While most people think the idea of mind control is something that belongs in the movies, the fact is that various forms…
The demography of ancient Greece has always been a hard subject to study. Although ancient sources provide no reliable statistical data on…
Preventing and controlling the spread of infectious diseases is one of the arguments for strong government institutions. But this argument is undermined…
Clearly, the population boom of 4.5 billion people was the wake-up call that the global community needed. After decade-long “baby booms” in…
Humanity has all kinds of noble qualities. We’ve created art and music, we’ve unraveled mathematical mysteries, we invented tacos. There’s a lot…
10 Parasites And Pathogens That Control The Minds Of Their Human Hosts
by Brian Seppby Brian SeppParasites and pathogens are pretty terrifying things. Immune systems serve to mount a defense against these elusive little creatures. This is, in…
The idea of using contraceptives is as old as time. Due to the advanced medicine of today, we have many forms available…