If you live in the the United States (and even if you don’t) you’ve probably heard about a number of the country’s…
Cats are beautiful and dangerous. Tourists who want to experience the real-life dramas that come with these apex predators often consider going…
There are two sides to every story. The version of history we hear is the one told by the country that comes…
10 Myths You Still Probably Believe About the American Civil War
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasNearly 160 years after the guns fell silent, it seems we’re still fighting the Civil War in our own way. What was…
South America is widely considered to house some of the most incredible and most dangerous wildlife on the planet. While the former…
The werewolf is one of the most iconic monsters of history, both fictional and historical. From the Legend of King Lycaon to…
The American frontier was a brutal environment. A land with few to no laws meant situations were often handled in dark and…
The American Civil War is one of the most studied, dramatized, and reenacted events in world history. Much less covered is the…
10 Weirdest Menu Items from American Fast Food Chains in Other Countries
by Brian Seppby Brian SeppFor better or worse, Americans tend to think of themselves as the biggest junk-food consumers in the world. While one glance down…
There’s something about an underground tunnel that I personally love. It’s dark, spooky, full of spiders and low-hanging pipes—and sometimes, there are…