Coronavirus – Listorati Fascinating facts and lists, bizarre, wonderful, and fun Fri, 13 Sep 2024 06:58:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Coronavirus – Listorati 32 32 215494684 Top 10 Tone-Deaf Celebrity Coronavirus Messages That Are Cringey AF Thu, 12 Sep 2024 17:27:33 +0000

The coronavirus is impacting every person on the planet: wealthy or destitute, famous or unknown. Can mankind truly unite in its terror and suffering? While it’s nice to hope that a crisis as horrific as COVID-19 can bring the world together, it may make our differences all the more obvious.

Top 10 Worst Celebrity Adverts

Doctors, first responders, all healthcare personnel are putting their lives at risk every day to help those sickened by this unforgiving virus. Grocery store and delivery workers are leaving the safety of their homes so others can continue to eat while self-quarantining. But in all of this coming together, we are becoming acutely aware of societal differences.

Celebrities, professional athletes, and politicians–even those who haven’t any symptoms–have been able to access the testing and treatment that regular folks have not. It begs the question: What is the role of a celebrity during a real-life crisis? Do their words and actions matter more at this time of life or death?

The nation’s top doctor, Surgeon General Jerome Adams, thinks they do. “We need to get Kylie Jenner and social media influencers out there in helping folks understand that, look, this is serious. This is absolutely serious. People are dying,” Dr. Adams told Good Morning America.

Top 10 Spectacular Meltdowns That Cost Celebrities Credibility

He said the younger generation is more likely to ignore the quarantine despite the risks. Adams referenced his own teenagers: “The more I tell them not to do something, the more they want to do it.”

Perhaps it’s this calling that has led so many celebrities to speak out about the virus. Or maybe, they just want to align themselves with the top headlines to remain relevant. Whatever their motivation, the rich and famous are taking to social media to express their solidarity. They’re staying in, just like us. Sacrificing the jet-set lifestyle to hunker down in their mansions. But their efforts are falling really, really short. The Twitter and Instagram videos they post range from awkward to insulting to downright dangerous. Here’s a look at some of the most tone-deaf celebrity responses (so far).

10 Madonna

Picture Madonna, sporting a newly tightened face, soaking luxuriously in her beautiful marble bathtub. Naked, apart from loads of jewelry, she’s surrounded by lit candles and serenaded by creepy background music. The delicate rose petals floating in her milky bath provide just enough coverage to keep the video PG.

The Material Girl’s somber demeanor is meant to emphasize the seriousness of her message, She says, “[COVID-19] doesn’t care about how rich you are, how famous you are, how funny you are, how smart you are, where you live, how old you are, what amazing stories you can tell. It’s the great equalizer, and what’s terrible about it is what’s great about it. What’s terrible about it is it’s made us all equal in many ways — and what’s wonderful about it is it’s made us all equal in many ways.”

She closed with, “…if the ship goes down, we’re all going down together.” Madonna followed the video with a still photo post of her naked self, roses strategically covering her nipples. The caption: “No discrimination — Covid-19! #quarantine #covid_19 #staysafe.”

The 61-year-old pop icon has been vocal about the pandemic, encouraging followers to stay at home, as she has. But her message of being in this together has fallen flat. Even her most die-hard fans have criticized her as privileged and out of touch:

“You’re glad we’re all equal now—do you think someone in the slums of India is sitting in a tub right now full of rose petals? Delete your account.” @RieMcAz

“I always bath in full makeup and jewelry surrounded by out of season flower petals.” @YourMajistiness

“Im a little sick of the wealthy right now..” @gizmorivera

“Meanwhile, some are out there with bare essentials and she’s posted petaled nipples. Stop it, Madonna. I love ya girl but stop.” @jacksonleylidia

“Sorry my queen, love u so much, but we’re not equal. We can die from the same diseases, but the poor will suffer the most. Do not romanticize anything [sic] of this tragedy.”

Madonna has since deleted the video, but as we all know, the internet never forgets.

9 Vanessa Hudgens

You can’t unring a bell. You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. Likewise, Vanessa Hudgens cannot take back her brutally insensitive comments about COVID-19. In an Instagram live video, she cast her doubts on the seriousness of the pandemic. “Um, yeah, ’til July sounds like a bunch of bullshit. I’m sorry, but like, it’s a virus, I get it, like, I respect it. But at the same time I’m like, even if everybody gets it, like yeah, people are going to die, which is terrible but like, inevitable? I don’t know. [laughs] Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this right now.”

Ouch. One day later, the High School Musical actress took to Twitter to apologize for what she says was taken out of context. “Hey guys. I’m so sorry for the way i have offended anyone and everyone who has seen the clip from my Instagram live yesterday,” she wrote. “I realize my words were insensitive and not at all appropriate for the situation our country and the world are in right now. This has been a huge wake up call about the significance my words have, now more than ever. I’m sending safe wishes to everyone to stay safe and healthy during this crazy time.”

Too little, too late, according to her Twitter followers:

“Am I the only one that thinks Vanessa Hudgens can say all this insensitive garbage about the coronavirus and still get a test kit before us?” @AngelaBelcamino

“As someone who has supported some of your work, it’s deeply disappointing. There are millions of people being impacted not just from the virus but also the collateral damage. Try seeing bey9ond your own robust privilege in the future, especially with such a large platform.” @FredTJoseph

“me, my head scarf, my adrenal system, and my suppressed immune system do not accept your apology. i wish you safety and good health and hope that your insensitivity did not bring you harmful karma. i hope you genuinely learned from this.” @washurhandsmans

“‘I am sorry I offended anyone’ is very different from ‘gosh was I wrong.’” @Grady_Booch

8 Gal Gadot

Gal Gadot may play a superhero on the big screen, but her coronavirus crusade is not about to save anyone in the real world. The homebound Wonder Woman star says she was inspired by an Italian trumpeter who entertained his quarantined neighbors with a heartfelt rendition of John Lennon’s “Imagine.” Gadot called upon other celebs to join her in singing the classic, and the result is not good. One wealthy celebrity after another–trying to look like average Joes with uncombed hair, sloppy clothes, no makeup–sing of peace, brotherhood, and the world with “no possessions.” With no real threat that they’ll actually lose their possessions, these famous folks (Sia, Zoe Kravitz, Jimmy Fallon, Will Ferrell, and others) have the luxury of “imagining” such things.

The song lyrics are simply not fitting for this crisis. Having no possessions is not idyllic: it’s a terrifying reality for every worker who has been ordered to stay home. Servers, Uber drivers, and millions of so-called non-essential workers are not able to relax in mansions while on hiatus. The economy is quickly tanking, and the road to recovery will be long and difficult.

“We are not in this together. You’re incredibly rich and have access to the best medical care. This is some Marie Antoinette level of tone-deafness.” @courneythebaker.”

“Wow, this is truly awful. While you’re all sitting around in your mansions bored while your staff tend to your every need, the rest of us are wondering how we’re going to pay the rent this month and how much debt we’re going to be at the end of it all and how we’re going to rebuild our lives again. *You are certainly not part of us that are all in it together that’s for sure.” @lorenpeta

“Glad u have time to feel philosophical while most of us are feeling anxious and afraid.” @thewoodlands

“Imagine there’s no hunger? Yeah, I don’t think you can cause you all will be fine while the rest of us suffer.” @nikkikittums

“Thank god the rich are singing for us I was worried for a second.” @juice_wagon

“You cant advocate for world togetherness from an ivory tower, I’m afraid.” @ellyleggatt

“Imagine front line health care workers not having enough safety equipment while a bunch of smug celebrities sang an awful song.” @susieherbertlight

“I’m sure the peasants appreciate being rejected for testing while celebs can get a test without any symptoms. You’re going to great keep it up we love being patronized.” @swagittarius001

7 Naomi Campbell

Last summer, Naomi Campbell made headlines with her germaphobic airplane routine. That was before the coronavirus pandemic, and the supermodel is now taking extreme measures to protect herself. For most of the world, that would involve staying home. But Campbell (being important and having important places to go) continued to travel. Instead of self-quarantining to help stop the spread of the disease, she opted for even more over-the-top air travel protection.

At the Los Angeles International Airport on March 10, Campbell donned latex gloves, safety goggles, facemask, and a full-body hazmat suit for her flight. She captioned the photo, “Safety First NEXT LEVEL.”

We’re not impressed. Or amused. She and like-minded celebrities (Bella Hadid, Brody Jenner, Kate Hudson) are doing harm. Everyone who continues to travel becomes a potential carrier. And all who are asymptomatic yet continue to wear masks negatively impact the availability of personal protective equipment for frontline healthcare workers and the infected. Masks are needed for those who have the virus (or symptoms of the virus) and for the brave souls who are treating them. Medical experts have repeatedly urged everyone else to stop using up the dwindling supply of PPE. And to STAY HOME.

“You’re ignorant and entitled.” @janeygirl56

“A mask is for infected people to prevent the virus from spreading not for healthy ones.” @sevillacabanis.peggy

“I am a nurse. And mother. And my 70 year old parents are watching my kids when I work. My hospital can’t get N95s [masks]. And yet patients keep coming. And I will keep working. Without a mask, because photos like this have eliminated them for healthcare workers. @spinnstar

6 Gwyneth Paltrow

No list about tone-deaf celebs would be complete without a mention of Gwyneth Paltrow. She, too, posted an airplane face mask selfie. The caption: “En route to Paris. Paranoid? Prudent? Panicked? Placid? Pandemic? Propaganda? Paltrow’s just going to go ahead and sleep with this thing on the plane. I’ve already been in this movie [Contagion]. Stay safe. Don’t shake hands. Wash hands frequently.” That was in February.

More than a month later, she’s still posting photos of herself wearing masks—the latest on a trip to the local farmer’s market. In her lecture-style post, she described how she followed protocol while shopping for fresh herbs and veggies, and she chided others who may not be following the rules so well. Her followers shot back, criticizing the actress for utilizing PPE on a leisurely food run while doctors and nurses face deadly shortages.

“Are you serious? The mask isn’t to protect you from people with corona. The masks are for people who have the disease and wish not to infect anyone. Wake up Sheeple.” @dankje_hd

“A great way to stay healthy is to not go to a highly populated area. Mask or not. That is real. Empathy would imply you had an understanding of others, it seems as though you may be lacking in that. Doctors and those who are legitimately sick need masks. Not people gathering (more) food for dinner.” @misskelg

“Would be great if you could invest into safety and equipment for the front line staff in healthcare and other emergency services.” @v_nik_a

Top 10 Celebrities With Goofy Hobbies Nobody Would Have Expected

5 Selena Gomez

Washing your hands is one of the easiest ways to ward off illness, including the novel coronavirus. That’s why Dr. Tedros Adhan Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), kicked off the #SafeHands challenge to promote “regular, safe, and effective hand hygiene.”

If there’s one thing celebrities love, it’s a social media challenge. A personal calling to film themselves doing something with a viral hashtag. But watching enthusiastic celebs wash their hands as if they’d never done it before is, well, weird. It’s as if they’re genuinely surprised by the process. Take Selena Gomez, for example. With more than 170 million followers, she could take Dr. Tedros’ challenge to a whole new level. But oh, how she struggled! She even admitted in her caption that she “had to redo this video so many times.” Her followers still love her (she’s as cute as a button, after all), but they had to call her out on her incompetence.

“This is ALL WRONG?? Why would you turn the water off just to turn it back on with your CLEAN hands??Then you turn it off with the napkin just to proceed to re CONTAMINATE your hands Just stay home @selenagomez, it’s definitely you’re safest option.” @kaygoddess_

“You’re supposed to dry your hands and THEN shut the faucet off #FAIL.” @marisaluisaa

4 Arnold Schwarzenegger

Former bodybuilder, actor, and governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger is, in his own unique way, trying to help. As someone who’s admittedly obsessed with disaster prevention, he wants desperately to be “out there” making a difference. But, as a law-abiding citizen, he remains at home and is sharing his wisdom via Twitter instead.

And that’s where it just gets weird. We accept celebrity quirkiness. But Arnold takes it to another level. The 72-year old has tweeted videos from his kitchen, where he’s sharing his lunch with Whiskey and Lulu. Whiskey is a pony, Lulu is a donkey, and yes, they are IN THE KITCHEN eating spinach off his plate. It’s all oddly entertaining and, in its own peculiar way, softens the seriousness of Arnold’s message. Followers played along:

“He’ll be eating that donkey before the month is over.” @taradublinrocks

“Be careful. One of the first signs of Coronavirus is feeling a little horse.” @MatCostin

“For some reason, and I can’t pinpoint exactly why, but this was the most comforting coronavirus advice I’ve absorbed so far. Leave it to the damn Terminator to actually make me feel GOOD about a freaking global pandemic. @seanpcarragher

But other tweets have not been as well-received by fans and followers. “Here I am at home, taking a jacuzzi, smoking a little stogie,” he preached in a clip titled, “Stay. At. Home. That means you, too, spring breakers.” Not only is his presentation out of touch with the reality most are currently experiencing, but it’s not in good taste that he’s smoking while so many are fighting an evil respiratory disease.

“Arnold, I appreciate your messaging here, but not everyone lives in a mansion with unlimited resources. You’re right in the message itself, but less grandstanding would seem a bit more genuine. Thx!” @edwardebrowden

“Easy for you to say. Some people still have to earn their money and pay bills.” @ValeriRX

“I’m tired of these assholes sending this message from the comfort of their spa with millions in the bank when so many of us are wondering if tomorrow will be the last day of our employment and the possibility of losing everything we’ve worked for is on the line.” @lmarts1017

3 Jameela Jamil

English actress and activist Jamella Jamil is no stranger to controversy. She is vocal about everything from diet shakes to Oprah (whom she says “would never have made it in the UK”). So, it was no surprise that the entertainer tweeted an off-the-wall theory on the coronavirus.

“I can’t help but wonder if this virus is the clap back from Mother Nature we were waiting for. She wants us to stop moving and consuming and burning or she’s going to f*ck us all up. Wishing endurance, strength, and patience to those affected by Corona. It’s all really scary.”

So, the planet has created COVID-19 to punish humanity for global warming? Yeah, okay. Unsurprisingly, Jamil deleted the tweet. Her Twitter account is now full of legitimately helpful tips about helping others throughout the pandemic.

2 Joe Giudice

Joe Giudice (ex-husband of The Real Housewives of New Jersey’s Teresa Giudice) has a history of ignoring the law and following his own rules. (He pleaded guilty to 41 counts of fraud and was deported to Italy.) Now, he’s pushing back against COVID-19 quarantine guidelines. In a March 10 Instagram post, he wrote, “More people die from Viagra (heart attacks and drug overdose) everyday than this Corona virus. People here are frantic because government is ridiculous with [lock] down !!!! Sorry Lock down not for me Never again !!!!! Stay safe [world] eat healthy, exercise, and no shaking hands. #coronavirus #staysafeoutthere #lockdownnotcool #awarenessiskey #washhands”

“Sorry Joe but you really need to treat this virus with respect… @sarahallison8046

“The reason it spreads is because people ignore quarantines and lockdowns. Maybe you’re not worried about YOU but think about others, Joe.” @nosillamp

“Therein lies the problem for you. You’re in a predicament in Italy because you refused to follow the rules/laws. Stop believing you’re exempt and take precautions for the sake of your children. Humble yourself.” @sharene.c

1 Evangeline Lilly

Canadian actress Evangeline Lilly (best known for her role on Lost) has really pissed off her followers. She has opted out of COVID-19 containment, saying that she values her freedom too much to be told she must self-quarantine. On March 16, she posted a pic of her teacup on Instagram and wrote, “#morningtea Just dropped my kids off at gymnastics camp. They all washed their hands before going in. They are playing and laughing. #businessasusual.” That is some hard-core tone-deafness right there. Among the comments, she added, “where we are right now feels a lot too close to Marshall [sic] Law.” Ironically, it’s actions like Lilly’s that are more likely to lead to *martial* law: if more people would comply with social distancing, that kind of drastic action would not be necessary. It didn’t take long for #unfollowevangelinelilly to begin circulating (until Instagram censored it on behalf of the actress), and her (former) followers let her have it:

“So incredibly selfish and irresponsible.” @lesleyannbrandt

“I plan on not seeing anything you’re in. I hope others do the same.” @theycallmeamy007

“Your choices can kill people. Beyond selfish.” @simplynaturalevents

“I had to lay off 150 people today in person, one by one. But glad your life is #businessasusual and you’re enjoying your cup of tea. Stay tone deaf and continue to be part of the problem Evangeline.” @hopesdaddy11

“We have lost more people than US in 9/11. Cheers from Italy. Enjoy your tea.” @thefakerael

“This isn’t about YOU or your kids need to go to gymnastics camp. This is about doing the responsible thing to NOT INFECT OTHERS with compromised immune systems from this rapidly changing virus. Give your head a shake and look outside your bubble. @happhealthfreak [Ironically, Lilly’s father, who has leukemia, lives with the family.]

“I am a front line healthcare worker who was exposed to covid19 by someone much like you. A person who lied about their travel history, who refused to self isolate and then went onto develop symptoms and presented for testing. I am now on day 7 of isolation. That person has put my children at risk as well as myself. This is not a joke. My colleagues are stretched to the limit because people like you refuse to take this seriously. We are exhausted, short of beds, PPE, ventilators. For you to deny the reality of what we as Nurses, Doctors, Microbiologists and Virologists are dealing with each and every day is insulting and dangerous.” @ema_seren

Top 10 Celebrities And The (Mostly) Hilariously Bad Songs They Released

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Your View: How Is The Chinese Coronavirus Affecting You? Sat, 22 Jun 2024 07:37:19 +0000

The Chinese coronavirus (COVID-19) is now impacting virtually everyone on earth in some way, whether it be for medical reasons or economic. In times past we have done occasional “Your View” posts in which our awesome readers share their opinions with each other. This has typically enriched us all. Our readers are typically smarter than average and have a very broad and interesting perspective on life.

So this is your chance to tell us: how is the Wuhan flu affecting you or your family? What impact is it having on you and what changes in your daily life has it brought about?

This is a time of great concern for all of us. No matter how well the governments we have chosen respond to this event on our behalf, the world is changed and will be changed for good. The economic impact of this pandemic is extraordinary and far reaching, and many of the effects of the massive worldwide bailouts and currency inflation are still to be seen.

What do you think the world is going to look like once this is all over? Will things seek to return to the “norm” as we have known it or is this “the turning”? Are we about to enter a new age of man?

Top 10 Essential Facts About The Coronavirus, The Only Article You’ll Ever Need About COVID-19

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Top 10 Crazy Conspiracy Theories Surrounding The Chinese Coronavirus Wed, 10 Apr 2024 06:40:23 +0000

The Wuhan flu, Chinese coronavirus, Covid-19 virus, or simply coronavirus as some prefer to call it, needs no introduction. It is the latest nuisance we all have to deal with. The virus first appeared in China and in less than two months, has spread to every continent in the world. It has killed over 4,000 people so far and another 113,000 people are confirmed to be infected.

Most people agree that the virus first appeared in a seafood market in Wuhan, China. It appears, however, that some conspiracy theorists do not believe this story. They say it is just another sham story someone made up to cover-up the true origin of the virus.

Top 10 Essential Facts About The Coronavirus, The Only Article You’ll Ever Need About COVID-19

10 The United States government

There are rumors that the United States government created the Chinese coronavirus. This claim was first made by the Russian news network, Channel One, during a live news broadcast. A news presenter said the US government created the virus to destroy China’s economy. He added that the US might have also created it so they could sell vaccines to the Chinese government.

The presenter based his claim on the fact that corona means crown in Russian and Latin. As we all know, President Trump used to be a judge on beauty pageants and was sometimes in charge of crowning the winner. The presenter said this was the reason the virus was named after crowns. Meanwhile, scientists say they named the virus after its crown-like shape.[1]

9 Bill Gates

If you are struggling to understand how Bill Gates fits into all these, we will need to go back to October 2019. That month, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation collaborated with the World Economic Forum and the John Hopkins Center for Health Security to test how well we were prepared to deal with an epidemic.

In a curious twist of fate, the Covid-19 virus showed up two months later.

Conspiracy theorists say the program was a prelude to the upcoming epidemic, which all three organizations had planned all along. Meanwhile, the John Hopkins Center for Health Security has denied any link between the event and the Covid-19 epidemic.


Conspiracy theorists backed their claims with the fact that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation had earlier provided funding for the UK-based Pirbright Institute, which has a patent on a coronavirus vaccine. They say Bill Gates teamed with the institute to start the epidemic so he could sell the vaccines.

The Pirbright Institute denies any link between their organization and the Covid-19 virus. A spokesperson said they only researched into coronaviruses that affected birds and not humans. Their vaccines do not work for humans either.[2]

8 5G internet

Wuhan was one of the first Chinese cities to get 5G internet. It is the same city where the Covid-19 virus first appeared. Is that a coincidence? Dana Ashlie says it is not.

Ashlie believes the Covid-19 virus is caused by radiation waves released by 5G internet. She based her claims on a two-decade-old research paper that revealed 5G was dangerous to human health. Ashlie says the so-called coronavirus is actually radiation poisoning. She says it weakens the immune system, leaving a person vulnerable to diseases.

People on the other side of the fence say Ashlie is just another conspiracy theorist. They say the 2000 study she quoted was discredited by a 2005 study that proved 5G was not dangerous to humans. They also pointed out the fact that Wuhan was just one of the 16 Chinese cities that got 5G internet at the same time.[3]

7 The Chinese government

Some people believe China created the Covid-19 virus as part of its biological weapon program. They say the virus later leaked from a lab, causing the epidemic.

The lab in question is the National Biosafety Laboratory. It is the only Chinese government-owned facility capable of conducting research into deadly viruses. It is part of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is located in Wuhan. If you recall, Wuhan is the same city where the epidemic broke out.

These claims arose over a statement President Xi Jinping made right after the epidemic broke out. He said the safety of laboratories was a national issue. The following day, the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology released instructions on how to secure laboratories to prevent the escape of viruses.


Conspiracy theorists back up their claims with the fact that viruses have earlier leaked from Chinese labs. The deadly Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus escaped twice.[4]

6 The Canadian government

Some people believe the Canadian government led by social studies teacher Justin Trudeau (pictured) created the Covid-19 virus at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada. The lab is a Canadian government-owned facility that conducts research into deadly viruses, just like the one in Wuhan, China.

Conspiracy theorists say two Chinese spies stole the virus and sent it to the Wuhan Institute of Virology where it ended up causing the epidemic. The spies in question are Dr. Keding Cheng and his wife, Dr. Xiangguo Qiu. The couple worked at the lab until they were suddenly laid off in 2019.

Conspiracy theorists said the duo were fired for stealing samples of the virus and sending it to China. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police said they were expelled over policy and administrative issues. Who is telling the truth?[5]

Top 10 Crazy Facts About The Coronavirus Outbreak

5 The October 2019 meteorite explosion

Something incredible happened in northeast China in the early hours of October 11, 2019. A meteorite exploded in the sky just after midnight, causing an intense flash that made the night sky as bright as day.

Conspiracy theorists have now jumped on that incident. They say the meteorite brought the Covid-19 virus from space.

Scientists say this is unlikely since the meteor did not land on the ground. Even if it did, they do not think the virus could have survived the extreme temperature of the landing. Meteors that do not burn up in the atmosphere can reach up to 1,198°F by the time they touch the ground. That is more than enough to kill the virus several times over.

Infectious diseases specialist, Dr. Dominic Sparkes, added that the Covid-19 virus most likely originated here on earth since it shares a lot in common with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).

All three viruses belong to a group of viruses called coronaviruses. We know SARS and MERS originated here on earth, but Covid-19? Only time will tell.[6]

4 A Chinese woman eating bat soup

There are speculations that humans got the Covid-19 virus from bats. While scientists are yet to verify this claim, some people believe it spread to humans after someone munched down on an infected bat. That “someone” is Chinese travel blogger, Wang Mengyun.

Mengyun became a victim of a conspiracy theory after a video of her eating a bat went viral. She was accused of contracting the virus and spreading it to other people.

Mengyun was later forced by the socialist Chinese government to apologize for eating the bat. She added that the video was shot in 2016, three years before the Covid-19 virus appeared. It was not shot in China but in Palau, an island nation in the Pacific Ocean.[7]

3 Some unknown person or group created it from HIV

Not all conspiracy theories have a name pinned on them. Like this one proposed by a group of Indian researchers. The researchers say the Covid-19 virus bears some semblance to the HIV-1 virus. They said this was enough evidence to prove that someone had modified HIV to create this new virus.

They published the paper on bioRxiv, a website for research papers awaiting review. The researchers did not mention names, so we do not know the people responsible. The paper caused a controversy, causing the researchers to withdraw it.[8]

2 Corona beer

Corona Extra is a brand of beer brewed in Mexico. It is unrelated to the coronavirus and does not cause or spread it. The beer got its name from the Spanish and Latin word for crown. The virus was named for its crown-like shape.

Corona Extra has been suffering a naming crisis since the epidemic broke out. While no one has actually claimed it causes or spreads the virus, it appears that people already nurse such beliefs. Google has been flooded with searches for “corona beer virus”, “beer virus” and “beer coronavirus” since January.


The market share of Corona Extra has actually grown according to the company. Lucky them! In the 1980s, a diet candy called Ayds suffered a 50% drop in sales after people thought it caused AIDS.[9]

1 Samuel Hyde

Samuel Hyde is a famous actor and comedian. Some people, however, think he should also be famous for starting the coronavirus epidemic. This claim is believed to be part of a running joke of blaming Hyde for every unfortunate incident that occurs in the United Sates.


As it happens, Hyde has been blamed for almost every mass shooting in the US. The accusations have sometimes gotten a bit more serious, like it did after a deadly shooting in Texas in 2017. Rep. Vincente Gonzalez told CNN the name of the shooter was Sam Hyde. He later apologized after discovering he had fallen for an ongoing prank and conspiracy theory.[10]

Top 10 Things You Need To Do To Prepare For The Coronavirus

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Top 10 Funny Coronavirus Lockdown Activities Around The World Sat, 06 Apr 2024 06:31:21 +0000

As the global COVID-19 pandemic escalates, a growing number of people across the world are in various stages of lockdown, as countries take extreme measures to control the spread of the deadly virus. In fact to date it is estimated that approximately one third of the world’s population are currently in enforced isolation.

Top 10 Images That Show The Positive Side Of The Coronavirus Pandemic

Being confined to home for weeks on end, with limited outside activity permitted has inevitably led to a boredom, as people across the world try to fill in their time in isolation. In most European cities, citizens are confined to their own small apartments within massive apartment blocks, without the opportunity to head out into the back yard which will be enjoyed by Australians and New Zealanders.

This enforced isolation has highlighted how much we all need the daily social interaction with our friends and neighbors.

Despite the gravity of the situation, humor in times of adversity has helped us to cope with these unprecedented restrictions to our daily lives. This has prompted the #Stayathome challenge across social media, both to ease our own boredom and to amuse others looking to the internet for entertainment. Hilarious memes and videos are circling the internet, providing us with some light hearted relief to the crisis.

A number of communities have come up with ingenious ideas to remain connected in isolation, while others have made some quite hilarious attempts to get around restrictions. Many have determined not to let cancelled travel plans to thwart their opportunity to simply have a fun time.

10 Balcony bingo

Residents in a housing estate in Ringsend, Dublin recently vied for prizes of Easter eggs and toilet paper in rounds of “Balcony Bingo”.

Resident Michael Larkin decided to ease the boredom of isolation. Kitted out in a protective boiler suit, Larkin handed out cards to residents, who then returned to their balconies to observe the strict 2 meter social distancing rules.

It was then “eyes down” as the numbers were called through a PA system. Larkin was amazed at the response his ingenious entertainment received on social media, with other nearby estates adopting the idea to amuse their elderly residents.

Meanwhile, in Shebyville, Kentucky, staff have ensured that the 1500 residents of their Masonic retirement village can still get their bingo fix.

Residents can be seen lined up with tables along a long corridor, marking off their bingo cards as their numbers are called from a nurses station at the end of the hall.[1]

9 Rooftop aerobics

A Spanish fitness instructor went to new heights to raise both morale and fitness levels of his neighbors in isolation. Trainer Gonzalo used the lockdown as a great opportunity to promote health and fitness during their two weeks indoors.

Getting around the strict lockdown measures in Seville Spain, the trainer took to a courtyard rooftop with a PA system, encouraging the surrounding residents to move to the upbeat music.
Neighbors from surrounding apartment blocks flocked to their balconies to move their way through an aerobic workout of squats, star-jumps and crunches as a PA thumped out the workout music.
Enthusiastic residents take to their balconies in their workout gear each morning to get their daily gym-fix from the safety of isolation.[2]

8 Barking mad

Lockdown and isolation is sending many people barking mad. A 30 minute walk with the dog once a day provides a much need breath of fresh air for many residents in lockdown across the globe.

A man in Palencia, Spain thought of a fur-brained scheme to take advantage of the dog-walking clause. Putting a leash around a fluffy toy, he proceeded to head out for a walk with his inanimate canine friend. His plans however were quickly stuffed, when passing police officers brought a halt to his stunt. The Spaniard received a hefty fine for his dogged attempt to breach isolation orders.[3]

7 Toulouse balcony run

Sports around the world have ground to a standstill. Organised sporting matches and even the Tokyo Olympic Games have been placed on hold, with many athletes trying to find ways to maintain their fitness levels and continue training in isolation.

A French runner was not prepared to let his training for two major marathons to go to waste. The Toulouse man instead managed to run a full marathon from his tiny balcony.
Despite the cancellation of both the Barcelona and Paris marathons, the 32 year old determinedly finished his runs, doing laps of his 7 meter balcony. The 26.2 mile run took him just 6 hours and 48 minutes to complete.[4]

6 T-rextreme measures

Spanish police were astounded to find a dinosaur on the loose, flouting strict isolation rules under their current lockdown. Many residents take advantage of the opportunity to take “Rex” for a brief walk, but it seems “T-Rex” doesn’t cut it with local authorities.

The Murcia resident was found dressed in a full, inflatable Tyrannosaurus Rex costume as he took a stroll outside. It’s unclear whether the bizarre costume would protect him against COVID-19, but it certainly did not protect him from the wrath of local authorities. Police reminded residents that while they may be allowed to briefly walk their pets, “dinosaurs don’t count.”
Set to the “Jurassic Park” theme music, a video of the bizarre encounter has gone viral on social media.[5]

10 Amusing Ways People Have Mocked Dictators

5 Balcony concerts

Balcony singing was one of the first isolation stories to appear on social media, as bored Italians tried to connect with friends and neighbors. From instrumental concerts, with piano, sax and violin joining from nearby windows, to full neighborhood sing-a-longs, the phenomenon has grown across the world to help raise the spirits of those in isolation. Voices echoing across deserted courtyards have helped us to unite in song. Professional singers entertain the neighborhood on a daily basis, while other neighbors get together for impromptu percussion sessions.
In Boston Massechusetts, singer Mike DiCarlo took to his balcony with a corona-inspired parody of Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline”.

Nearby residents quickly joined in, on the “hands not touching hands” version of the famous song. The one-off concert has grown into a nightly rendition each night, with requests taken via social media. The most popular requests of the day can be heard at 6pm each evening.[6]

4 Disney at home

So many of us have had to cancel eagerly anticipated vacations as airlines and tourist attractions around the world have shut down in response to COVID-19. Disneyland was one of the first major attractions forced to close their doors due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

One US family forced to cancel their Disney vacation cleverly applied a “Pirates of the Carribean” theme to their enforced “staycation”.

With clever props, the family dressed up as their favorite pirates, sharing their unique virtual Disney experience with Twitter followers. Complete with funny pirate accents and their role plays of visiting their favorite attractions, the family have inspired many other house-bound parents to get more creative with their lockdown activities.[7]

3 Balcony tennis, Madrid

Organised sports may be banned for the foreseeable future, with sports enthusiasts finding unique ways to enjoy a little physical activity in isolation. One impromptu sports event was a hit with bored Spaniards as two Madrid men had the internet cheering with their twitter-vised tennis match.

The match saw the players rallying the ball between their apartment windows, before calling “out” as the ball dropped to the ground.

Im sure there was no window of opportunity to challenge the umpire’s ruling during this match, let alone the convenience of having a ballboy retrieve the ball after your missed shot.[8]

2 Televised cruise

Cruising around exotic destinations has become an increasingly popular vacation option. However with cruise-related corona outbreaks prevalent around the globe, many travelers have chosen not to take the risk and most cruises have been cancelled until further notice.

The cancellation of their Pacific Island cruise was no setback to an Australian Couple. With the help of You-Tube videos, the couple donned their cruise attire, putting their feet up in the comfort of their living room. Sipping cocktails, they enjoyed a televised cruise on the TV screen.


The virtual vacation certainly helped to bouy their spirits during isolation.[9]

1 Virtual Zoo

As parents face the challenging task of home-schooling children in isolation, many zoos have been live streaming their animal sanctuaries to allow the animals to provide some much-needed entertainment. #AnimalsAtHome allows children to visit the tigers, bears, dolphins and otters in the many zoos and aquariums which have been closed due to COVID-19, providing hours of educational entertainment.

Edinburgh Zoo was one of the first to provide this sanity-saving service. It allowed frazzled parents to safely send the kids for a day at the zoo as they came to terms with their new home-schooling schedules.

At Australia’s Melbourne zoo, however the antics in the giraffe enclosure were overshadowed by an hilarious impromptu dance performance by the zookeeper. The fan-waving antics of the Victorian zoo-diva became a hit across social media as he sashayed and twirled around the feed enclosure. The giraffes seemed quite unfazed by their keeper’s bizarre antics.[10]

Top 10 Hilarious Reactions To The Toilet Paper Shortage

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Top 10 Crazy Realities Of Hotel Life During The Coronavirus Pandemic Sun, 11 Feb 2024 01:10:21 +0000

I work at a value hotel in the part of the world that serves the Ark, the Creation Museum, the Cincinnati Reds, and other event spaces in the area. The region has been growing, hotels have been springing up like crazy, and many locals saw the hotel business as a great place for career mobility.

Then the coronavirus happened.

Now everything has changed. For some hotels, business has dropped to 10–20 percent (at best) of what they were doing and things look extremely grim. Despite the slowdown, it has also been incredibly chaotic. Everything is scary and unpredictable day to day. Here are 10 realities of life in the hotel industry during the coronavirus epidemic.

10 Unusual Hotels Around The World

10 Hotels Are Essential, But Layoffs And Hour Cuts Are Still Happening

In the crazy age of the coronavirus, hotels have been deemed essential. But that doesn’t ensure smooth sailing for hotel companies or their employees. Although many essential services have seen a spike in demand, hotels haven’t participated in the surge as tourism is at a standstill all over the world.

Many hotels do not want to deal with increases in unemployment insurance. So they are trying first to cut the hours of their employees before laying people off.

However, bigger hotels are often faring so poorly—due to an apocalyptic loss in occupancy—that they have no choice but to lay off employees. Some establishments near Disney World are furloughing people left and right because the closing of the park has left some 1,000-room hotels at only 1 percent occupancy. At that rate, they can hardly afford to keep the lights on, much less continue to pay all their employees.

As for Las Vegas, many resort hotels have shut down because a huge amount of their money comes from the casino business. This requires larger gatherings of people to be successful. More than anything, they are basically gaming spaces with a hotel attached. Without gaming resorts, there is no point in staying open.[1]

9 Some Hotels Are Offering Special Home Office Rates For Daytime Stays

At least one hotel so far, Red Roof Inn, is offering a weekday special from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM to use their hotel rooms as a home office space. This offer is actually quite cheap, running at a little under $30 per day for your temporary office space. They even allow one other person and one pet.

Now this is half off most nightly rates for that type of hotel, but they’re probably not offering full amenities. Presumably, they don’t expect the guest to use the bed or the shower. No breakfast, either.

However, this is still quite inexpensive. Those who are searching for home office space might want to look into this or other hotels that may soon offer similar deals. To get away from it all and have your own work space for $30 dollars a day is fairly cheap, especially if the kids are home due to quarantine and you cannot concentrate long enough to finish your work.[2]

8 Phones Have Been Ringing Off The Hook With Cancellation Calls

Once the number of COVID-19 cases escalated sharply, gatherings started to be banned and hotels repeatedly received the worst kind of calls: cancellations. For the first several weeks of the COVID-19 outbreak, the phones were ringing off the hook at my hotel. That was also true at many other establishments.

Everyone was getting cancellation calls for stays that ranged from only a few days in advance to those in late summer. Occupancy dropped like a stone overnight. The managers and owners of many hotels are now terrified that, at best, they will break even for the year. But that’s the rosy case and very unlikely to happen.

Many hotel employees are slightly traumatized at this point. Some have reached a point of weary resignation, knowing that most remaining calls will still be cancellations. We’re all just hoping that our hotels don’t have to close permanently and that we don’t have to look for new jobs.

There is also the worry of having your hours cut. Although the US Congress passed a stimulus package to help with unemployment benefits during the coronavirus pandemic, it can still be difficult to apply for and receive the money in a timely manner.

What do you do while you’re waiting? Very few places are hiring, especially part-time workers.[3]

7 Breakfast Services Are Suspended Or Greatly Limited At Most Hotels

As the COVID-19 outbreak spiked significantly, one of the first things to change was how food was served. To comply with stay-at-home or shelter-in-place orders, restaurants closed their interior dining rooms. So you have to use delivery, curbside pickup, or drive-through because gatherings of more than a few people are now banned.

This left a lot of hotels in a weird gray area. They are not sure if they are properly complying with the law or not. Most states did not say anything specific about hotel breakfasts one way or another, although some states were unclear about whether a breakfast “buffet” was acceptable.

As a result, some hotel managers wondered if continental breakfasts were still okay as long as only a few guests gathered at once. Meanwhile, some establishments have shut down these dining options entirely, even if they don’t serve any hot foods. It hasn’t helped that the authorities have not given much guidance or clarification on the issue.

Out of an abundance of caution, most hotels have suspended their breakfasts or are offering to-go bags. If you need to visit a hotel for business or something, you should call them first to see if they still have any kind of breakfast options. That way, you’ll know if you need to plan ahead for the next morning.[4]

6 People Are Trying To Get Rock-Bottom Prices When Hotels Are Already Struggling

Many people know that travel has been suspended in most places, that people aren’t gathering, that a lot of vacation destinations are closed, and that most hotels are doing incredibly badly right now. In fact, they might continue to perform poorly for the rest of the year.

However, like all things business, a hotel isn’t a charity and guests don’t consider their business a charity, either. With all the people running out of money right now, those who do need a hotel are looking for rock-bottom prices. This makes room sales supercompetitive.

Currently, some hotels are offering such low competitive rates that they risk losing money on their rooms because they are not receiving enough revenue to cover all the overhead. Some hotel owners believe that having a fuller house will look better to their creditors.

At the end of the day, though, any hotel that is selling out right now is barely breaking even and may even be operating at a small loss.[5]

10 Hotels That Offer Ridiculously Over-The-Top Extras

5 When Prices Go Down, Many Criminals Come To Stay

As we’ve mentioned, hotel prices have cratered. As a result, drug dealers, prostitutes, and other ne’er-do-wells see these rock-bottom prices as a great opportunity to use hotels as the base of operations for their businesses. Many druggies who need a place to crash during a high are also tempted by the low prices.

If this wasn’t enough, many cities are now paying to put up homeless people in hotels during the pandemic. It would be great if they stayed inside, which is the whole point. However, many of these people are not self-quarantining. Instead, they are getting into trouble.

The problem extends beyond housing the homeless. They still need money for food, and some are trying to score drugs. Others just have side hustles. They want to save money so that they won’t be homeless forever.

Although it is great to give the homeless a place to quarantine, they simply don’t have the resources to just stay inside hotel rooms for weeks. They certainly don’t have the distractions available to them that most of us have, except for TVs in their rooms.

To make matters worse, many homeless people have mental illnesses. Just giving them homes without providing the help they need may reveal or even cause larger issues.[6]

4 Some Hotel Workers Have Made Themselves Paranoid Wrecks Over The Virus

Like anyone on the “front lines,” some hotel workers have made themselves paranoid wrecks over getting the virus. Before finally quitting, one of my coworkers was donning a new pair of gloves after every customer and wearing a mask when the CDC was still saying it wasn’t necessary (although we know better now). She was also scaring the guests, who were afraid that she was wearing a mask because she had the coronavirus.

Although you want to be careful to avoid getting the virus, it is also important to base your actions on common sense and not just paranoia. Wearing gloves can help, but you also need to wash your hands after you take them off. You can’t touch anything that’s potentially infected and then touch your face, or the gloves are useless.

They can easily give you a false sense of security. In addition, your paranoia can stress you out and lower your immune system. Although hotel workers clean constantly, wash our hands like crazy, and take a lot of precautions, there is a point at which your methods to sanitize become nonstop panic cleaning that just dries out your skin without any additional health benefits.[7]

3 Business Is Almost Impossible To Predict Even Day To Day

As stated in the introduction, I work at a value hotel. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, I could work the morning shift and predict how many guests we would have by the end of the day, give or take five individuals. That’s true even for hotels with lots of walk-in visitors.

Even on days when we weren’t doing that well or when it was a slow time of year, business was usually predictable day to day. Once you know the flow of your business, you develop a sense for how things will go.

However, this pandemic has changed everything. Due to cancellations, the criminal element, people traveling at the last minute to get back to their places of origin, homeless people, and many other factors, the hotel business has become impossible to predict day to day or even hour to hour.

The value hotel where I work has about 115 rooms. Right now, we are filling about 20–40 rooms a night. It is almost impossible to predict occupancy or which days will be better or worse.[8]

2 Guests Are Much Chattier Because Everyone Wants To Talk About The Pandemic

You will get some chatty guests at a hotel, but most people just want to do their business and get on their way. However, the pandemic has changed all that. Customers and employees alike regularly commiserate about the virus.

In fact, regular guests who were never chatty are now talking much more. This virus has scared many of us. By discussing what’s going on, we have that human connection that can comfort some people and make them feel better.

Depending on the individual hotel employee, this can be either cathartic or stressful. Some like the chance to talk about the pandemic. Others are already hearing enough about it on the news and at work. These employees just wish they could forget about the virus for a few minutes.

Unfortunately, when you work in customer service, it is part of your job to chat people up and be sympathetic—even if you wish you could just ask them to please stop talking about the pandemic. You are already stressed out enough over it.[9]

1 The Future Is Uncertain—No One Knows If Or When Things Will Be Normal Again

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, hotel owners and employees are nervous about the future of hotels. Many owners are convinced that this fiscal year is going to be a complete wash. Hitting breakeven is the new goal (if they can even manage it).

To make matters worse, no one is sure how bad this will be for the hotel industry in the long term. Yes, some hotels and motels will always exist because people need a place to stay. But others cater to guests who are visiting resorts and other attractions.

After the end of the pandemic, we may see a long-term change in how people interact at events, in large crowds, and with other groups. The Internet is such a powerful tool that we may see more virtual entertainment come out of this. Possibly, only smaller groups will be allowed to congregate, even in resort towns.

Even if the law allows, things may never go back to “normal” if general attitudes change. This could be truly ruinous for the resort hotel industry as about 95–99 percent of their business would be permanently gone.

Just like every situation involving the pandemic, we can only do our best as we wait to see what will happen. The world may not change that much in the long term. But it’s impossible to predict at this point, and the uncertainty can be frightening.[10]

10 Outrageous Requests Made To Hotel Concierges

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10 Reasons The Coronavirus Should Terrify You Sat, 29 Jul 2023 23:36:36 +0000

In the past 200 years or so, we’ve all worked together and managed to come up with even more innovative ways to end life on Earth as we know it. The invention of gunpowder itself was an unprecedented innovation in mass slaughter – the death counts of some wars took away entire chunks of our population—though the inventions of the coming centuries would make that look tame in comparison.

See Also: 10 Good Things We Owe To The Black Death

One threat, though, has remained unchanged for as long as we can remember, and we still don’t take it too seriously. The coronavirus story is breaking as we write this, with cases reported in countries around the world. It has completely broken-down services in China and nearby countries, catching one of the most technologically developed countries – and the rest of the world – by surprise.

The reason this recent breakout has shocked everyone is that we’ve forgotten that the biggest threat to human life isn’t nukes or anything else, but pandemics. Even with all our advanced technology – some of which may even work against us during outbreaks – the threat of a virus coming from nowhere and ending human civilization as we know it is still as real as it always was.

10 Globalization Is Making Things Worse, Not Better

One would think that because of the world being as connected as it is today, infectious diseases stand much less of a chance than any other time in history. It’s true to an extent, too, as our connectedness advances our collective knowledge in various fields, especially medicine. If you can get information on a disease in an isolated part of the world, biologists from around the world can study it and build up defenses against it.

The problem is, though, that when a truly serious outbreak – like 2019-nCoV – occurs, all of those benefits of global networks work against us. Most of the times, we simply don’t have any way to detect the viruses, as they’re almost always unknown strains no one has seen before (more on that in a bit). So now, with vast, interconnected networks to transport people around the world but no way to tell if they’re infected, outbreaks can reach much further and develop defenses before we can even detect them. The Avian flu outbreak, as an example, was a stronger, previously unknown strain of a virus found only in birds, and is likely an ancient disease that wasn’t a threat until it was.[1]

9 Pandemics Have Killed Far More People Than Anything Else

The reason we don’t consider pandemics a serious enough threat is due to our belief that we’re now more immune to them, or that they don’t kill as many people as other things, like nukes. While it’s true that recent advancements in detection and treatment of pathogens has made us better at fighting them, there are also many more of them now, including strains that have never infected humans before. For the death count, deaths from pandemics outnumber any other disaster event in history by a long shot.

You don’t even need to go into the past; we’re currently in the middle of quite a few serious pandemics. The AIDS virus has killed around 40 million people by now. The influenza flu causes around 80,000 – 100,000 annual deaths in the U.S. alone, which is only a fraction of its global death count of 650,000.

Even in history, global pandemics are by far the biggest agents of mass destruction we have ever seen. Just take the Justinian Plague, which killed around a hundred million people over a span of many centuries. At its peak when it first broke out, it’s said that around 10,000 people were dying to it every day just in Constantinople. The Spanish Flu killed over a 100 million in a matter of months, which started during the four-year long WW1 – the war with the second highest death count ever of 40 million.

The reasons these viruses failed to kill everyone are many. The Spanish Flu, for example, just decided to get milder as time went by, looking us in the eye and saying that it chooses to spare us. The world wasn’t as interconnected as today during these plagues, either. If a strengthened strain of any of those plagues returns, you can be sure that it would have a much bigger impact today.[2]

8 Every New Outbreak Requires Working From Scratch

At the time of writing this, multiple countries – including the U.S. – have imposed mandatory quarantine procedures at their major airports. Countries around the world have also imposed emergency health alerts to keep 2019-nCoV out, though cases are springing up by the day. China, seems to be in lockdown mode, as over 200 people have died and 10,000 infected by the coronavirus. It begs the question; why do we find ourselves so unprepared for disease outbreaks every few years?

It’s simple, our medical technology is still not advanced enough to detect and find cures for new outbreaks. Previous medical knowledge doesn’t apply to new strains, which require new assessment and diagnosis. That wastes precious time, too. In most of the worst pandemics in history, most of the deaths occurred in the initial days, before people could find ways to contain it. Sure, that was as simple as maybe not sleeping near where you poop in the middle ages, but even modern plagues – like the Spanish Flu – were the deadliest in their initial days. Every new outbreak still requires understanding the pathogen from scratch, which in turn affects our ability to effectively respond to the crisis.[3]

7 They Are Getting More Powerful (And At A Scary Rate)

If you read about some of the more serious outbreaks in recent times – including coronavirus – the more concerning details seem to be the gory ones. Take Ebola. Most people were horrified by the hazmat suits and stories of medical professionals horribly dying due to infection while treating the locals. It’s a heartbreaking image, though hardly the scary part. Outside the purview of prime-time news cameras, many other diseases kill in much more horrifying ways.

The worst part, though, isn’t that it’s a strain we had no defenses against. It’s that every time we study a new outbreak of Ebola – as it’s still ongoing – it turns out to be a stronger version of a previously found strain. That means that the viruses are rapidly getting better at not dying, as well as evolving faster than anyone expected (or even knew of). Even the current outbreak of coronavirus is due to a strain that can’t inherently affect humans, but has mutated to be able to do so. It’s also stronger and more virulent than any strain found before, which is why it’s such a big crisis in China.
These outbreaks prove what biologists have been saying for years. Newer and more powerful strains of viruses evolving against our medicines is one of the biggest threats to human life.[4]

6 Vaccines Cause Some Viruses To Become Even Deadlier

Vaccines have their fair share of critics, but we can all agree that they’ve managed to eradicate some of the worst diseases humanity has been plagued with for thousands of years. Because of vaccines, people aren’t dying on the streets because they accidentally had a bad apple some two centuries ago.

Scientifically speaking, though, vaccines come with a side effect. According to a study, vaccines are making viruses – especially the deadly ones – even deadlier. It makes sense biologically, as vaccines used on poultry animals and other pets may make some diseases stronger, which could then learn to affect humans and wreak havoc.

Many scientists have criticized the study on the grounds that it only affects chickens, as it lends credence to the anti-vaccine movement. Regardless of who it affects and how people feel about vaccines, unless we come up with an alternative way to build vaccines, a possible out-of-control pandemic that kills us all may just be one of its side effects we’d have to deal with.[5]

5 Many New, Previously Unknown Viruses Are Showing Up

As far as climate change affecting pathogens is concerned, the relationship is debatable. Of course, there’s no doubt that warmer temperatures would make them spread to many more countries than before, though that could be fixed easily if the governments work together.

A more pressing relationship between climate change and a virus-related extinction event lies somewhere on the top of the world map. The permafrost set all over the Arctic – particularly in Siberia – is believed to house a number of dormant and dangerous diseases. Many scientists are of the opinion that quite a few of our recent strains of viruses – like the Ebola – came from the permafrost that has already melted, and it doesn’t sound too far-fetched to us.

Regardless, many new strains of viruses, including the coronavirus, have been discovered in recent years, a phenomenon not many have been able to properly explain. If experts are to be believed, the melting permafrost would also give way to diseases that we may have never even seen, let alone dealt with.[6]

4 Microbes Are Mysterious And Impossible To Study

If we asked you about the most dominant type of life on Earth after humans, you’d probably say mammals or something. If you look at the numbers or ask a biologist, though, you’d realize that no other creature compares to microbes in numbers, diversity, types of habitat they live in etc. You’d find microbes living everywhere you can imagine; from the most inhospitable depths of the ocean to outer space. While there’s no doubt that they’ve done for themselves, their diversity makes them difficult to study and counter for us.

We simply have no idea how many types of microbes exist on Earth. Forget Earth, they recently found a type of bacteria in the human gut that the scientists had never seen before. It was so alien that they had to make a whole separate branch of life for it, which must have separated from ours in the early years of evolution. It’s only one of the examples of many ways we don’t – and never will – fully understand the almost-alien world of microbes, which is crucial to fighting serious, civilization-threatening pandemics.[7]

3 The Next Pandemic Is Around The Corner, And We’re Not Ready

If there’s one thing that the coronavirus outbreak proves, it’s that we’re still highly dependent on nature’s mercy to keep us alive. Our systems are still unequipped to deal with a virus outbreak, even if science maintains that we’re at an acute and urgent risk of a global pandemic.

One study found that if a global outbreak happens right now, it would kill more than 80 million people due to heightened health crisis situations in many countries around the world. Biologists are also finding many new strains of viruses – strains they’ve never seen before—in animals at an alarmingly-higher rate than before, particularly among livestock. Other studies have stated that the next virus is about to come soon—if it’s not here already with 2019-nCoV—and we’re ridiculously underprepared for it.[8]

2 We’re Responsible For Making Them Stronger, Too

In all the devastating pandemics in history, there wasn’t much we could do. Even today, the viruses are getting stronger as a side effect of antibiotics and other measures that are required to live a comfortable life on Earth. There’s nothing much we can do about it except strengthen our medical infrastructure and hope for the best, as it doesn’t seem to be our fault.

If we look at some historical decisions by major governments and scientific institutions, though, at least some of it is definitely our fault. There are quite a few conspiracy theories around some recent outbreaks originally coming from military labs, and we’re seeing no reason why some of them can’t be true. Biological and chemical research has always been a huge part of military budgets, and looking at the possibility of them causing pandemics in the civilian world, it may not be the best idea.

Worryingly enough, the U.S. government recently removed checks from the kind of pathogens they can make in the lab, effectively giving private and government labs across the country a license to make newer, deadlier strains of viruses. Of course, the research is also aimed at helping combat these diseases, though the possibility of them being misused for monetary or other reasons is too glaring to ignore.

There have been rare cases of genuine human errors leading to leaked viruses, too, like the last outbreak of the H1N1 virus. When the scientists discovered that it was a strain that hadn’t been seen since the 1950s and decided to look into the matter, they found that it was because of a lab worker’s poor handling of the sample.[9]

1 Some Viruses Out There Are Much Worse Than 2019-nCoV

The Spanish Flu and Black Death are remembered due to their death count and effects on the world. That’s why they sound so scary, as they killed millions of people and brought about profound changes in society.

If we compare their effects to some of the other scarier instances of outbreaks but with a lower count, though, they don’t stand a chance. There have been many outbreaks in history far worse than anything seen during the Spanish flu – like the 15th century spell of the English Sweating Sickness – which killed their victims much more horrifically. The only reason we don’t hear about them is that they subsided on their own and kept their kill count low. If they were to return to stay, we’d have an even harder time dealing with them than even the worst outbreaks in our history.

More importantly, some of these diseases belong to mysterious families of viruses we don’t know how to deal with. Even the Spanish Flu was a mutated form of influenza previously known to us. According to many biologists, the real threat to human life is from pathogens that may be completely different from anything we’ve seen before.[10]

Himanshu Sharma

Himanshu has written for sites like Cracked, Screen Rant, The Gamer and Forbes. He could be found shouting obscenities at strangers on Twitter, or trying his hand at amateur art on Instagram.

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Top 10 Things You Need To Do To Prepare For The Coronavirus Sun, 23 Jul 2023 19:43:59 +0000

With the outbreak of the Wuhan Coronavirus, people all over the world are starting to take notice and think the worst. After all, pop culture is filled to the brim with apocalyptic scenarios involving the end of the world at the hands of a viral outbreak.

10 Reasons The Coronavirus Should Terrify You

Right now there’s little chance of people dying en masse, and there’s no risk of a zombie outbreak just yet, but that doesn’t mean the situation isn’t serious and that it couldn’t take a turn for the worst.

Preparing yourself for an outbreak that could wipe out millions of people can be done, and you don’t need to start digging a shelter in your backyard to do it.

Survival is all about being prepared. What you do today, could save your life tomorrow. To that end, here are the top ten essential tips to prepare for the coronavirus outbreak.

10 Stockpile Food And Water

The average person burns between one-and-a-half and 3,000 calories a day, but without food, the body begins to break down.

Dying from hunger is terrible, and it can take as many as 70 days. However, without liquids, dehydration will lead to death in just three or four.

Be sure to stockpile a couple of months of canned and dehydrated food per person. Military rations pack a ton of calories and have a shelf-life of up to five years, so get some if you can.

You’ll need enough water for at least two weeks but preferably four. Half a gallon a day for one person is about right.

If you run out of the fresh stuff, you can disinfect water from a questionable source by boiling it or adding a touch of iodine or bleach.

There’s also a great invention called the LifeStraw, which you can use to drink water directly from a contaminated source. The straw filters water as it passes through. I recommend getting several and keeping them on hand.[1]

9 Buy Essential Tools

If the plague you’re attempting to survive is worse than the Black Death, there’s a good chance society will take a little while to get back on track after everything dies down. After all, if history’s taught us anything, it’s that anyone can succumb to illness, including monarchs, presidents, dictators, and the guy who rings you up at the supermarket.

If a big portion of the population dies off quickly, you’re going to have to fend for yourself, and that means you’re going to need some tools.

Imagine looking for food, but all you find are locked and empty houses. If you’ve got a crowbar you have nothing to worry about. And there’s nothing wrong with breaking into an abandoned home while trying to survive an apocalypse!

You’ll also need to have a standard set of tools in a toolbox. Most importantly it should include a hammer, screwdriver set, a wrench, and a multitool.[2]

8 Get Yourself Some Weapons

Survivalists are well known for stockpiling guns and ammo, and not just for hunting. If the worst happens, and enough people die, society will crumble and collapse.

After that happens, life will look a lot like a post-apocalyptic movie, and you’re going to need to fend for yourself. As soon as zombies start walking about, they’ll kill you and your whole family for a hearty meal and a safe place to stay. Your best defense is a good offense, and that means you’ll need weapons.

Shotguns are great at hunting birds, but they’re also ideal for close-quarters combat. A rifle is needed for hunting bigger animals so get one with a good scope. And finally pistols: they’re small, easy to use, and have great stopping power. I’d also suggest you get a book on hunting and cleaning animals.

If you don’t have access to weapons due to local laws, a machete or crossbow is also great at hunting and defending yourself. At the very least, get a good hunting knife and hope for the best.[3]

7 Stock Up On Disinfectant

Plague doctors wore strange masks with beaks filled with herbs meant to purify the air as they breathed. This was because they thought disease was spread through bad smells. That idea has been disproven, but it does give us a good example of how to prepare yourself when an infection is airborne or spread through touch.

Standard consumer products that kill most deadly pathogens are cheap and easily found. Stock up on bleach which can disinfect anything and as I mentioned earlier, it can make water safe to drink.

Hand soap is good in a pinch, but not when there’s a nasty bug in the air. Get some hand sanitizer, and use it whenever you touch common objects, or come in contact with other people. If you don’t have any of that, alcohol will kill most germs, but it should be used as a last resort.

If you decide to buy a modern mask, surgical ones won’t help against the coronavirus. You’ll be wanting a CBRN grade full face mask—these are chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear defense rated.[4]

6 Create A Safe Room And House

You’re going to need to keep your house safe, and that means you’ll have to turn to that trusty item that’s helped keep the US Military running smoothly for decades: duct tape. It’s easy to tear, sticks to everything and will help you secure your home and keep the virus out. And while you’re buying the tape, grab a bunch of plastic drop cloths.

If you think closing the front door and shutting all the windows will keep the virus at bay, ask yourself, when was the last time an insect got in? If spiders and ants can find their way into your house, so can an airborne disease.

Use the drop cloths to cover every window and door, sealing them with duct tape as you go. If you have a fireplace: close the flue and seal that up too. The last thing you need to do is establish a quarantine room somewhere in your home. This is where you would put someone who is showing signs of infection to isolate them from the rest of the group.[5]

10 Of Human History’s Most Horrifying Plagues

5 Prep Your Immune System

The only defense our bodies have against a potentially deadly infection is its immune system. The best way to keep yourself in fighting shape is to take everything from Lysine and Vitamin C to exercising regularly.

You’re going to want to stockpile some medicine, so gather up as much as you can. Score some antibiotics, and ensure that anyone who needs insulin or an EpiPen has a ready supply.

If you have a prescription, don’t wait until the last minute to fill it; have at least a month’s supply on hand, or you could experience dangerous withdrawal symptoms, especially where antidepressants are concerned. Going cold turkey on prescription medicines can mess you up faster than the plague, so always make sure you have ample.

Additionally, you should have cold medicine, multivitamins, antibiotic ointments, and a well-stocked first aid kit. After all, you don’t want to survive the plague of the century and end up dying from an infection after you get a cut on your hand.[6]

4 Create A Bug Out Bag

One of the earliest things a government will do when there’s an outbreak is to quarantine the infected areas. This has happened in Wuhan, and within a relatively short period of time, more than ten million people have been forced to stay put.

But while this was happening, foreigners who weren’t infected were evacuated. If the same thing happens where you are, you may find yourself forced to flee with little or no notice. In these situations, it’s always good to have a bug out bag ready.

A well-stocked bag needs all the items I’ve talked about on this list . . . but just enough for a 72 hour period.

You should also add an emergency radio, flashlight, spare batteries, waterproof matches, and a flint and steel. Don’t forget clothes and feminine hygiene products as well. While you can buy bug out bags from various places online, most survivalists would agree, you should stock your own based on your personal needs and health requirements.

You’ll also want to keep a copy of your city’s disaster plan in it, which can indicate safe ways to travel in an emergency.[7]

3 Prepare For A Barter Economy

If the outbreak wipes out a large portion of the local population, the survivors will be left to pick up the pieces. All of that precious cash you got out of the bank may not be much good in the aftermath.

You’re going to need to tap into history and learn the benefits of a barter economy. Everything in a post-pandemic situation will rely on trade: nobody is going to give up their penicillin for a bar of gold or a wad of cash.

Before Hitler and his national socialist party came to power in Germany, the nation was ruled by the Weimar Republic. The economy was a shambles, and the currency at the time was basically worthless. People turned to an underground bartering system and it worked well enough to keep things going. The same is true right now in modern day Venezuela.

The best way you can prepare for this is to stock up on a lot of a commonly needed items. This could be antiseptic ointment, face masks, other types of medicine, or anything else people will need to survive a plague of epic proportions. And don’t forget, basics such as toilet paper will be in high demand.[8]

2 Get Hold Of Some Boredom Busters

Once an outbreak occurs and spreads to your area, you may find yourself quarantined for a long time. If the power has gone out, you can forget about watching The mandalorian or playing Fortnite.

But that doesn’t mean You have to let boredom be your downfall. Even if the power’s gone out, there’s still a lot you can do to stay sane when the “Social Influencer” in your group realizes that Instagram’s gone and he needs some attention.

Make sure you have lots of books to read. Get a variety of entertaining titles but you should also keep some survivalist manuals on hand as well. You never know when they might save your life.

Puzzle books and old school board games are also an excellent way to pass the time. Boredom may not kill you directly, but it can make your life miserable, so plan ahead.[9]

1 Prepare For The Worst

It’s possible that someone in your group will die. When that happens, their body will begin to decompose almost immediately. It will release stored gasses and excrement, and it can still spread disease.

Ebola is especially nasty where infection from corpses is concerned, thanks to the massive amount of blood involved. But a corpse can be dangerous even if death was caused naturally. It is essential that you don’t touch the body without gloves and a mask.

Disposing of a corpse is no easy task, and if you’ve watched our video on incredible smells, you’ll know that the smell of burning humans is not something you want to experience. Instead of cremation, make like a Mexican drug cartel and dissolve the remains.

Your best bet is to bury the body and cover it with lye. Grab a shovel and dig a hole approximately six feet deep. Carefully deposit the body and sprinkle a few cups of lye over it, and bury it with dirt. Within a relatively short time, it will destroy all but the bones and teeth.[10]

I’d like to point out that while this list is partly for entertainment, it does highlight a very real danger today. Please look up your city’s disaster plan and make sure you are as prepared as you can be. Pandemics and plagues don’t usually give advanced warning. Things are escalating and this may be your only chance to act.

Good luck! We may all need it.

Top 10 Crazy Ways Of Detecting Disease

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Top 10 Essential Facts About The Coronavirus, The Only Article You’ll Ever Need About COVID-19 Fri, 21 Jul 2023 19:16:37 +0000

There is a lot of fear and confusion surrounding the coronavirus called COVID-19, and it doesn’t help that some elements of the media have been firing off information many consider fear mongering. Even a recent  article could be considered as such, but fear is the last thing anyone wants to spread since even a global pandemic doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world as we know it.

Top 10 Failed Apocalyptic Predictions

The information on the virus is limited at the moment, as there will need to be a great deal of study before it is fully understood. In the meantime, information is power, so this list contains ten things you should know about COVID-19 and how best to protect yourself from misconceptions, misunderstandings, and outright media lies about it. This information is just the tip of the iceberg, so keep up to date on outbreaks in your area from official sources, and everything should be fine.

10What Is A Coronavirus

COVID-19 is a coronavirus, which means very little to most people who don’t work in virology or immunology. A coronavirus is a group of viruses that can infect mammals and birds.[1] In humans, they can cause respiratory tract infections, many of which can be treated with over-the-counter medication. The so-called “common cold” is the result of a coronavirus, and while most are well-understood and rarely more than an inconvenience, some can be lethal. COVID-19 refers to the outbreak of the disease, which is broken down as Coronavirus Disease 2019.

The virus itself also has a name, but it’s a bit of a mouthful: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus 2, or SARS-CoV-2. Part of that acronym may be familiar, seeing as the world already went through a similar outbreak of SARS in 2003.[2] The viruses are related, and it wouldn’t be out of the question to call this new outbreak “SARS 2.0,”[3] though you likely won’t hear any professional virologists say that in the media. Regardless, COVID-19 is a coronavirus, and it is spreading, but that’s not a cause for alarm; rather, it’s a cause to prepare and protect ourselves in much the same way we do when it’s cold & flu season.

9Where COVID-19 Originated

It’s well known that the virus was first seen in Wuhan, China, but it’s not fully understood exactly where it originated. COVID-19 is likely a zoonotic virus, which means it can be transmitted between animals and people. This has led researchers to look for animals that might have originally carried the disease. There are a lot of similarities between COVID-19 and two bat-derived strains of Betacoronavirus, which means they are likely related. Because the viruses share about 96% of the same genes, it was initially believed that bats were the source of the outbreak, which was pinpointed to the Huanan Seafood Market, where exotic animals are sold.

As time went on, and more research was conducted, Chinese researchers were able to determine that COVID-19 shared 99% of the same genetic information as a similar virus that infects pangolins. This suggested that pangolins may have been an intermediary host for the virus, but the research wasn’t officially published, and much of the analysis remains unconfirmed.[4] While determining the precise origin might help virologists better understand COVID-19, doing so isn’t entirely necessary in combatting the spread of the disease, now that it’s been released into the human population.[5]

8How COVID-19 Is Transmitted

Since the first day the world learned about the Wuhan Coronavirus, the fear of it spreading began to rise. How was it transmitted, and what could be done to limit its transmission? People have always feared Ebola, but that’s far harder to catch than something like a coronavirus, and it’s all about what it infects and how it is transmitted. COVID-19 causes a respiratory infection, and it’s through a person’s respiration that it spreads the easiest. There are two known means by which the virus spreads: person-to-person and through contact with infected surfaces.

In a person-to-person situation, the virus can be spread through close contact, which is generally considered to be a distance of six feet. The way a person can pass it on is through respiratory droplets, which are produced when a person coughs or sneezes. Covering one’s mouth when this happens helps alleviate the spread of the disease, and infected people should wear a facemask to reduce the risk of transmitting it to someone else. But please heed the Surgeon General’s warning[6] and don’t buy a mask unless you need one:

The other way it is spread is through a surface contaminated with the virus. A countertop could have been in the pathway of a sneeze, which carried COVID-19 to its surface. Touching that, and then touching your mouth, nose, and possibly the eyes can result in infection.[7]

7How COVID-19 Is Detected Or Confirmed

One of the biggest issues with detecting COVID-19 in a patient is that it presents much like the common cold. To combat this, researchers across the globe have been scrambling to come up with a way to test for the presence of the virus, and this has resulted in several different testing methods. One of the best ways to check for the virus isn’t to see if you can find the virus in a person’s body—it’s to find the antibodies the body produces to fight the infection. The tests that look for antibodies are called serological tests,[8] and a firm in Singapore may have perfected a means of conducting this type of test to find COVID-19.

Antibody tests are probably the fastest and easiest way of detecting the presence of COVID-19, but it isn’t the only way. There are tests currently being used around the world, which look for the virus’ genetic information in a person’s saliva, mouth, nose, and anus. These tests use the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, which is a process in molecular biology that rapidly produces billions of copies of DNA for study. While these tests can detect the presence of COVID-19, they cannot identify people who were infected and ultimately cleared of it.[9]

6Who Is At Risk

There is no known immunity to COVID-19, which means that everyone is at risk of catching and spreading the infection. That doesn’t mean this is a perfect time to panic; just because you might become infected, doesn’t mean you’re going to fall over dead in a few hours. COVID-19 can be dangerous, but like most infections, certain portions of the population are more at risk than others. Young children, healthcare professionals, the elderly, and people with a compromised immune system are the ones who are most at risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19.[10]

When a healthy adult contracts the virus, there’s a possibility that they will not show any symptoms at all, and won’t get sick. This is one of the reasons the virus has managed to escape the confines of Wuhan, China, to infect the world. Infected people who are asymptomatic[11] become unknown carriers, and even when an otherwise healthy adult does show symptoms, they are often mild and comparative to the common cold.

10 Dreadful Symptoms Of Deadly Diseases

5What Are The Symptoms Of COVID-19

The first part of this block is going to list the symptoms associated with COVID-19 that shouldn’t scare anyone, but the last bit will be all about the more dangerous aspects of the disease. Don’t be alarmed, as these are the worst-case symptoms that won’t affect most people who are infected. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, coughing, and shortness of breath.[12] These are the same symptoms most people get from the common cold, but they are the mildest possible symptoms a person can experience.

For those who are under a greater deal of risk due to a compromised immune system, or meet the criteria previously mentioned, symptoms can become far more severe. COVID-19 can increase the chances of contracting pneumonia, it can cause multiple organ failure, and in some cases, it can result in death.[13] These are the most severe cases, though all are of concern due to the ease by which it can be transmitted from person to person.

4COVID-19 Mortality Concerns

Yes, COVID-19 can end a person’s life, but that doesn’t mean the world will end up like it did in Stephen King’s The Stand. The mortality rate for COVID-19 is estimated to be 2.3%, and while that number may seem low, it’s not. If you compare the mortality rate of COVID-19 to something more common like the flu, it’s considerably higher. The flu has a mortality rate of 0.1%, which sees an average of one death per 1,000 people.[14] These numbers are determined via the case-fatality rate (CFR), which compares the total number of infected patients with those who succumbed from the disease.

While COVID-19 is much higher than the Flu, it presents as a mild infection in the vast majority of people who have had it. The majority of people who have died in China have been elderly, and studies of deaths from the virus show that the CFR jumps to 14.8% for people who are 80 and older while those between the ages of 70 and 79 have a CFR of 8%. For people who were already critically ill when they came in contact with the virus, that number jumps to 49%, suggesting they are the most vulnerable members of the population.[15][16]

3Avoid Becoming Infected

published an article on Top 10 Things You Need To Do To Prepare For The Coronavirus, but this was intended to be more of an “end of the world” type scenario, so take it with a grain of salt (of which there is much to be found in the comments on that list!) In reality, there are steps you can take to avoid becoming infected, and chances are, you’ve been doing them all along. Because COVID-19 is a coronavirus, which is passed in much the same way as a common cold, the best way to keep from getting it is to wash your hands with soap and warm water, avoid touching your face after coming into contact with anything commonly used like doorknobs, and if you have to go outside, try to avoid sick people.[17]

Odds are, you do all of that already, so you don’t have to let COVID-19 upend your life or your routine. If you have concerns about winding up in a place with a lot of potentially infected people, you can avoid traveling and going to events with crowds, but that may not be necessary. If it makes you feel better to wear a face mask, you can do so, but make sure you get the right kind. The US Food and Drug Administration recognizes four off-the-shelf N95 respirators, which may be effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19: 3M™ Particulate Respirator 8670F, 3M™ Particulate Respirator 8612F, Pasture™ F550G Respirator, and the Pasture™ A520G Respirator. These respirators are not suitable for children or men with facial hair, so it’s time so say goodbye to that ironic hipster beard![18]

2COVID-19, HIV, & Other Conspiracy Theories

One of the reasons there are so many conspiracy theories about viruses like COVID-19 is that few people truly understand it. Hopefully, this list will help with that, but there are people who hear a comment like, “This virus may use the packing mechanisms of other viruses such as HIV,” and their imaginations tend to run wild.[19] That finding was published by scientists at Nankai University, and it’s true. The virus does have an HIV-like mutation, but that doesn’t mean someone weaponized a form of HIV in a lab somewhere and released it upon the world, as some conspiracy theories have stated. These same mechanisms appear in many diseases as the result of natural mutations.[20]

That remark has everything to do with the means of fighting the spread of infection, and research like this helps push further research, which could hopefully lead to a cure or vaccine. You may have seen other conspiracy theories, including one about a new 5G wireless infrastructure being the cause of the disease, but this is so ridiculously false, it barely deserves mention.[21] The most important thing to do when it comes to hearing these stories is, ask yourself if they make sense, see if they are published by reputable sources, and take a common-sense approach to anything you hear.

1What To Do If You Think You’re Infected With COVID-19

The very first thing you need to do is remember the words printed on the cover of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, which are “Don’t Panic.” Panicking doesn’t help you or your loved ones, so you need to take care of yourself to ensure you don’t spread the infection and make sure you get the proper care. If you develop a fever along with symptoms of respiratory illness, you should call your healthcare provider and ask for their advice. They will know the right questions to ask to help determine if you’ve got the common cold, or if you have something more serious.

If you fear you truly did come in contact with someone infected with COVID-19 and are concerned you may have it as well; you need to get tested. Because you are leaving the house to get checked, be responsible, and keep your mouth and nose covered. This will keep you from passing the virus to other people, so if you have a respirator or surgical mask you can use, do so. If not, you can use a scarf or similar article of clothing. Your local hospital may not yet be equipped with testing kits for COVID-19, so call your local public health department for information on the best place to go.[22]

Top 10 Mysterious Viruses Far Scarier Than COVID-19

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Top 10 Crazy Facts About The Coronavirus Outbreak Tue, 18 Jul 2023 16:14:42 +0000

The usual optimism that comes with a new year did not last long in 2020. Between the potential threat of a world war (fueled by the Iran–United States conflict) and the actual threat of a coronavirus, the past few months have been tense. These are scary times, and the Internet seems to be filled with rumors and misinformation, and no small amount of pearl-clutching.

Let’s clear up the first misconception. The coronavirus is not called COVID-19. Instead, COVID-19 is the name of the disease caused by the virus. That virus has been dubbed SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2). Think of it like AIDS and HIV. AIDS is the name of the disease. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.

Unlike our previous Wuhan flu lists, we’re going to keep things a bit lighter here. We’ll focus on the curious side of the virus and the disease, including some interesting details we haven’t covered yet.

Top 10 Essential Facts About The Coronavirus, The Only Article You’ll Ever Need About COVID-19

10 The Corona Beer Brand Was Damaged

Talk about bad luck! The Corona beer logo has a crown on it. The word “corona” means “crown” in Spanish and Latin. Coincidentally, the coronavirus got its name from the crown-like spikes on the surface of the virus particles.[1]

When some people first heard about the new virus, they were confused and may have associated it with the Corona beer brand. They may have even believed that the virus was spread by drinking the beer. It is unclear how much of an impact this mistaken belief has had on sales of the beer as various sources have reported different results.


According to YouGov, a British market research firm, Corona beer’s buzz score—a measure of the popularity of the brand—has dropped from 75 to 51 since the beginning of 2020.

9 The Whistleblower Scientist Was Killed By COVID-19

It’s almost like the coronavirus is trying to eliminate any witnesses. In an unsettling irony, Li Wenliang died after contracting COVID-19. Li, a Chinese doctor who worked at Wuhan Central Hospital, was known for being vocal about the dangers of this emerging virus.

At least as early as December 30, 2019, Li warned fellow medics about the possibility of an outbreak. The Chinese police advised him to stop “making false comments” in a government attempt to sweep the situation under the rug.


After Li’s unfortunate death, a big part of the Chinese population was understandably upset. This propelled the hashtags “Wuhan government owes Dr Li Wenliang an apology” and “We want freedom of speech” to trend on Weibo, a Chinese social media site. The Chinese government was quick to censor both hashtags.[2]

This latest controversy only adds fuel to the difficult relationship between Chinese authorities and their population. In 2019, the tension between mainland China and Hong Kong reached a breaking point due to resistance from Hong Kong against the government’s policies.

8 The Coronavirus Is Deadlier For Men

Chinese scientists have found that men and women are equally likely to be infected by the coronavirus. But fatalities in China have occurred at a rate of 2.8 percent for men compared to 1.7 percent for women, suggesting that men are more likely to die when infected. Keep in mind that these statistics may understate the rate of infection in both groups, so these percentages could be revised with new information.[3]

At present, the most probable reason for the gender difference can be attributed to something that scientists already knew: The female immune response is stronger than that of males.

Although the exact reason for this is still unknown, it is believed to be linked to either the higher levels of estrogen hormone in women or the fact that each woman has two X chromosomes as opposed to a man’s one X chromosome.

Both factors contribute to immunity. This gender difference could occur for evolutionary reasons as women have to remain healthy for prolonged times to bear children and nurture them.

7 COVID-19 Has Already Killed More People Than SARS

As of this writing, we are about three months into this new epidemic. Is there any real reason for panic?

At first glance, it seems that there might be. In an absolute sense, Wuhan flu has already killed more people than SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), which was caused by another strain of coronavirus in the early 2000s. However, the percentages tell a different story.

As of this writing, 101,906 people have contracted COVID-19 and 3,465 have died of it.[4] On the other hand, 8,098 people became ill with SARS and 774 perished. So far, the overall death rate from COVID-19 appears to be 3.4 percent, while the fatality rate from SARS was a whopping 9.6 percent.

Of course, any deaths from COVID-19 are too many. But a major concern regarding this disease is how easily—and sneakily—it can spread. If you are within 1.8 meters (6 ft) of an infected person, you are considered to be at risk. That makes any subway a potential hot spot for contamination.

Furthermore, it can take up to two weeks for a person to develop symptoms. That makes this new virus almost as easy to catch as the common cold, but COVID-19 is far more lethal.

6 The Coronavirus May Also Kill The Global Economy In 2020

The global economy behaves somewhat like a living being, and it started 2020 with a nasty bug. According to the World Bank, the initial projections for global growth in 2020 were 2.5 percent, slightly above the post-crisis low recorded in 2019.[5]

To make things worse, the coronavirus epidemic is affecting China, one of the most powerful economies in the world. According to a February 2020 Reuters poll of economists in China, their nation’s annual economic growth in the first quarter of 2020 is expected to decline to 4.5 percent from around 6.0 percent in the previous quarter.

Much of this is due to the outbreak, and it’s expected to affect us all. However, these economists predict that economic growth could rebound rather quickly if the outbreak is effectively contained.

How can this epidemic harm the economy so dramatically?

Well, people are much less inclined to travel and use other services at this time because they are afraid of being exposed to the virus. However, we should expect an increase in subscriptions to Netflix and other streaming platforms as people binge-watch shows while hiding in their houses.

Top 10 Things You Need To Do To Prepare For The Coronavirus

5 Some People Believe That The Coronavirus Is A Bioweapon Going Rogue

Where there is the Internet, there are conspiracy theories. The COVID-19 epidemic has been handled in a surprisingly mature way by people on the Internet (except for a meme or two). However, the surge of new cases outside Wuhan, especially in South Korea and Italy, has led some people to be suspicious. The mysterious death of the whistleblower did not help, either.

These speculations are not true, although they certainly have attracted the attention of many people. According to one theory, China engineered the coronavirus as a weapon. The virus was then released to make space for agricultural expansion.

Even politicians seem to have conspiracy fever. US Senator Tom Cotton also accused the Chinese government of foul play.[6]

4 Like Everything Else, The Virus Has Become An Issue Of Racism And Politics

Wuhan flu is not the first outbreak that originated in China. Notoriously, SARS and the Asian flu also started there. On top of the fear and uncertainty generated by this new epidemic, Asians have to deal with racism and xenophobia.

Anti-Chinese sentiment has been building up in the past two months. These reactions are perhaps understandable but definitely not reasonable. Most of the spread to other nations is due to non-Asians visiting China and returning to their countries rather than the other way around.


Reports of xenophobia against Chinese people are becoming common. “Yo, virus-boy! Don’t infect us“ was yelled at a Chinese-Canadian student in Vancouver. In another example, the hashtag #ChineseDon’tCometoJapan was trending on Twitter among Japanese users. On the other hand, the Chinese government downplaying or outright lying about the virus is not helping matters much.[7]

3 You Are Not Immune Even After Surviving The First Encounter With The Coronavirus

Can lightning strike the same place twice? Well, yes, that’s the whole point of surge arresters. Unfortunately, when it comes to the coronavirus, the same principle applies.

Let’s say you got the virus and were able to bounce back. You are fine, right?

No, not really. Recently, a Japanese woman was diagnosed with COVID-19 for the second time. The woman is a tour bus guide in Osaka, which makes her more easily exposed to infection due to the number of people with whom she interacts.[8]

That news is grim because it heightens the potential impact of the disease. Furthermore, it makes the development of an effective vaccine less viable. Scientists are still trying to figure out how the coronavirus can infect the same person twice or if there is another explanation for the double positive results.

2 Did It All Start With Bats, Snakes, Or Even Pangolins?

At this point, many people have heard about the most probable origin of the coronavirus: bats. China has a reputation for having a peculiar local cuisine as wild animals can be bought at outdoor markets and eaten. One native delicacy includes an allegedly delicious (and quite creepy) bat soup.

Scientists are currently trying to determine which animal is responsible for transmitting the virus to humans, but they are still unsure. Two other potential culprits include snakes and pangolins.[9]

If you’re unfamiliar with pangolins, they are adorable mammals with scaly bodies that can curl into a ball when under threat. Pangolins can be found naturally in Asia and Africa. But these creatures are trafficked all over the world because they are considered a delicacy. It makes you think that this whole catastrophe could have been avoided if people would just leave wild animals alone.

1 A Virus-Detecting Giant Robot Was Roaming New York

If you were in New York in early February 2020, you might have come across a figure straight out of Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot. This cybernetic paramedic was created by Promobot, a Pennsylvania-based company. The droid was being tested in and around parks.

Supposedly, the 152-centimeter-tall (5’0″) robot could screen for the coronavirus by wandering the streets asking people if they had fevers. In Bryant Park, the robot was quickly banned for not having a permit.

Some individuals who crossed paths with the droid described it as “cute.” Others thought it was “overkill” and creepy. (They obviously didn’t know that the bot can dance to Pitbull and sing Beatles’ tunes.)

Oleg Kivorkutsev, the founder of Promobot, explained, “We were trying to tell people about the virus . . . [and bring] attention to the problem.”[10]

10 Reasons The Coronavirus Should Terrify You

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Top 10 Notable People Who Have Died Of Coronavirus Fri, 14 Jul 2023 15:51:40 +0000

Before the Chinese coronavirus (COVID-19) is finally defeated through the passage of time or a cure, the sad reality is, many more people will die. Nobody is immune to its effects, though it can be deadlier to the immunocompromised and the elderly.

Top 10 Celebrity Deaths That Never Happened

Since the virus began sickening people in China in 2019, there have been thousands of recorded deaths, and some of those people who died have been celebrities, performers, politicians, and the like.

While every death is a tragedy, these ten, presented in no particular order, are notable people for what they gave society during their lifetimes, and like so many others, they will be missed.

10 Joe Diffie

If you’re a fan of country music, odds are the news of Joe Diffie’s passing hit you particularly hard. Diffie was an accomplished country music singer who released a ton of hit singles over the years. From 1990 to 2004, Diffie released 35 singles featured on the Billboard Hot Country Song chart. Five of those singles rose to number one, including “Home”, “If the Devil Danced (In Empty Pockets)”, “Third Rock from the Sun”, “Pickup Man,” and “Bigger Than the Beatles.” He released seven studio albums, a Christmas album, and a Greatest Hits album.

Diffie announced through his publicist that he tested positive for COVID-19 on March 27th. He remained in critical condition from the disease for two days, and he died on March 29th at the age of 61. He passed away in Nashville, Tennessee, which is a city deeply rooted in the country music scene. Diffie is the first country music star to succumb to the disease, and his passing was noted by his peers with heartfelt posts on Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms.[1]

9 Floyd Cardoz

Fans of the hit series Top Chef are in mourning following the death of celebrated Indian-American Chef Floyd Cardoz. The talented chef was the winner of Top Chef Masters in 2011 and was well known for his many entrepreneurial forays in the world of gourmet food. In addition to his time in front of the cameras for Top Chef Masters, Cardoz was the executive chef at New York City’s Paowalla and Tabla eateries. He specialized in the melding of Indian flavors and spices with Western cuisine of all kinds.

Cardoz also held the honor of being a four-time James Beard Award nominee, and he was also the author of two cookbooks. Cardoz traveled from Mumbai to New York through Frankfurt in early March. He soon fell ill and tested positive for COVID-19. He died from complications of the virus on March 25th at a hospital in New Jersey. Cardoz was 59-years-old at the time of his death. He leaves behind his wife/business manager, Barkha, and their two sons, Justin and Peter.[2]

8 Maria Mercader

Though she may not have been as well known to people outside the world of news, Maria Mercader was a driving force in news and reporting for CBS, where she worked for more than three decades. Mercader began her professional career in 1987 as a page at CBS. She shifted from page duty to the network’s news program with CPS Newspath, where he produced various pieces distributed via CBS’ affiliate stations. She continued to produce through the death of Princess Diana, 9/11, and many more significant events.

Mercader won an Emmy Award for her work as a producer, and she climbed the ranks at CBS to become the Director of Talent Strategy in 2016. Her work there diversified the workplace and helped to facilitate more involvement with various minority groups, including the Asian American Journalists Association and many others. For more than two decades, Mercader fought cancer and other illnesses, and when she went to a hospital in New York City for treatment, she succumbed to COVID-19 at that location and passed away on March 29th at the age of 54.[3]

7 Terrence McNally

Terrence McNally was a prominent playwright, screenwriter, and librettist, who was often described as “the bard of American theater.” He was considered to be one of the greatest contemporary playwrights of the American theater, and he earned that distinction through 56 years of work in the field. He received the coveted Tony Award for Best Play for two of his works, and the Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical for another two. He also earned an Emmy, two Guggenheim Fellowships, and several other theater awards throughout his career.

McNally’s work spanned six decades, and they included Broadway plays, off-Broadway plays, films, and pretty much anything and everything he could get his hands on. He is probably best known for “Kiss of the Spider-Woman” and “Ragtime,” though he wrote dozens of plays, operas, and theater pieces. His work is played around the world, and his passing was a blow to everyone who loves the theater. On March 24th, he passed away following complications from COVID-19 in a hospital in Florida. He was 81 at the time of his passing.[4]

6 Princess María Teresa Of Bourbon-Parma

Princess María Teresa of Bourbon-Parma was a French-Spanish member of the House of Bourbon-Parma, which is a cadet branch of the Spanish Royal family. She spent her life working to further social causes as an activist, which earned her the nickname “Red Princess.” She was a monarchist, and she sadly holds the distinction of being the first member of a royal family to die from COVID-19. Born in 1933 in Paris, Princess Maria Teresa spent her youth in various castles and private schools.

She attended the Paris-Sorbonne University, where she received a doctorate in Hispanic Studies. She followed this with another doctorate in Political Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid. She was an activist in the areas of women’s rights and other important matters. On March 27th, Princess Maria Teresa died at the age of 86 from complications brought on by COVID-19. She was the first royal to die from the disease, though she wasn’t the only one infected, as Prince Charles battled the disease with only mild symptoms. He remained in self-isolation for a week and fortunately survived.[5]

10 Gruesome Facts About Suicide And Death Cleanup

5 Nashom Wooden

Folks may not immediately recognize the name Nashom Wooden, but it’s not because he wasn’t famous, it’s due to people being more familiar with his drag queen persona, Mona Foot. Wooden developed his drag persona in the late 1980s, and he credited RuPaul as an early mentor in his early drag career. RuPaul helped him immensely by teaching him how to apply makeup, which helped him land a role as Mona Foot in an off-Broadway production called My Pet Homo. Interestingly, he came up with the persona while working as a manager in a Manhattan men’s clothing department at Patricia Field’s boutique.

Wooden later appeared as Mona Foot in the film Flawless, where he also performed the song of the same name with The Ones. Wooden phased out his Mona Foot identity in his later life, and while he did test positive for HIV, he had an undetectable viral load. That infection didn’t appear to be the cause of his death, as he died as a result of complications from COVID-19 in New York City on March 23rd. He was 50 at the time of his death.[6]

4 Manu Dibango

Emmanuel N’Djoké “Manu” Dibango was a Cameroonian musician who was well known in the world of jazz, as he was a prominent songwriter and saxophonist. Dibango’s career spanned six decades, consisting of numerous hits, though he is likely best known for his 1972 single “Soul Makossa.” That hit would later be sampled by Michael Jackson, Kanye West, and many more prominent musicians all around the world. Dibango’s career began at the age of 15 after he moved to Paris just after World War II. He played saxophone and piano and quickly became a regular in the European jazz circuit.

He became an international sensation with “Soul Makossa,” which was originally planned to be a B side to an anthem he wrote in celebration of Cameroon’s success in hosting the 1972 Africa Cup of Nations football tournament. News of Dibango’s illness came on his Facebook page, which noted he was hospitalized with an infection from COVID-19 on March 18th. His Facebook page confirmed the following week that he passed away on March 24th from the virus at the age of 86.[7]

3 Lucia Bosè

Italy is one of the hardest-hit nations where COVID-19 is concerned, and it seems nobody is safe from infection. Lucia Bosè was a prominent actress in her native Italy, where she rose to fame during the period of Italian Neorealism, which kicked off in the 1950s. She originally worked in a bakery, but in 1947, she won the second edition of the Miss Italia beauty contest, which launched her career as an actress. She starred in several standout roles through the early 1950s, peaking in 1955 before coming to an end.

She fell in love with a Spanish bullfighter during the filming of Muerte de un ciclista. She opted to give up her career to raise a family. Eventually, she returned to acting and starred numerous roles with her most recent work was in 2007. She is the mother of famed Spanish singer Miguel Bosé and was a well-respected performer throughout her life. On March 23rd, she passed away from pneumonia complicated by a COVID-19 infection. She was 89 at the time of her passing.[8]

2 Daniel Azulay

Daniel Azulay was a comic book artist and educator who was well-known and respected in and out of Brazil. His work was highly regarded in the art community, and he is probably best known for his children’s series, Turma do Lambe-Lambe. Azulay was born in Rio de Janeiro and raised in Ipanema, a neighborhood located in the southern parts of the city. At the age of 21, he created a newspaper strip called Capitão Cipó, and just five years later, he launched Turma do Lambe-Lambe.

His work helped to teach the children growing up in the 1980s about ecology, art, design, and many other subjects. He traveled the globe, exhibiting his work and giving lectures. He conducted art workshops with thousands of children and adults, and in 2009, he hosted a drawing class online to help even more people learn his craft. Azulay died in his hometown of Rio de Janeiro at the age of 72. He was hospitalized for two weeks for leukemia treatment, and while there, he was infected with COVID-19, which caused complications, ending his life.[9]

1 Dr. Li Wenliang

For most celebrities, their fame is established during their lifetime, but for some, that distinction is only granted posthumously. That’s certainly true of Dr. Li Wenliang, a Chinese ophthalmologist who worked at Wuhan Central Hospital in China. In December 2019, Wenliang began warning his colleagues about a possible outbreak of a disease that resembled SARS. That disease was later named COVID-19, making Dr. Wenliang the first physician to raise the alert that the disease was going to cause problems.

Dr. Wenliang essentially became a whistleblower where the virus was concerned, and he paid for it. On January 3rd, he was admonished by the Wuhan police for “making false comments on the Internet.” He went back to work and later contracted the virus from a patient. Dr. Wenliang passed away on February 7th at the age of 33. He was posthumously exonerated and offered a “solemn apology” for the admonishment he received by the Communist Party of China. If only his colleagues had listened to him, there likely wouldn’t have been any names to put on this list.[10]

Don’t forget to wash your hands, keep your distance from others, and remember, we will get through this!

10 Strange Omens That Warned Of Death

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