s particularly nasty about this amoeba is that it takes around five days for symptoms to appear. Once they do, then it’s often too late to do anything.

The good news about this amoeba, however, is that it’s not contagious, and it can’t do any harm if it’s swallowed. However, to make sure it doesn’t get up your nose, it’s best just to keep your nose above water next time you’re swimming in the wild.[9]

1 Entamoeba gingivalis

If you hate visiting the dentist, then Entamoeba gingivalis is probably one amoeba you want to avoid at all costs. This amoeba is found inside the biofilm at the base of your teeth as well as in periodontal pockets.

Now, while there’s some debate among scientists as to whether E. gingivalis causes issues in your mouth or it’s more of an effect, what we can say for sure is that it almost always appears in the mouths of people with gum disease. On the other hand, people with healthy gums don’t usually have this amoeba present.

Entamoeba gingivalis is usually spread by direct contact, such as sharing toothbrushes or kissing. These nasty amoebas move pretty quickly and, if left unchecked, can lead to periodontitis.

The good news is that you can treat this amoeba by getting rid of the biofilm. So while it’s certainly one that can wreak havoc on your mouth, it’s also one that’s relatively easy to cure.[10]

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10 Video Game Villains Only Tough Players Can Encounter https://listorati.com/10-video-game-villains-only-tough-players-can-encounter/ https://listorati.com/10-video-game-villains-only-tough-players-can-encounter/#respond Sun, 19 Mar 2023 00:59:47 +0000 https://listorati.com/10-video-game-villains-only-tough-players-can-encounter/

Villains are standard in video games; they constitute an obstacle for the player at one point or the other. You measure the difficulty of a game by the number of villains you have to encounter or how tough they are to defeat.

Video game developers can be naughty, though, as they make some villains so tricky to find, and when you find them, it is an uphill task to beat them. Sometimes, a player has to survive multiple tiers of warfare to get to see certain villains—then the final battle begins. We are not basing our list on video game villains that are difficult to defeat in battle but rather on villains that are difficult to meet. You will need to travel to hell and back to book a fight with these villains:

10 Death Bringer—Golden Axe

Golden Axe is an old-school game that was released by Sega in 1989. At the time, video game developers ensured that the enemies moved faster than you and sometimes tried to swarm you. The Death Bringer is the most difficult villain to handle in Golden Axe. He sits on the throne with an army of two skeletons fighting alongside him. The skeletons disappear as soon as you are able to knock Death Bringer’s axe out of his hands.

It’s easier to imagine killing Death Bringer than actually doing the deed. Firstly, a player needs to use all their magic to weaken him—we mean weaken only, not kill. Also, the player must use jump attacks to land a blow on Death Bringer because that is the only practical way to avoid his army of skeletons. You need to jump and time your hits so that you land a blow on Death Bringer while simultaneously avoiding his minions. Once a player kills Death Bringer, they have reached the end of the game.[1]

9 Mundus—Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry is the first game in the Devil May Cry series. The protagonist is Dante, whose arch-enemy is Mundus. The storyline is that Mundus, a demon lord, murdered the mother of Dante, which put Dante on a revenge mission to eradicate all demons from existence. The plot of the game is straightforward: Dante gets to kill demon after demon until he reaches the Demon Lord, Mundus.

Mundus’s physical form is grotesque; he is a writhing mass of living tissue with three eyeballs and several hands. His personality is as bad as his appearance. He is depicted in the game as a sadist who has no compassion or empathy for his minions. Devil May Cry is no easy game. Only the most formidable players get to see Mundus as you must successfully battle from one demon to another.[2]

8 M. Bison—Street Fighter II

M. Bison is a video game villain in Street Fighter II, a game that was made in the era when video game supervillains were particularly difficult to beat. His attire consists of a red military uniform adorned with large silver shoulder plates topped off with a cap. M. Bison is one of the most difficult video game evil bosses to encounter. A player must get rid of all other opponents before booking a fight with him. The opponents in this game are not easy to fight either, yet you must kill them all before you get a chance to fight M.Bison.

In the game, M. Bison is the leader of the criminal organization named “Shadaloo.” He is capable of performing several stunts to defeat the player of the game. Some of his moves include the Psycho Crusher, Double Knee Press, Head Press, and Somersault Skull Diver.[3]

7 Ozma—Final Fantasy IX

Ozma is a villain in Final Fantasy IX. To be able to find this villain, a player needs to reach the Chocobo Air Garden. Unfortunately, getting to this level is a challenge because a player must get upgraded to the Gold Flying Status. This is your ticket to the Chocobo Air Garden, and it takes several hours of play before a player is qualified to meet Ozma.

Not only is it difficult to get to meet this supervillain, but it is also difficult to fight him. Ordinarily, he can resist all physical attacks without suffering harm. The only way to make him vulnerable to physical attacks is to complete the “Friendly Monsters” side quest. This is an ordeal on its own—and remember that the purpose of this side quest is to make Ozma vulnerable to physical attacks, not to kill it. Completing this side quest does not make the game easier in any way, though. We have no doubt in our minds that this supervillain deserves to be on this list.[4]

6 The Cow King—Diablo II Resurrected

The Cow King is a supervillain in the video game Diablo II. It exists in the secret cow level. A player needs to kill Baal on each of the levels to be able to access their respective cow levels. The Cow King is a legend because only the most skillful players can access him. After killing Baal, the player will combine a Tome of Town Portal with Wirt’s leg in the Horadic Cube while in the Rogue Encampment. This is how to unlock the secret portal where the Cow King resides.

Take note that it is so much work to get to book a fight with the Cow King. The secret cow zone contains an army of Hell Bovines that will try to swarm the player and kill him. You must have honed your skills and amassed a lot of weapons to be able to survive the secret cow level.[5]

5 Moon Presence—Bloodborne

Moon Presence is a video game supervillain that deserves to be on this list. Moon Presence is unique because he isn’t the most difficult villain in the Bloodborne game, but for a player to get to fight him, such a player must have been through hell. Aside from killing villains like Lady Maria, Ebrietas, and Gehrman, a player hoping to confront Moon Presence must have consumed three umbilical cord items found throughout Yharnam.

Do not be deceived; not all the umbilical cords come easy. You must fight your way to get to some of them. It is only after these umbilical cords have been consumed and Gehrman has been defeated that the Moon Presence descends into the arena for the final battle of the game.[6]

4 Akuma—Super Street Fighter II Turbo

Akuma, otherwise known as Gouki in Japan, is a video game supervillain only tough players get to face. In order to meet Akuma, the player can play any character but must defeat all the preliminary opponents without losing a single credit. This is how tough it is to meet this video game supervillain. Booking a fight with Akuma is achievable but nearly impossible. To meet Akuma is comparable to surmounting Mount Everest, and the villain is a toughie to fight even if a player manages to meet him in the first place.

Akuma has the ability to easily escape from corner traps or bad situations with teleport. He is an overwhelmingly strong character with high-damage combos and specials. Akuma is capable of throwing two Hadokens in mid-air, and his higher attack strength and priorities mean that players who will survive the fight against him must be on their toes throughout the encounter.[7]

3 Sigrun—God of War

Sigrun is a Valkyrie Queen and an optional video game villain in God of War. She is the leader of the nine Valkyries. Every Valkyrie in God of War is tough, but Sigrun makes the others look easy. Of course, we are not really surprised—that is why she is their queen, after all. To find Sigrun, a player must conquer the other eight Valkyries scattered in different locations within the game.

Once a player is done with the other eight, they proceed to the Council of Valkyries. This is a large open area filled with crumbling stone thrones. Once the player gets to the circle of seats, they need to take specific steps to summon Sigrun. The player places all the heads of the slain Valkyries on their respective seats. This conduct will make a black orb appear in the middle area, then the battle with Sigrun begins.

Sigrun is a quick and versatile villain who can quickly spell defeat for an inexperienced or ill-prepared player. Sigrun has the capacity to jump into the air with ease, which makes her quickly disappear from the view of the player. In order for a player to stand a chance to defeat her in battle, such a player must keep their eyes on Sigrun at all times.[8]

2 Nemesis—Returnal

Returnal is a PS5-exclusive game. There are several villains in the game, but the most difficult of them all is Nemesis. This supervillain can be found in the third Biome. Before a player can think about challenging Nemesis, they need to have defeated other supervillains in the first three biomes. The list of threats in this game is endless—at one point, a player will have completely autonomous guns shooting at them, and a player will also get to meet the Kerberon, an alien lizard, and the Lamiadon, a flying creature, among other villains.

When you are done with all of these in the Overgrown Ruins, you then proceed to the Crimson Waste. If you are successful here, you head to the Derelict Citadel. This is where Nemesis is located. Nemesis does not fight alone; he has accomplices that will make your job of killing it much more difficult. Nemesis is a tough video game villain to beat, but that is not why he is on this list. He is on this list because a player needs to fight gallantly to get to him.[9]

1 Yiazmat—Final Fantasy XII

Yiazmat is the final Elite Mark villain that a player will get to fight in the Final Fantasy XII game. There are 32 Marks and 12 other Elite Marks villains in the game. Each of these 32 Marks and 12 Elite Marks will be encountered in different locations and under different circumstances. A player must overcome them all before they will able to book a date with Yiazmat. Final Fantasy XII is one of the toughest video games ever made. Not only does it take you so much to come this far, Yiazmat itself is the most difficult of all the villains in the game.

We have no doubt that Yiazmat is the undisputed ruler of the video game villains that are the hardest to reach. In fact, only the best of the best players can book a date with it. Yiazmat has several devastating attack capabilities, and each of its moves has a five percent chance of causing instant death to the player it is confronting. It takes the average player two hours to be able to defeat this supervillain. At a point during the fight, the player confronting Yiazmat may need to hide to recoup their strength or even go to get more weapons to enable them to win the fight.[10]

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