Disadvantages – Listorati https://listorati.com Fascinating facts and lists, bizarre, wonderful, and fun Sun, 17 Sep 2023 08:40:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://listorati.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/listorati-512x512-1.png Disadvantages – Listorati https://listorati.com 32 32 215494684 10 Surprising Disadvantages Of High Intelligence https://listorati.com/10-surprising-disadvantages-of-high-intelligence/ https://listorati.com/10-surprising-disadvantages-of-high-intelligence/#respond Sun, 17 Sep 2023 08:40:43 +0000 https://listorati.com/10-surprising-disadvantages-of-high-intelligence/

It’s no surprise that life is a bit easier for highly intelligent people, as they’re able to identify and solve life’s problems much more effectively than someone with average or below-average intelligence. Intelligent people are also generally more successful and well-educated, as should be obvious.

However, much like all good things, high intelligence comes with its own set of caveats, some of which may even come as a surprise to most people. While being too intelligent is not a problem many of us will ever have to deal with, for those who do, here are some unexpected ways high intelligence can have negative effects on your well-being.

10 More Mental Disorders

There’s no doubt that intelligent people lead healthier lives and have higher life expectancies, as you’d expect them to. While it may seem intuitive and expected, the reasons for this aren’t exactly known.

If we talk about mental health issues like mood and anxiety disorders, however, studies indicate the exact opposite. In a study conducted on Mensa members, who are the top two percent of the general population in terms of IQ, researchers found that psychological disorders like anxiety are more prevalent.[1] They also found that the subjects were three times more likely to have environmental allergies than the national average, something that they can’t really explain.

Their ongoing theory is that higher intelligence also translates to a more hyper body, which reacts to external challenges in a more severe manner than usual. For an example, a highly intelligent person is perhaps more susceptible to anxiety at the workplace due to having a better understanding of the gravity of a stressful situation.

9 Worse Social Relations In Adulthood

It doesn’t take a detailed scientific study to know that as you grow older, your friend circle diminishes, which may have something to do with not having as much of a life as you did when you were younger. It’s a natural part of growing up, and almost everyone goes through it. What is surprising, however, is that intelligent people are much more likely to have troubled relationships with their social groups than others in their adult years.

In a study conducted at Stockholm University, they looked at how IQ affects adjustment for adolescents of varying IQ scores. They found that highly intelligent people were somewhat worse at adjusting to an aging life when it came to friend relations.[2] They also tend to be less satisfied with life in general as they grow older, though we’ll get to that one in detail below.

8 Less Financially Responsible

Financial responsibility is often much more important than earning a lot, as long as the bare necessities are covered. Many older rich people would tell you that every penny saved is a penny earned, and they would be correct, as there’s arguably no point earning a lot if you don’t know how to keep it. It should seem obvious that more intelligent people would get that better than others, though according to a study, the reality isn’t what you might expect.

The study, done by a researcher at Ohio State University, involved 7,400 Americans in their forties and examined how their IQ scores compared to their average earnings. He found a definite relationship between IQ scores and high earnings, as every IQ point translated to an additional income of $234 to $616 per year. Counterintuitively, the study also showed that people with higher IQs are a bit more likely to be in financial difficulty than those with lower scores.[3]

7 Disadvantages During Early Days Of Evolution

One of the most widely believed facts about intelligence is that it gave us an edge during our early days, which sounds intuitive. After all, being able to calculate how far ahead a predator is just by observing aspects of its footprints, for example, must have provided a higher chance at surviving long enough to procreate.

As a lot of research suggests, though, that’s absolutely not the case. During our early days, being intelligent wouldn’t actually have been much of an advantage, as early humans were already mentally equipped to deal with problems of that time by evolutionary design. Sure, extra intelligence gives you an advantage over the others in modern times (e.g. being good at numbers may make you better at accounting jobs than others), but it wouldn’t have been needed that often in earlier times, as novel problems were generally uncommon.[4]

On top of that, intelligent people are more likely to engage in risky behavior than others and to live in solitude, and confidently so, too, which would have been a definite disadvantage back then, with no added advantages against the environment compared to other people.

6 More Likely To Abuse Substances

It doesn’t need to be said that drugs are bad. Sure, many people may be able to recreationally partake without absolutely ruining their lives, but more often than not, getting into drugs is not a healthy lifestyle choice. One would think that more intelligent people would be more likely to abstain, though according to some definitive studies, that’s not the case.

Research conclusively proves that highly intelligent people are more likely to get into drugs then their less intelligent counterparts, something that still surprises scientists. We’re not talking about relatively harmless drugs like marijuana, either, but heavy-duty stuff like cocaine and ecstasy.[5]

While we don’t quite understand why that’s the case, science says that it may be due to the evolutionary novelty of these substances. Many of today’s drugs didn’t exist for most of human history, and intelligent people may be more drawn toward new experiences than others, as well as more likely to believe themselves to have a better idea of the risk, even if it’s highly likely that they don’t.

5 Less Likely To Confront Their Biases

Whenever we talk about irrational beliefs—like believing in the flat Earth theory or that evolution doesn’t exist—we assume that people with lower intelligence are more susceptible to them. Well, there are no surprises there, as that is absolutely true. Higher intelligence does mean that one is less likely to believe things that are not based in reason and logic, as you’d think.

It’s the exact opposite, however, when it comes to looking inward and being able to challenge one’s own beliefs when irrefutable evidence is provided to the contrary.[6] Studies indicate that people with higher cognitive abilities are less likely to budge from their positions when an alternative viewpoint is presented with facts, no matter how reasonable or unreasonable their current stand is, something that’s much easier to gauge for obviously dumb beliefs like the Earth being flat.

For an example, smarter people with a particular set of scientific beliefs tend to not budge from them, even if those beliefs are decisively proven inaccurate with a newly published study.

4 More Likely To Fall For The Gambler’s Fallacy

The gambler’s fallacy is a logical fallacy we’re all prone to falling for due to how our brains our designed. While it’s a bit complicated to explain in a single sentence, in essence, it’s the belief that because something has happened a lot in a given period of time, it’s less likely to happen in the future (or vice versa), even if there’s no reason to believe that’s the case. It’s applicable in a lot of cases in real life, the most apparent of them being gambling (hence the name), where gamblers keep expecting a different outcome for the next round based on repetition in previous outcomes.

Surprisingly, smarter people are much more likely to fall for the gambler’s fallacy than others, according to a study conducted on a group of highly intelligent Chinese college students.[7] While we don’t quite understand why that is, it’s possible that intelligent people are also more rigid in their emotional decision-making, which doesn’t allow them to rationally ascertain the likelihood of future events based on past occurrences.

3 More Likely To Be Overwhelmed Under Pressure

The ability to perform under pressure is an increasingly valuable trait in most modern workplaces, as it’s a competitive and tough world out there. It also happens to be one of the things we brag about on our CVs, regardless of whether it’s true or not. Many people are naturally good at delivering under high-stress situations, and as studies have found, they’re largely people with lower intelligence levels than their high-IQ counterparts.

As counterintuitive as it may sound, studies show that highly intelligent people are more likely to crumble under pressure, especially when the end goal is performance- and reward-related. One of the reasons may be that they tend to be more anxious about the outcome than the others, as they’re used to breezing through challenges in the earlier, less competitive stages of their lives.

Surprisingly, they perform better when the goals are rearranged to be learning-oriented than based on results.[8] Well, it’s a good thing that most jobs allow you to do your best and learn rather than outright fire you if you don’t meet your monthly targets, then.

2 More Likely To Feel Unfulfilled

The less intellectually gifted among us might assume that the only thing standing between them and complete fulfillment is their intellect. If only they could be better at math or science, they’d definitely be able to leave their boring dead-end jobs and lead a life of utter contentment and happiness. And most of them would be wrong, as high intellect isn’t helpful if satisfaction is your end goal.

On first look, it may seem to not make sense at all, but think about it: Highly intelligent people grow up thinking they can accomplish anything. However, as the real world loves to remind us time and again, no one can achieve anything they want, no matter how gifted they are. So due to unrealistic expectations of themselves, the highly intelligent are prone to being less satisfied with their achievements, even if they’re perfectly good achievements on their own.

This isn’t just some crackpot assertion, either; studies on high-IQ individuals over several decades indicate that high intelligence is directly related to feelings of not having lived up to one’s potential in later periods of our lives.[9]

1 Less likely To Have Sex In Adolescence

If you’ve ever seen a movie on teenage life, you’ll have come across the oft-repeated “virgin nerd” trope. There’s always that one student who’s supersmart and good at studies. They talk down at others, do smart people stuff, and graduate without ever having found a sexual partner. Of course, we know those people go on to become successful startup founders and other rich professionals in the future, as we’ve all seen The Social Network. So the lack of sex is definitely not true for later life, but what about the adolescent stereotype?

Science says that the movies got that one thing right for sure. Many studies show that smart people are much less likely to have sex at younger ages.[10] They don’t have to be outright nerds, either, as the data was uniform for anyone with a high IQ score compared to those with average IQs.

You can check out Himanshu’s stuff at Cracked and Screen Rant, get in touch with him for writing gigs, or just say hello to him on Twitter.

Himanshu Sharma

Himanshu has written for sites like Cracked, Screen Rant, The Gamer and Forbes. He could be found shouting obscenities at strangers on Twitter, or trying his hand at amateur art on Instagram.

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Top 10 Surprising Disadvantages Of Being Rich https://listorati.com/top-10-surprising-disadvantages-of-being-rich/ https://listorati.com/top-10-surprising-disadvantages-of-being-rich/#respond Wed, 26 Apr 2023 05:18:57 +0000 https://listorati.com/top-10-surprising-disadvantages-of-being-rich/

It’d come as a surprise to no one that rich people enjoy a certain set of advantages the rest of us don’t. They’re overall healthier, more satisfied with their lives, and—most importantly—have a ridiculous amount of money, which is its own reward, really. The advantages of being rich have been discussed by philosophers and amateur financial bloggers alike, and for good reason; having a lot of money really is pretty awesome!

What they don’t tell you, though, is that there are quite a few hidden downsides to it, too, most of which remain largely undiscussed due to the unsaid social stigma around money. And no, we’re not talking about problems like ‘my lawn is too big’, either. Being rich comes with real issues that could potentially affect everything from your health to your personal relationships.

10 Things Rich People Do That You Don’t

10 Alcoholism

Even if we don’t realize it, a lot of people intuitively associate alcoholism with financial stress and lower income levels. While there may as well be some connection between the two, we can say for sure that it has nothing to do with the money itself. On the contrary—according to one study at least—alcoholism seems to be much more prevalent in the richer sections of the society.

Conducted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the study was carried out in over 40 nations in Europe. They found that countries like Britain, Ireland and Portugal drink the most, though there were differences in the rate of alcoholism within each country, too. Almost across Europe, the rich seem to be drinking much more than the poor.

While it may sound counter-intuitive, other studies suggest that it may simply have to do with access; rich people drink a lot because they have more alcohol to drink.[1]

9 Anxiety And Depression

There’s no doubt that being rich alleviates mental stress and raises your overall level of life satisfaction, though it comes with quite a few other mental issues, as well.

Being rich has been linked to higher levels of various mental disorders—like anxiety—in many studies in the past, along with a few other problems you wouldn’t expect. One study, for example, found that young people living in affluent suburbs are much more likely to display indicators of maladjustment—like higher levels of anxiety and depression, narcissism and substance abuse—than inner city kids.[2]

8 Making More Money Only Makes You Moderately Happier

We assume that most of our problems could be solved by just having more money, but as we’d prove—step by step—with this list, that’s not even close to being true. Being rich is associated with quite a few short and long-term problems, and the tradeoff is hardly worth it, too.

Making more money doesn’t increase your overall happiness beyond a point, unless you hit it really big. Research proves it, too; while it’s true that making more money comes with a higher level of happiness, it only applies till you hit a certain number. Beyond that, more money barely has an effect on your happiness level. That means that someone with a net worth of $10 million is likely to be as almost as happy as someone with $100 million, even if earning that $90 million still takes a huge amount of effort.[3]

7 It’s Boring

The one thing about getting rich that excites most people is the prospect of never having to work again. Imagine how much time you’d have for yourself if you simply had too much money to live off your entire life?

While it’s true that having a lot of money allows you more hours of the day for yourself than someone who has to work for a living, it also gets pretty boring. According to one millionaire, that’s actually one of the biggest disadvantages of making a lot of money. Working for food and shelter doesn’t just provide food and shelter, but also motivation to do even better in life (mostly to get even better food and a bigger shelter). A lack of that motivation and drive can—and often does—lead to other, bigger issues, like depression.[4]

6 It Makes You More Averse To Taking Risk

It’s a commonly-held notion that the richer you are, the more risk you take than others, simply because you have more money to risk. While that line of reasoning sounds accurate—as rich people do have much more leverage to, say, invest in a risky startup—science says it’s not, or at least not when a lot of money is involved.

Studies show that while rich people do like to take more risks, that only applies when the sum is relatively small. When it comes to larger amounts relative to their overall wealth, they’re actually the safest spenders we know of.[5]

Top 10 Tips for Success in Everything

5 Stress

Looking at how bad the job market is right now for almost everyone, it’s fair to assume that the most stressed part of the workforce would be the younger and poorer one. Millennials and other younger generations are popularly seen as under higher levels of stress than any previous generation, too. From rising student debt to exorbitant property rents in most urban areas around the world, things don’t look too well for anyone who isn’t old and well-to-do.

As it turns out, though, that perception couldn’t be further from the truth. Quite a few studies indicate that older[6] and richer[7] workers actually report much higher levels of work-related stress than their younger counterparts. While that may mean that more money comes with more stress, it may also mean that younger, less-experienced professionals are just more tolerant towards everyday work issues.

4 Wealth Guilt

As the world gets ready to experience (yet another) economic slowdown, the differences between the haves and have-nots have become even starker. No matter where you look, there’s a growing—and rapidly-spreading—wave of discontentment against rising inequality and the excesses of power and money, something that first came into focus in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crash.

One of the social impacts of that wave of unrest is a growing sense of something called ‘wealth guilt’ among the wealthy, which is exactly how it sounds. The rich—even the ones doing it the right way and minding their own business—are increasingly taking measures to not come across as too rich, which is in direct contrast to the ‘got it, flaunt it’ attitude of the early 2000s.[8]

3 It Makes You Less Generous

If you take a quick survey of everyone around you that donates to charity, you’d find that quite a few people don’t do it because they just don’t have the spare cash. That’s fair enough, and would even lead you to assume that traits like generosity are just dependent on how much money you have.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case at all, and it has been proven by quite a few studies in the past. More money actually makes you more protective about what you have, and in turn makes you less generous.[9]

2 …And Less Empathetic

Making more money doesn’t just make you more protective about it. Some research suggests that the more power and money you get, the less empathetic you are to the plight of others. While it may sound depressing, there are some valid evolutionary reasons for it.

During our hunter-gatherer days, leaders were supposed to be good at leading, and any distraction or empathy towards, say, an injured member of the pack would have jeopardized the safety of everyone else. The reduced empathy helped leaders get better at their job and successfully pass on their genes. That’s why the people with the most amount of power seldom use it to fix things; they’re just not evolutionarily-wired to do it.[10]

1 Narcissism

It’s unfair to paint any group with a single brush, though the ‘entitled brat’ stereotype is too widespread to not mention here. It’s a common notion that the richer you are, the more self-absorbed you become, though how accurate is it, really?

If scientific studies are anything to go by, pretty accurate. At least five studies suggest that being rich is overwhelmingly associated with narcissistic tendencies—like regularly looking at yourself in the mirror—and entitlement. The reasons for that, however, aren’t as simple as ‘rich people are just jerks’.

Having more money than others comes with the social and psychological cost of reduced trust in the world around you, as you never know who just likes you for your money. It leads you to only look inwards for solutions, which is obviously not a very healthy way to live in a society, leading to mental issues like narcissism.[11]

10 Weirdest Stories About The Eccentric Rich

Himanshu Sharma

Himanshu has written for sites like Cracked, Screen Rant, The Gamer and Forbes. He could be found shouting obscenities at strangers on Twitter, or trying his hand at amateur art on Instagram.

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