Covid – Listorati Fascinating facts and lists, bizarre, wonderful, and fun Thu, 09 Mar 2023 03:14:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Covid – Listorati 32 32 215494684 10 Recent Near Pandemics Deadlier Than Covid Thu, 09 Mar 2023 03:14:48 +0000

Times are difficult as the world bands together to fight the coronavirus pandemic, but did you know there were several near pandemics in the recent past? In fact, some of the diseases in these close calls were far deadlier than Covid-19. Had some of these diseases slipped through the grasp of healthcare workers, the results could have been far more catastrophic than Covid. Here are 10 recent near pandemics deadlier than the coronavirus.

10 Ebola

Ebola is an extremely deadly disease originating in western Africa in 1976. The most probable theory of the disease’s origin is blood contact by humans with a primate carrying the virus. The initial symptoms seem mild, including fever, headache, muscle pain, and chills. Later on though, symptoms become deadly and unbearable, with a victim experiencing internal bleeding resulting in vomiting or coughing blood. Ebola is primarily spread through contact with bodily fluids of an infected person, or a person who has recently died from the virus. One strain of the Ebola virus has a nearly 3/4 mortality rate when contracted by humans.

The most deadly recent outbreak of ebola took place from 2013 to early 2016, with 28,646 cases and a shocking 11,323 deaths. The epidemic devastated multiple west African nations, with up to 59% of those hospitalized dying. Some other nations outside Africa experienced limited outbreaks of the virus, including four patients in the United States who were quickly isolated. A huge part of ending the pandemic was rigorous methods of contact tracing, and quarantining. Vaccines were used in a limited role to end the epidemic due to a lack of clinical testing at the time, but have since been used to stop several smaller outbreaks.

9 Aids

Today, much more is known about HIV/AIDS and its transmission, but in the early days of the epidemic in the 1980s, there was little knowledge on the disease. The disease was first identified in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York in 1981, but some experts believe that HIV could have been present in humans as early as the 1960s. Scientists have traced early transmission of the virus to non-human primates. Several misnomers exist regarding HIV/AIDS, including the now debunked patient zero theorem involving Canadian flight attendant Gaëtan Dugas.

More than 700,000 people have died of HIV/AIDS in the U.S. since the beginning of the crisis in 1981. The virus disproportionally affected gay and bisexual men, and was known by the moniker “gay cancer”. The virus only spreads through sexual intercourse or blood contact with an infected person. Today, treatment of HIV/AIDS is greatly improved, with doctors using methods to prevent HIV from progressing to AIDS in many cases. Patients may be prescribed a drug cocktail of antiviral drugs to fight the virus.


The SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome, epidemic occurred globally in the early 2000s. The first outbreak of the virus was identified in China, and would spread throughout east Asian and as far as the United States. Approximately 8,000 people were infected with SARS during the Epidemic, with almost 1,000 deaths. Patients with SARS may experience fevers, aches, diarrhoea, and pneumonia. The virus is spread through bodily droplets, when an infected person coughs or sneezes, the suspended liquid may be inhaled and infect another. SARS was ominously labeled the first pandemic of the 21st century by the media. In comparison to covid-19, SARS had a far higher mortality rate, with 10% of those infected not surviving their illness. The World Health Organization and CDC worked tirelessly during the pandemic to restrict travel and contain the virus as much as possible. Ultimately, the United States would see only eight cases, and measures were effective in preventing a massive outbreak in North America.

7 Swine Flu

The 2009 H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu, is a strain of influenza which caused an 11 month world-wide pandemic. This influenza virus strain is also responsible for the Spanish Flu and Russian Flu pandemics. The disease’s namesake comes from the virus arising from a mixture of genetic material from various bird, swine, and human flu viruses. This new virus combines its genetic material with the Eurasian pig flu virus, resulting in its name. Its symptoms are similar to the flu, and experts from the World Health Organization suspect that it is no deadlier.

Due to the unknown number of asymptomatic cases, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact number of cases during the pandemic, but experts estimate that it could be as high as 700 million to 1.4 billion. The number of estimated deaths range from 150,000 to 575,000 people, for comparison, 250,000 to 500,000 people die from the flu each year.

6 Cholera

Many people are unaware that there is currently a Cholera pandemic which has been ongoing since 1961 in many underdeveloped nations. Cholera primarily spreads when individuals consume water which is contaminated with fecal matter. For this reason, people in third world nations face an increased risk, and developed nations have seen a sharp decline in cases over the years as sanitation has improved to an all time high. If cholera is untreated, an infected person can die within hours. Common symptoms include diarrhoea, vomiting, thirst, and dehydration, and begin somewhere between 2 hours and 5 days after exposure.

The most recent outbreak of Cholera in the United States ended in 1866, with up to 1/10 people living in large cities dying from the disease. The primary way to fight cholera is to provide at risk regions with adequate sanitation services and clean drinking water, along with using cholera vaccines selectively when appropriate.

5 Typhoid Fever

Typhoid is a bacterial disease, and can be carried and spread without symptoms. The most common symptoms of the disease are a high fever, and sometimes abdominal pain, headaches, and constipation. The disease is known for some patients developing skin rashes characterized by rose colored spots. These symptoms are caused by the bacterium’s growth in the victim’s blood and intestines.

The most famous outbreak of typhoid in the United States occurred in 1906, involving the infamous Mary Mallon, better known as “Typhoid Mary”. Mary is thought to have brought Typhoid to the United States as the first asymptomatic carrier. The Irish immigrant infected an estimated 53 people in her work as a cook. She was quarantined by authorities but would return to her work as a cook, eventually being put into forced isolation for the final 30 years of her life. The epidemic’s ending was in large part due to the widespread usage of the vaccine, which is between 40 and 90 percent effective in preventing transmission of the bacterium, and can last up to 7 years.

4 Whooping Cough

Whooping cough is also called the “100 day cough”, coming from the disease’s symptoms sometimes persisting for up to 10 weeks. Whooping cough is an extremely contagious bacterial disease spread through suspended water droplets projected through an infected person’s sneezing or cough. The first symptoms of the disease resemble the common cold, but are soon followed by violent coughing fits lasting weeks. After a fit of coughing, a high-pitched whoop sound may be heard as the person breathes in, hence the name. Some individuals who suffer from whooping cough may cough so violently that they vomit or break ribs. Symptoms normally begin 7-10 days after infection; infections may occur in those vaccinated, but with more mild symptoms.

Whooping cough affects 16 million people each year, primarily in developing nations, with approximately 61,000 deaths. Most cases today occur in developing nations due to the lack of adequate health treatments. Outbreaks have been significantly diminished in the United States since the widespread implementation of vaccines, but some outbreaks have occurred in the early 2010’s. One such outbreak in California saw almost 10,000 cases and 10 infant deaths after misdiagnosis by doctors. Experts have concluded that this outbreak and others are in large part due to members of the public refusing the vaccine for non-medical reasons.

3 Measles

The Measles virus is a highly contagious airborne disease spreading through coughs, sneezes, and contact with nasal secretions. Symptoms normally reveal themselves 10-12 days after exposure, and can last 7-10 days. Initial symptoms include a high fever, cough, runny nose, and inflamed eyes. Two to three days after the start of these symptoms, Koplik’s spots may develop. These are small white spots which form inside the mouth, appearing like grains of salt near the molars. After the development of Koplik’s spots, the measles rash develops in the face and spreads to the rest of the body. Some other complications may also arise from the virus including pneumonia from measles induced immunosuppression.

Measles was considered eradicated from the Americas in 2016, but cases have continued to be identified since. One outbreak in 1991 took place in Philadelphia, in which 1400 people were infected with measles and nine children died. This spike began at the Faith Tabernacle Congregation faith healing church, who discouraged members to get vaccinated.

2 Polio

Poliomyelitis is an infectious disease caused by the poliovirus. Polio is spread by a person ingesting infected feces, and in rare cases through infected saliva. The vast majority of those infected with polio have no symptoms, and about a quarter experience mild flu-like symptoms. In 1/200 cases, the virus moves from the gut to invade the central nervous system. This causes the individual to experience muscle weakness, most commonly in the legs. The muscle weakness may also less commonly involve the muscles of the head, neck and diaphragm, and in rare cases require the assistance of an iron lung to maintain normal breathing. In victims where some level of muscle weakness occurs, 2 to 5 percent of children and 15 to 30 percent of adults die.

The first polio epidemic in the United States began in 1894, and large outbreaks would continue to pop up throughout the first half of the 20th century. Polio had a massive impact on America and public health, with the most famous case being president Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The peak period of polio in the US occurred between 1916 and 1955 with the approval of the Salk vaccine. In 1952, there were 57,628 reported cases and 3,145 deaths. Polio was eliminated in the Americas in 1994, and current vaccination efforts have helped to eradicate it from many third world countries as well.

1 Smallpox

Many consider smallpox to be a disease associated with the age of exploration, and the mid-17th century, but smallpox was not fully eradicated until 1978. The disease’s origin is unknown, but evidence from Egyptian mummies indicate it existed at least before the third century BCE. Small outbreaks occurred until its eradication, but the last major outbreak in the United States happened in 1902. The first symptoms of smallpox include fever and vomiting, with the eventual development of ulcers and distinct blisters. These blisters are characterized by a dent in the middle, and are filled with fluid. These blisters eventually scab and fall off leaving scars. Some of these scabs have survived in “time capsules”, such as a scab found in a Civil War era book in the late 20th century.

The last smallpox outbreak began in 1901 and lasted three years, with 1596 cases and almost 300 people dying. The epidemic had a 17% fatality rate, far less than previous outbreaks in less developed nations and without proper control measures. The smallpox vaccine is the primary reason for the disease’s eradication.

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10 Ongoing Epidemics (Other Than Covid) Tue, 07 Feb 2023 18:02:30 +0000

While Covid has received global attention due to its high death count and infection rates, it’s still only one of the many epidemics of infectious diseases currently ongoing around the world. Many of them fly under the radar due to being limited to small populations or certain regions of the world, even if some – like the decades-long HIV pandemic – have so far killed many more people than Covid.

10. Salmonella Typhimurium

Salmonella bacteria are usually found in poultry animals like pigs and cattle, as well as some common pets like dogs, cats, and birds. The disease, Salmonellosis, could be contracted by eating infected food products like eggs, meat, and milk, though the effects are relatively mild and go away on their own within a few days.

Currently, we may be in the middle of an outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium – one of the two types of Salmonella most likely to infect humans. More than 151 cases have been reported from countries like France, Belgium, Ireland, United States, Norway, and many others. No one has died from the disease, and the outbreak has overwhelmingly affected kids. 

This current wave could be directly linked to products by an Italian chocolate brand called Kinder. So far, they’ve been distributed to over 113 countries, so we don’t yet know the full extent of the outbreak.

9. Polio

Polio was once a serious problem for countries around the world. While wild poliovirus is only found in two countries – Afghanistan and Pakistan – over the years, the disease has shown up in countries around the world. While countries like the United States and UK regularly inoculate their populations against the virus, it’s a problem in places with low vaccination rates, particularly in Africa. 

For up to 90% of the people infected with the virus, the symptoms are mild. The other 10%, however, suffer from permanent paralysis, which could even lead to death when their respiratory system gets immobilized. 

Currently, many Polio outbreaks are ongoing in Yemen and a few African countries. In some places – like Afghanistan – vaccination efforts are hindered by armed conflict. There is currently no known cure for the disease, though mass inoculation drives have vastly reduced the global fatality rate over the years. 

8. Measles

Measles is a dangerous, highly-contagious disease that can be fatal. For the survivors, long-term issues could include partial or complete blindness, brain damage, and hearing loss. It’s vaccine-preventable, which has massively improved the survival rate over the years. 

In the past few months, though, health professionals have reported an uptick in the number of cases worldwide. According to WHO and UNICEF, there was a 79% jump in the number of measles cases in the first two months of 2022. As of April 2022, 21 large outbreaks had been reported globally, mostly in the African and east Mediterranean regions.

Many experts worry that this could be the beginning of a global epidemic. As countries around the world divert their mass immunization efforts towards Covid, there’s now a much higher risk of infection from vaccine-preventable diseases like measles. 

7. Monkeypox

Monkeypox is a type of orthopoxvirus transmitted to humans through contact with infected animals like monkeys and rodents. Severe cases have been usually limited to countries in west and central Africa, particularly the Congo Basin in the Democratic Republic of Congo. While not as severe as smallpox – which was declared eradicated in 1980 – some recent monkeypox outbreaks have seen a fatality rate of around 3 – 6%, making it one of the deadliest active diseases right now.

Since May, 2022, there has been a worrying rise in cases outside the African regions. As of September 20, 2022, more than 19,800 cases have been reported from multiple countries. While a lot of popular coverage around the disease has been focussed around sexual transmission, monkeypox could also spread by contact with infected objects, like clothes or towels. 

6. Yellow Fever

The current outbreak of yellow fever in Africa was first reported in Nigeria in November, 2020. Since then, cases have been reported from countries in east, west and central Africa, including Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, and Nigeria, among many others. 

Yellow fever is a vaccine-preventable disease transmitted by mosquito bites. While symptoms are usually not severe and include headache, loss of appetite, and nausea, the infection could spread to the liver and kidneys, causing fever, bleeding from the mouth, nose, or eyes, and even death. 

While the majority of cases are being reported from Nigeria and Ghana, the disease has been difficult to confirm in some regions due to a lack of proper medical surveillance


While SARS-CoV-2 – commonly known as Covid-19 – has been devastating for the world, it’s not the only currently-active coronavirus strain. Cases of MERS-Cov – or the Middle East respiratory syndrome – have been reported since 2012, mostly in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and other Middle Eastern countries. So far, the disease has infected over 2,500 people and killed more than 800.

MERS-Cov is a dangerous, highly-infectious acute respiratory disease, much like Covid-19. though it has largely stayed limited to Saudi Arabia and nearby regions. The true origins of the virus are still a mystery, though a few animals – like camels and bats – have been identified as potential carriers.

4. Cholera

Cholera is one of the oldest known viral infections, with some accounts of the disease dating as far back as the 5th century BC. Between 1817 and 1923, six major, devastating outbreaks were reported around the world, though the current, seventh outbreak is by far its deadliest phase. Beginning in Indonesia in 1961, the disease currently infects about 3-5 million people every year. 

Cholera is caused by an infection by the Vibrio cholerae bacteria. While most infections aren’t serious, it could lead to more severe complications and even death in certain cases. Thankfully, the pandemic’s worst days are long over, though cholera is still far from being eradicated. Recent outbreaks have been reported from countries across Asia and Africa, and the worst-affected places are Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Somalia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Philippines.

3. Hepatitis

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver often caused by a variety of infectious viruses, commonly categorized as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and so on. It’s a serious disease, as some types of hepatitis could lead to other diseases like cancer, and even death. 

Every year, more than a million people lose their lives to hepatitis and related complications, making it deadlier and more widespread than most viral diseases we know of. While that could already be categorized as an ongoing global pandemic, there have also been multiple, localized outbreaks in places around the world. The current wave – spread over 12 countries including Denmark, Israel, Netherlands, Italy, Romania, Belgium, and others – has been particularly deadly for children under the age of five. 

2. Ebola

The Ebola virus is one of the deadliest pathogens we know of, with fatality rates reaching as high as 90% in some outbreaks. It’s also highly-infectious, and it usually spreads by contact with the bodily fluids of someone already infected by it. 

There is no known cure for ebola, and we’re not even sure how it spreads. Some scientists think that the virus is transmitted from bats first, before moving to other animals – like chimpanzees – and eventually human hosts. 

The disease was first discovered in central Africa back in 1976, and since then, there have been many outbreaks spread across a large region in central Africa, particularly the Democratic Republic of Congo. The current outbreak – beginning in April, 2022 – is the sixth ebola outbreak in the country since 2018

1. HIV

The HIV pandemic is one of the longest-running pandemics in history, having infected over 79.3 million people since it was first discovered in the 1980s. More than 40 million people have died of the disease since then, and even today, millions of people around the world are infected by it. While it’s spread over almost every part of the world, the African continent has emerged as the most vulnerable region. 

Currently, there’s no cure for HIV, though it could be controlled with the help of certain medical procedures and treatments. The disease is usually transmitted through unprotected sex with an infected person, though it could also spread through infected needles and other drug-injection equipment.

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