Alien – Listorati Fascinating facts and lists, bizarre, wonderful, and fun Thu, 17 Oct 2024 19:38:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Alien – Listorati 32 32 215494684 What Happens If We Ever Discover Alien Life? Thu, 17 Oct 2024 19:38:16 +0000

Every so often the news will cover a story about UFOs. There is generally little to these stories, but sometimes there’s enough to fuel speculation amongst the devout that perhaps our world has been visited by beings from another.

Speculation about alien life is certainly not a new phenomenon. It’s also not strictly the realm of the paranoid or conspiracy-minded. It’s perfectly sound science to question the potential for life on other worlds. After all, there is life on our world. That’s the best evidence we have that life could exist on a different planet. It happened once already.

There are almost no serious, scientific bodies in the world today that devote any considerable time to question what would happen if we ever discover alien life. There’s not a lot of money to be made in that industry or insight to be gained from mere speculation. But we are searching for alien life, and people are spending a lot of money trying to discover it. It just seems that we have little in the way of plans for dealing with it if we ever do find it.

Surveys suggest that most people believe that if alien life was discovered, or already has been discovered, we’d never know about it. The government would keep it under wraps. Only 19% of people believe that the government would tell us if the discovery was made. 

But speculating about alien life is fairly passive, and also passe. Let’s suppose we do find alien life. What happens then? Surely, after this much speculation, we must have come up with a plan for how to handle it, right? Let’s find out.

Breaking the News

Let’s start by addressing a previous point. The government would not be able to cover up the existence of aliens if we discovered them via a signal from outer space. Could they cover up a crashed spaceship? Maybe. But signals from space would be picked up independently by non-government organizations all across the planet. It would be impossible to keep it under wraps once it was confirmed. So that’s one less conspiracy to worry about. 

Informing the world that we’ve hooked up with aliens is a more complicated task than it sounds at first. After all, who is informing the world? That depends heavily on who has the information to begin with.

Researchers at SETI are monitoring space for signals all the time. They routinely discover them, but most are quickly discounted as being normal interference or background noise that exists in the universe. The few that cannot be so easily dismissed have to be further scrutinized. According to their procedures, if something were to pass their tests and be confirmed as coming from an alien intelligence, then the next step is to inform the public. They would issue a press release. They would also inform the scientific community at large and the Secretary General of the UN.

Government Plans

There are 195 countries in the world and you may be shocked to learn that, as far as one can learn on the internet, the vast majority do not have any publicly available plans for dealing with the unexpected arrival of extraterrestrials. If most countries do have these plans already drawn up, they’re keeping them under wraps. 

As we mentioned, SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, has a protocol for what should be done if we ever receive a signal from an alien intelligence But SETI is not a government organization and the protocol is just what they think would be best, not any kind of binding agreement. 

In 1977, the Prime Minister of Grenada brought up the idea of officially investigating UFO phenomena. No one took the bait, and he was later ousted from his office, anyway. Since that time the UN has paid no attention to the idea of UFOs or aliens and there is no international code or plan for dealing with alien life if we ever discover it. 

The Outer Space Treaty was signed in 1967 and covers how humans will act in space with one another and that’s it. It was the first of five major space treaties that were signed by major world governments and all of them deal with human law in space. 

The UN Director for Outer Space Affairs in 2010 confirmed that it was not her job to deal with aliens if they ever showed up on Earth. In fact, she had no idea what her job would be if they did arrive and the committee had never discussed the topic.

Because no aliens have ever come here, it seems like no one has bothered to come up with laws for what to do about it. The intent of the aliens would play a major role in how we handle them, of course. There’s a big difference between aliens crashing by accident, aliens coming to greet us, and aliens waging war. But we have plans for none of it. Given our active search for them, this is an ironic and perplexing conclusion to come to. 

Many people treat the idea of preparing for potential contact with aliens as a joke. It’s not considered serious science. From that, you could infer that all of our efforts to discover alien life are done with the pre-established conclusion that they will fail.

NASA has plans in place for planetary protection but these are very much related to the potential of non sentient life. These are the sorts of policies that would protect us from bacteria from another world, that sort of thing. Much of it deals with sterile spacecraft and the safe handling of samples from other planets.

In terms of world governments, very few countries put any effort into searching space for signals from beyond. Even countries that used to, like Russia and Italy, have mostly given up on it. These days it’s almost strictly an American endeavor.

In 2022, we were still struggling with the idea of what to do if we made contact. Many researchers and scientists have come together on projects to offer their opinions and their advice but, again, none of this is set in stone. Maybe it will become a reality, should we ever discover alien life. But until then, who can say what we’ll do?

What would the effect be on society as a whole? How does this change your understanding of your religion and your beliefs? Do we respond to the message, and if so how? The consequences could be far-reaching.

One thing to keep in mind is that receiving a message from aliens is a far more peaceful kind of first contact than if they show up unannounced. If they show up unannounced, it means they have technology that is so far beyond our own it would defy the rules of physics as we understand them. And if they can master that kind of technology, then coming to visit is a lot like us going to visit animals in the zoo.

Problems with Alien Contact

It has been said that any sufficiently advanced alien civilization would be indistinguishable from God. That’s a pretty terrifying thing for a scientist to say. The idea of us making contact with an advanced race has been likened to Columbus discovering the native population when he crossed the ocean. But even that is a gross minimization of the technological disparity between the two sides.

Imagine we did get a signal, could we hope to understand it? We might not even understand it as a language when you consider how poorly we have done at understanding languages that came from our own world. How long would it have taken linguists to understand hieroglyphs without the Rosetta Stone?

The Fermi Paradox basically asks, if aliens are out there, why haven’t we encountered them yet? We should have come across something. Of the several proposed solutions to the Fermi Paradox, the most concerning one is that aliens do exist, but they have intentionally kept themselves hidden. Perhaps because they know something, being older and more advanced, that we do not.

Another solution to the paradox is that, because older stars and planets would have older civilizations, they may have already transcended biological life and artificial intelligence is what dominates space. It might not have any use for biologicals like us. 

Though there is limited data on the subject, what research has been conducted indicates we cannot count on a unified response from humanity if aliens were contacted. Some groups have indicated an inclination to presume malevolent intent from any aliens we encounter while others would be more open to benevolent contact. 

This disparity changes across cultures and religious backgrounds with more highly religious people less inclined to believe in alien benevolence. Those who already think our world is a bad place are more likely to believe aliens will be hostile, too. This could shape the human response.

That said, other research has shown that, in general, the analysis of available data shows human reaction would lean more towards positive than negative. Arguably this would change if we have evidence of an invading armada but that’s neither here nor there. 

There is a fear on an international level regarding how a response to an alien signal might be handled. If we detect a signal and mankind doesn’t know how or if to respond, will the leader of one nation feel pressure to make a decision as quickly as possible to prevent the leader from another nation, maybe a rival, from responding first? And if they feel pressured to act, what happens if they act on incorrect information in their haste?

Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned against contacting alien life. He made the comparison to Columbus and suggested we’d better serve humanity by trying to avoid aliens, not find them

Other scientists have pointed out that, historically, when humans discover a new place and new life, many of the dominant life forms in that area are killed off. Dire wolves, mastodons, giant moa, and more were all hunted to extinction. That also doesn’t account for pathogens brought to the less advanced area.

NASA-affiliated scientists tried to imagine what potential outcomes of alien contact would be for mankind in three scenarios – beneficial, neutral, and harmful. All theoretical, the work was an attempt to envision numerous possible scenarios. So beneficial could have been aliens sharing technology or solving advanced problems for us. Neutral could have been an inability for us to communicate or understand one another. But negative could range from them trying to take over our world, conducting experiments that destroy our region of space, bringing deadly pathogens, and more.  One scenario was that aliens, seeing how destructive we have been on our own world, might just destroy us to protect other worlds. The conclusion was that perhaps we should be more cautious about blindly sending messages into the cosmos. 

Critics of the anti-contact speculation point out that it’s all just that – speculation. But it’s worth remembering that there were once nine species of humans on Earth and then, after homo sapiens arrived, the others all died off. 

SETI has warned that there are dangers in holding onto human-centric ideals and preconceived notions of what is and isn’t possible or likely, up to and including how aliens could travel to reach us, how long they might live, or how their minds might work. There is no reason to expect anything we could ever imagine to even be remotely true, we simply have no true basis for comparison. 

Why We Want to Find Life

Given the potential negatives, one might wonder why we search for alien life at all. The answer is both simple and also as complex as any question we have ever asked. Life beyond our world can help us understand life as an entire concept. Where we came from, why we’re here, and, for some, the nature of God. Knowing the size of the universe as we do, to discover we are not alone cannot help but change our place in it, for better or worse. 

For others, the search for life is the search for our own lives. Our own growth and understanding. Exploration is a key to survival as those who don’t explore tend to stagnate. 

For less philosophical reasons, finding life in the universe could help us live better in our own world. We could find solutions to Earth’s problems related to disease and climate and more. All we can do is try, and maybe one day it will pay off. Unless something terrible happens.

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10 Truly Unbelievable Claims Of UFO And Alien Encounters Mon, 05 Aug 2024 15:37:14 +0000

All claims of UFOs and alien encounters are, by their very nature, a little bizarre and outlandish. Some of them, however, are just a little too outrageous for even the most enthusiastic and dedicated UFO researcher to believe, at least not in their entirety.

And while the following ten stories are most likely not genuine, there remains a tiny sliver of doubt; they might not be complete fabrications, either. So, with a huge pinch of salt with extra helpings, here are ten UFO and alien encounter claims that are just a little too unbelievable.

10 George Adamski—An Authentic Initial Sighting That Descended Into Lies?

The first person on our list is also one of the most well-known. And at one point, George Adamski was very much considered the “real deal” in terms of contact with an extraterrestrial race.[1] Even today, there is disagreement among UFO circles as to whether his initial purported encounters were actually genuine, though plenty of believers in those are still sure that Adamski went on to fabricate and outright manufacture more stories, whether for money, attention, or both.

True or not, beginning in November 1952, after several months of “channeled directions,” he would reportedly witness and capture a picture of a “flying saucer” (shown above) from his California home. By the time Adamski was making claims of trips to the Moon, Venus, and various other locations in outer space, even his most ardent supporters were beginning to distance themselves. If there was any truth in the initial claims of George Adamski, it is a real shame that what appears to be obvious fabrication and outright manufacturing of events will overshadow it.

9 Elizabeth Klarer Conceives An Alien Child On Another Planet

At around the same time that Adamski was making his claims in the late 1950s, in South Africa, Elizabeth Klarer would state not only that she made contact with an alien life-form but that she had gone to his home world and conceived a child with him.[2] In fact, many skeptics would point out how many details of her claims were almost identical to those of Adamski.

According to Klarer, she successfully “called down” the alien she called “Akon,” who would arrive in his scout ship. From there, they would transfer to the main mother ship and then travel to Meton, Akon’s home planet, which, according to Klarer, was in the Alpha Centauri system.

However, the son they conceived would remain with Akon on Meton. As you might imagine, this did little for Klarer’s credibility. She would nevertheless stick to her story, despite the fact that she was almost universally not believed.

8 Ludwig Pallmann Develops Friendship With Race Of Aliens

In the mid-1960s, German businessman Ludwig Pallman would claim to have discovered an alien base in Brazil and, furthermore, to have established contact with its occupants.[3]

He had first made contact with one of these mysterious visitors on a Bombay (now called Mumbai) train around 1964. He began speaking with him and noticed how strange his voice was and how perfectly white his hair glowed. He would meet the same figure again later, learning that his name was, according to Pallmann, Satu Ra. When he was on business in South America several years later, he would meet up with the apparent alien being once more, as well as members of his family.

Among the many claims made by Pallmann is that the alien visitors were running various programs and experiments with the “terrestrial fruit,” which they were hybridizing at their secret bases on the planet. Furthermore, he was given a crystal ring that would glow and heat up slightly when the aliens were nearby.

Perhaps one of the most outlandish of Pallman’s stories, if only because of its humanlike quality, is of hearing of a disaster that had befallen an alien ship on another planet. One of the aliens he had been introduced to previously (named Xiti) was apparently killed. Shortly after this event, coincidentally or not, came several sightings of a large silver disc where Pallmann claimed the aliens had their base.

Needless to say, while many in the UFO community are aware of Pallman’s alleged encounter, most distance themselves from such claims.

7 Walter Rizzi Develops Telepathic Abilities After Chance Meeting With Aliens

Although the details of the encounter are not particularly outlandish, there is still a persistent feeling among many in UFO circles that a pinch of salt should perhaps be at the ready when it comes to the claims of Walter Rizzi from Bolzano, Italy, which he would make ten years after a supposed incident in 1978.[4]

After pulling his car to the side of the road near an underpass to get some sleep, Rizzi would awaken to see a disc-shaped craft hovering near his vehicle. Even more concerning was the humanoid entity making his way toward him. The being would communicate with Rizzi using telepathy. It is perhaps interesting to note that, similar to Pallmann’s story, the alien Rizzi met described how they were looking for vegetation, fruit, and minerals that are rich on planet Earth and of great value to them.

In a similar manner to many sightings of the time (although we should remember that Rizzi waited a decade before speaking of the encounter), the witness would state that he was warned of an impending disaster that would affect around 80 percent of the planet.

6 Carroll Watts Learns That Aliens Are Watching Humans As They Near The Cosmos

Perhaps, by comparison to many others on this list, the claims of Carroll Watts are relatively pedestrian. However, there are many who remain suspicious, with some noting Watts’s desire for financial return regarding the sightings, all of which took place over a period of six months during 1967 in Wellington, Texas.[5]

He would claim to first witness a cigar-shaped craft while driving between fields and buildings on the family farm. He approached the object, which hovered low to the ground, and was asked by a voice that was “neither masculine or feminine” if he was “willing to submit to a rigorous physical examination.” If he passed, he would be allowed to travel with the occupants into space.

Although he would initially decline this invitation, in subsequent meetings, he agreed and ultimately went into space with the aliens. According to the “conversation” that took place during this cosmic journey, he was informed that these alien visitors would regularly “come and go as they pleased” from the Earth. Perhaps more worryingly, he was informed that many alien races in space were concerned with humanity’s apparent impending arrival in the cosmos and of humans becoming a spacefaring race.

5 Howard Menger Meets His Former Lover From A Past Life On Venus

According to alleged contactee Howard Menger, he was invited aboard a UFO in the summer of 1956.[6] He not only was taken into outer space and to the Moon, but he claimed to have witnessed alien civilizations and huge structures on its surface.

An already bizarre set of encounters would turn even weirder, though, when a strange woman would attend a lecture Menger was giving on the subject of contact with “space brothers and sisters.” The woman’s name was Connie Weber. It was Menger’s belief that he and Weber had once been a couple during a past life they had shared on Venus. Rather than leaving such a notion at that, Menger promptly divorced his wife and began a relationship with Weber.

Perhaps even stranger was a television interview he would give in 1960, in which he stated that he the entire story was false. However, rather than admit that he had simply made the account up for notoriety or even money, he stated that he was part of a top secret military experiment to test public reaction to alien contact, a claim which, like his original one, would divide opinion.

4 Luciano Galli Takes A Trip Into Space During His Lunch Hour

In July 1957, Italian businessman Luciano Galli was returning back to work in Rome following his lunch break when a black car suddenly pulled up alongside him.[7] The window wound down, and a gentleman with “piercing black eyes” leaned out. He asked Galli if he remembered him.

Galli was about to respond that he didn’t when a sudden wave of memories washed through his mind, making him realize that he did, indeed, remember the strange man. He had seen him previously on the streets of Rome. The man asked Galli if he would like to go with them, and he ultimately got into the back of the vehicle. They would drive to the outskirts of the city, where a “saucer-shaped UFO” was waiting for them. After they boarded it, the craft shot off into the sky.

The spaceship would take them to a huge mother ship, which Galli was then given a tour of. He was ultimately returned to the spot from where he was taken. While many would struggle to believe his account (he would claim that he “didn’t care what people thought”), there were several similar reports around the world in 1957 that perhaps lend him a bit of credibility.

3 Hubert Lewis Meets Aliens From Venus Living Among Us

According to newsagent Hubert Lewis, in 1957, he witnessed a disc-shaped object and its occupants while cycling through the town of Church Stretton in Shropshire in order to pick up newspapers.[8] When a tall figure appeared in the road in front of him, Lewis demanded to know who this stranger was, almost without thinking. The occupant replied that the newsagent need not fear him.

The two would speak for around half an hour, the metallic disc hovering in the background all the while. As their conversation progressed, the wind, which had previously been relatively brisk, seemed to drop (although, strangely, Lewis could still hear it).

Following the meeting, Lewis claimed to have developed certain psychic abilities. Furthermore, he claimed to receive visits from “high-ranking police officers” who would advise him to “forget certain matters,” advice to which he initially agreed. However, several months later, he would encounter the alien beings and their craft again, this time in a field. He was informed, he would claim, that the aliens were from the planet Venus and were living in disguise among the population on Earth.

2 Sir Peter Horsley Talks With An Alien In A London Sitting Room

Sir Peter Horsley had a remarkable career in the Royal Air Force (RAF). Indeed, at his height, he was the deputy commander-in-chief of RAF Strike Command.[9] However, in 1997, after he’d retired, he released the book Sounds From Another Room, in which he recounted speaking with an extraterrestrial being in a dark room in a London house. As a result, he was almost universally cut adrift by his military colleagues.

Horsley stated how he was invited in 1954 to meet a “Mr. Janus,” who would speak to the military man from a shadowy corner of the room. Horsley wrote about how he had the distinct feeling that Janus was able to read his mind. Furthermore, he would keep firm control of the conversation at all times. The conversation revolved around Britain’s future nuclear capabilities, and Janus demonstrated an intricate knowledge of the British military, as if to convince Horsley of his authenticity.

It was following this meeting that Horsley began to rise rapidly up the ranks of the RAF. Whether that rise is connected to the meeting with Janus is open to debate. However, despite the bizarre nature of Horsley’s claims, it would be strange for such a decorated individual to choose to draw attention to himself for no good reason.

1 Gosta Carlsson Develops Pharmaceutical Companies Following Meeting With Aliens

Whatever the authenticity of the claims of Swedish ice hockey player Gosta Carlsson, a location in the town of Angelholm now boasts a concrete memorial to the affair.[10]

Carlsson claimed that while he was walking in the country in May 1946, he witnessed a strange saucer-shaped craft landing in a nearby field. Furthermore, the occupants of the craft ventured outside and communicated with him, even passing on natural remedy recipes.

So valuable was this meeting that Carlsson would go on to found two pharmaceutical companies. He was ultimately very successful and went on to become the owner of the first professional ice hockey team in Sweden. All of this success, according to Carlsson, was down to the chance meeting with extraterrestrials that afternoon in Angelholm.

Needless to say, many people, even in the UFO community, struggle to believe his story, at least in full. Whether his account is true or not, the monument is one of only two pertaining to UFO incidents in all of Europe, the other one being in Poland to mark the Emilicin encounter.

Marcus Lowth

Marcus Lowth is a writer with a passion for anything interesting, be it UFOs, the Ancient Astronaut Theory, the paranormal or conspiracies. He also has a liking for the NFL, film and music.

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10 Alien Races in Contact with Earth Believe it or Not Mon, 22 Apr 2024 10:41:07 +0000

Some say an alien civilization existed before mankind was born on planet Earth. Other say aliens from another planet come on Earth and helped mankind to be born. They believe those aliens come to Earth from time to time, keeping a track on how humans are progressing, looming over us like gods. Here are, unknown to most of us, such alien races in contact with earth:

10. Grays

alien races in contact with earth

The Gray’s come from a star-system known as Zeti Reticuli; Which is a star system located somewhere in the southern celestial hemisphere. And it is thought to be one of the alien races in contact with earth. At a little over 40 light-years away they’re practically our closest neighbors. The type of neighbors that you conveniently forget to invite over for a dinner party.

If we had to pick out one particular race in the cosmos and call them the ‘bad guys’ it would definitely be these guys. Tall and humanoid with a long head, and distinctive grey features; They are the most commonly depicted alien life-form in our media. And are also the beings that are most commonly described by alien abductees who have been returned back to Earth.

The Grays have the greatest tendency to be involved in abductions because they like to stockpile humans. They think of Earth the way that you would of a chicken farm; just brimming with genetic material that they can’t wait to get their hands on. They come to Earth to pick up a juicy selection then take it home to do cosmos-only-knows what. On the off-chance that they’re not happy with their selection then they bring it back and choose another.

See also: 10 Undeniable Signs That Prove Aliens Exist

9. The Sassani

alien races in contact with earth

Hybrids are particularly common across the cosmos and are believed to be of the alien races in contact with earth. Some even believe that we humans are genetic hybrids ourselves but that’s a discussion for another conspiracy forum. The Sassani are a hybrid that was developed from reptilians and gray-humans. Their development was found to be necessary after the Grays mutated themselves through genetic experimentation to a point where they could no longer reproduce using conventional means i.e alien sex, and were only able to spawn new generations by cloning themselves. Cloning is well and good if you want to create new beings. However it gives no genetic variation over successive generations which lead to problems.

So they came to Earth and ‘convinced’ a few people to share our genetic information with them. From this genetic cross-over the universe was blessed with an entirely new type of being; the Sassani who in a way are like our interstellar cousins. They were then given their own planet and allowed to roam free. And evolve into the best beings that they can be.

The Sassani have a stronger connection with their higher selves. And are believed to be where humans will one day be. Although they are millennia ahead of us, and are one of up to fifteen alien races that are actively engaged in humanity’s conscious awakening.

 8. Arcturians

alien races in contact with earth

Of all of the species known believed to inhabit to the Milky Way, the Arcturians are the most ancient and the wisest. They are said to be one of the alien races in contact with earth. If Yoda came from any one of the alien species on this list, it would probably have been this one. Theirs was the first system to be given the gift of life in our galaxy and all of the other species, ours included, may have descended from them. They’ve mutated and evolved over their time and now exist in many forms. The main race of Arcturians stands to about 5 feet with green skin and large eyes that can see right through you.

Just like most nerds, this race’s development of their minds rather than their bodies made them small in stature. So you could probably take one of them in a fist-fight. However their advanced intelligence means that if any alien species out there knows how to use ‘The Force’ from Star Wars, it’s these guys so watch out. Thankfully they do have a reputation for being the most kind and loving beings in the galaxy. So if you manage to piss of them off then you must be a douche-bag of galactic proportions.

7. The Nordics

alien races in contact with earth

The Nordics look like Norse Gods; blonde with brilliant-blue eyes and the bodies of 6 foot tall, finely-toned athletes. You can see where the Scandinavian’s got their inspiration for Thor from. The Grays got a lot of attention when it comes to alien sightings. But the Nordics are a species that come into contact with humans almost as much as they do.

However they are more interested in the well-being of the human race than the Grays are. Even though some eye-witness reports claim to have seen Nordics in the same alien craft as Grays. A possible explanation for this is that those Grays were slaves or servants to the Nordics as a Gray’s lack of empathy makes it an ideal butler.

6. The Pleiadians

alien races in contact with earth

The Pleiadians come from a bright star cluster known as the Pleiades. And, they are one of the beings in the Milky Way that closely resemble humans. They are thought to be one of the alien races in contact with earth. Therefore you could be sitting in a room with one right now and not even know it.

A major difference between us and them is that; They are particularly sensitive to the physic energies that are constantly streaming across the universe. This means that the best way of reaching out to one of them would be by concentrating on sending out psychic messages. Put simply, if you really want to meet up with a Pleiadian for a cup of tea or a few brews, just sit down and meditate on it.

Whether they choose to show up or not depends on how much they’re feeling your psychic energy so sending messages like ‘Get your interstellar b**ts over here, now!” are unlikely to work out well for you.

5. The Yahyel

alien races in contact with earth

There’s been a lot a talk about which race will be the first to officially disclose their presence to Earthlings. The one that alien experts (assuming that you can call them that) all seem to agree on is the Yahyel.

This is one of the alien races in contact with earth. And is known to be kind and loving. Also, they have been touted as the best beings to make first contact with us due to their advanced and harmonious relationship with technology. Something that we here on Earth are having a little trouble balancing out. Whenever a new invention comes about we weaponize it first, feed the hungry second.

The Yahyel know that we’re not the friendliest beings out there. So they’re taking their time to make themselves known by easing their way in to our psyches with friendly UFO sightings. Such as the March 1997 sighting known as ‘The Phoenix Lights’ that they claim responsibility for.

During that event they gave thousands of people across the State of Arizona in North America a spectacular light-show in the sky. And there’s even video for anybody who missed it.

4. The Anunnaki

alien races in contact with earth

If human beings were able to successfully colonize another planet what would be the first thing we’d do? Pillage it for resources of course, which is exactly what the Anunnaki did when they arrived on Earth. They came from Planet X aka Nibiru; An almost mythical planet that some scientists believe rotates around our sun on a very wide elliptical orbit that takes it far out into the expanses of space before coming back in for a close shave with our sun.

This crazy elliptical orbit is what makes its presence so hard to prove. However the presence of the Anunnaki has been noted down in texts that date back to Mesopotamian cultures. They are believed to be one of the alien races in contact with earth.

Anyway, on Nibiru’s last brush with the planets of the inner solar system it crashed into another rock. And the resulting collision created a planet that we now call Earth. While their planet was here a few of the Anunnaki ‘hopped off’ of their world, and onto ours in search of a yellow element that they covet called gold.

Have you ever wondered why gold is so valuable? Yeah, it’s shiny but it doesn’t do anything useful like heal the sick or produce energy. So why do we as a species desire it so much? We desire it because the Anunnaki desire it. And while they were here they enlisted us as their work-force to mine it for them. That’s right, out entire existence is based on working our socks off every day. So that our alien overloads can have their fix of gold and other precious metals. Isn’t that grand?

3. Alpha Draconians

alien races in contact with earth

The Anunnaki was one of the alien races in contact with earth. They are were not the first race involved in the racket of mining minerals on our little blue planet. Before them came the Alpha Draconians. Standing at up to 22 feet tall these bad-ass beings are made up of pure muscle. And, they resembled dinosaurs or dragons.

As you can imagine, they were very unhappy when the Anunnaki showed up and took over. However they are still active on our planet with puppets placed in the high echelons of government, as they bide their time in an attempt to take over once again.

2. The Reptilians

alien races in contact with earth

Before the Anunnaki stopped by and genetically engineered a bi-pedal workforce to dig up dirt for them. There was a race of intelligent beings who lived here. And is thought to be one of the alien races in contact with earth. We know them as the Reptilians. Scaly and standing to about the size of a human being. They were driven underground by the Anunaki. Where they are said to still reside today in a network of complex underground tunnels.

Those that are open-minded and curious may be able to find these tunnels, and pop in for a visit. However considering that we’re the reason that they can’t come up for a breath of fresh air. It’s likely that they’ll skin you alive and leave you’re skeleton on a stick hanging outside of the entrance as a warning to any other scale-less punks who decide to invade their territory. You’ve been warned.

1. Nommos

alien races in contact with earth

Some alien species chose to interact with certain tribes on Earth that they just happened to get along with better. The Scandinavians had the Nordics and the Dogon’s; A tribe indigenous to Mali in Northern Africa had the Nommos who hailed from the brightest star in our night sky, Sirius.

The Dogons knew centuries before modern science caught up that Sirius is actually made up of three stars. And, they even knew how long it took for Sirius B to go around Sirius A. Considering that they were millennia away from inventing devices powerful enough to see Sirius close-up, it makes sense that they had visitors from that section of the galaxy who told them about it.

1. Are there any confirmed alien races in contact with Earth?

At present, there is no concrete scientific evidence confirming the existence of extraterrestrial beings in contact with Earth. However, there are numerous claims and theories about such contact, but none have been widely accepted within the scientific community.

2. What are some common descriptions of alleged alien races?

Descriptions of alleged alien races vary widely, ranging from humanoid beings with distinct physical features to more abstract forms. Some commonly mentioned types include the Greys, Reptilians, Nordics, and Pleiadians, among others. These descriptions often come from individuals claiming to have had encounters with these beings.

3. How do people claim to have contact with these alien races?

Contact experiences are typically reported as encounters involving sightings, abductions, or telepathic communication. Some individuals claim to have been taken aboard spacecraft, subjected to medical examinations, or engaged in conversations with these beings. However, the veracity of these claims is often debated.

4. Are there any credible sources supporting claims of alien contact?

While there are numerous accounts and testimonies from individuals claiming contact with alien races, there is a lack of scientifically verifiable evidence to support these claims. Most evidence consists of anecdotal reports, photos, videos, and other forms of documentation, which often lack sufficient credibility to be considered scientifically valid.

5. What do scientists say about the existence of alien races in contact with Earth?

The scientific community generally maintains skepticism regarding claims of alien contact due to the absence of empirical evidence. While many scientists acknowledge the vastness of the universe and the possibility of extraterrestrial life, they emphasize the need for rigorous scientific investigation and verifiable evidence before making any conclusive statements.

6. Are there any government disclosures about alien contact?

Over the years, various governments have released documents related to UFO sightings and investigations, but none have provided definitive evidence of contact with alien races. While some conspiracy theories suggest government cover-ups of such contact, there is no substantiated evidence to support these claims.

7. What about UFO sightings? Do they confirm alien contact?

UFO sightings, while often associated with claims of alien contact, do not necessarily provide evidence of such encounters. Unidentified flying objects simply refer to aerial phenomena that cannot be readily explained by conventional means. While some sightings remain unexplained, they do not inherently imply contact with alien races.

8. How can I differentiate between credible information and misinformation about alien races?

It is essential to approach information about alien races with skepticism and critical thinking. Look for credible sources supported by scientific evidence and peer-reviewed research. Be cautious of sensationalized claims, unsubstantiated anecdotes, and sources lacking credibility or reliability.

9. What should I do if I believe I’ve had contact with an alien race?

If you believe you’ve had contact with an alien race, you may consider seeking support from mental health professionals, support groups, or organizations specializing in UFO and abduction phenomena. It’s crucial to approach such experiences with an open mind while also maintaining a healthy dose of skepticism.

10. Will we ever know the truth about alien contact?

The truth about alien contact remains elusive and uncertain. While advancements in technology and scientific inquiry continue to expand our understanding of the universe, conclusive evidence of alien contact has yet to be discovered. Only through rigorous scientific investigation and open-minded inquiry can we hope to uncover the truth, if it exists, about extraterrestrial beings and their potential contact with Earth.

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8 Alien Abductions That Suggest Underwater Alien Activity Thu, 15 Feb 2024 01:34:05 +0000

Most of us, whether we believe in the accounts or not, are aware of claims of alien abductions. Strange and bizarre tales of strange entities taking people from their cars, lonely roads, and even their own beds in order to perform experiments in strange locations, usually assumed to be a spacecraft somewhere in outer space.

However, as strange as those accounts might be, one intriguing detail that surfaces in regression sessions more than we might think is of going “under the water”. What’s more, many apparent abductees also speak of being taken not to a spaceship in outer space, but to a secret facility somewhere deep beneath the waters of our very own planet.

10 Times We Thought We Had Found Proof Of Aliens

8 Betty Hill Recalls “Going Underwater”

Husband and wife Betty and Barney Hill claimed to have been abducted on a lonely road in New Hampshire in September 1961. And their claims were met with intrigue from some and outright ridicule from others. There were several investigations of the case, though. As well as a string of hypnotic regression sessions. Opinion remains divided as to the credibility of the account still today.

Under one of these regression sessions – and of interest to us here—Betty makes reference to the strange craft she and her husband had just boarded “entering the water”. She even asks herself out loud (while under hypnosis) if theses strange objects actually went underwater.

It is a detail that has largely been missed aside from some several eagle-eyed UFO researchers. If Betty, and her husband, were taken under the water after entering the strange otherworldly craft, then it changes, if only slightly, the nature of the encounter.[1]

7 Betty Andreasson Taken To A “Museum Of Time” Under The Water!

Betty Andreasson claimed she had not only been abducted on one occasion but on several. And what’s more, these encounters went back to when she was a young child. One of these early encounters took place in 1950 when Andreasson was taken from her home. She would soon, though, find herself placed on a wheel-like vehicle that seemed to fly of its own accord. The next thing she knew it entered the waters somewhere off the coast of the United States.

Even stranger, this underwater vehicle took her to a large aquatic base. One there, she was taken through what she would later describe as a “museum of life”. She would claim this held examples of human beings in strange glass containers from all different eras of history.

As we might imagine, this encounter as well as others made by Andreasson are treated with a pinch of salt by many. However, several notable UFO researchers have examined and investigated her claims, which remain some of the most debated in the UFO community.[2]

6 Katharina Wilson Writes Of Aquatic Craft Taking Her To “Navy Vessel”

Perhaps one of the lesser-known claims of alien abduction is that of Katharina Wilson. She would speak in-depth of her experiences in the book Alien Jigsaw. When writing of one encounter, she makes claims such as heading “downward at a very steep angle” towards the water. The next thing she knew, there was “water all around us”.

She was, though, protected from it, and soon realized she was in a strange glass-like tunnel or tube. What’s more, this tunnel was heading downward deep under the sea.

Perhaps even stranger, she would further claim that on another very similar occasion when the strange object she was on board finally surfaced from the water, she was transferred to a military “navy vessel”. This would, if we assume the accounts to be authentic, suggest at least some partial involvement of the military in alien abduction cases.

What you might make of Wilson’s claims is, of course, up to you.[3]

5 Orlando Jorge Ferraudi Taken To A “Giant Underwater Dome!”

Although there is a discrepancy on the dates of the incident (with some sources stating 1956 while others quote 1965), the alien abduction encounter of Orlando Jorge Ferraudi is one of the most intriguing on record.

According to Ferraudi, he was approached by a 7-foot humanoid figure in a shiny “tight-fitting overall” while night-fishing on a beach in Argentina. He was then taken on board a disc-shaped craft and flown under the surface of the water. He would eventually be taken under the Gulf of Mexico and to a “giant underwater dome”. Ferraudi would further state that this underwater facility looked like a “giant igloo”. It was, his hosts informed him, a “base to recondition our ships”.

They would also inform him that genetic experiments had been taking place with humans in such facilities for thousands of years. What’s more, the Earth was seen as a “zoo-like planet” to other alien races throughout the universe. Even more bizarre, all life on Earth was, in some way, part of these genetic experiments, and all had their origins on other worlds.[4]

10 Bizarre Encounters With The Craziest Aliens Ever

4 Linda Cortile – Abducted And Taken Under The Water Of The East River

The alleged alien abduction of Linda Cortile is perhaps one of the more well-known of such cases, mainly as it was investigated by veteran UFO researcher, Budd Hopkins. However, it is one specific part of the abduction that is of interest to us here.

Unbeknown to Hopkins when he first took on the case of Linda Cortile – who claimed she was abducted from her high-rise New York apartment in November 1989 – was that several people had witnessed the incident from the ground below.

On the evening in question, two security guards—known as “Richard” and “Dan”—were driving near the Brooklyn Bridge. Their passenger was eventually revealed to be the security-general of the United Nations, Javier Perez de Cuellar. As they were driving, for no obvious reason, the car engine died. When they got out to investigate, they were shocked to see Cortile, along with three strange figures, floating through the air. What’s more, they were heading toward a disc-shaped object. Once inside, the craft made a sharp turn and crashed into the waters of the East River. In an instant it was out of sight below the surface.

Several months before the two security guards came forward with their information, Cortile (under hypnotic regression) had made some intriguing statements. She claimed to Hopkins that the UFO she was in had come to a sudden stop “under the water”. What’s more, she could see out through a window. She would recall seeing general garbage such as soft drinks bottles on the bed of the water. Was she recalling her journey to the depths of the East River?[5]

3 Filiberto Cardenas – From A Lonely Miami Road To A “Large Hangar” Under The Sea

While driving with a friend and their family on the outskirts of Miami in 1979, Filiberto Cardenas was subject to one of the strangest abduction encounters on record. After exiting the vehicle to see why the car engine had suddenly stopped, Cardenas noticed a huge disc-like craft overhead. The next thing he knew, a beam of light had struck him and was lifting him toward the craft. His friend and those in the car witnessed the entire thing and reported him missing.

After a two-hour search Cardenas was eventually found, dazed and confused in the middle of a busy highway around 10 miles from his car. Following a medical test, he was allowed to return home. However, when he sought hypnotic regression several months later, he would recall what had happened following his capture by the strange beam.

After several strange experiments by bizarre humanoid creatures on board the disc-shaped craft, he was placed inside a smaller vehicle. This then appeared to launch and guide itself. It would head toward the water, breaking the surface and entering an underwater tunnel. Cardenas would eventually find himself in a “large hangar” somewhere under the sea.

What perhaps makes Cardenas’ account even more intriguing is that he was given several predictions of upcoming world events by his hosts, some of which would prove to be eerily accurate.[6]

2 Anna Jamerson Not Sure If Her Alien Abductors Took Her Under The Water

In her book Connections, Anna Jamerson would describe several apparent alien abduction encounters. And although they were not as direct as some on our list, the details she would offer are very suggestive of underwater activity.

For example, one encounter she writes of speaks of how she was in a strange craft when she noticed a “huge ocean liner coming at me, bow first”. The next thing she knew it appeared the ocean liner was above her. Or more to the point, she had been taken under the surface of the water below it.

Perhaps the most startling detail, though, is when she writes of being in such a craft before entering a “long tunnel with soft sides”. What’s more, there appeared to be green light at the end of it. Were the “soft sides” actually water around the tunnel, like the glass-like tunnels described by Katharina Wilson?

These revelations were made under hypnotic regression. However, at this crucial point, the therapist conducting the session directed her away from the green light. This means that Jamerson, like the rest of us, remains ignorant of what the encounter might have actually been, or where it took place.[7]

1 Was Fred Valentich’s Vanishing A Case Of Aquatic Alien Abduction?

The disappearance of Fred Valentich in 1978 could fill an entire volume in its own right. Perhaps not least as it remains unsolved over 40 years later. There remains debate still today as to just what happened to the young pilot from the southeast of Australia. It is, though, a case that UFO researchers have long claimed to be one of alien abduction. And one that possibly involved an underwater base somewhere under the waters of the Bass Strait.

It was while Valentich was flying over this mysterious stretch of water that he radioed the control tower. He would state there was an unknown object flying over the top of him, and it was obvious he was panicked. Several minutes after the first transmission, he claimed that whatever the object was “it was not an airplane”. Then, he simply vanished. The last sound the control tower heard was a chilling screeching of metal-on-metal.

A huge search of the region went ahead, but no sign of Valentich or his plane ever surfaced. Of even more interest, several witnesses in the region reported seeing a strange object around the same time as Valentich’s radio calls. One of the most intriguing was that of Roy Manifold, who would even capture a photo of the strange object. It was, though, the claims of his son, Jason, that were of most interest. He would state that after his father had returned inside, he remained where he was, listening to a plane somewhere in the distance. Then, “as if someone had turned it off” the plane went suddenly silent?

Was Valentich a victim of alien abduction? And if so, was he taken to one of the strange facilities that many researchers believe are deep under the surface of the Earth’s oceans?[8]

10 People Who Claim To Have Been On Board An Alien Craft

Marcus Lowth

Marcus Lowth is a writer with a passion for anything interesting, be it UFOs, the Ancient Astronaut Theory, the paranormal or conspiracies. He also has a liking for the NFL, film and music.

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10 Stories of Alien Abduction That Could Lead to the Military Wed, 12 Jul 2023 19:48:58 +0000

Countless subjects of “alien” abductions have been regularly reported to organizations like the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) since their beginnings in 1969. However, according to the Pentagon’s Preliminary Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Assessment delivered to Congress in June 2021, “Limited data and inconsistency in reporting are key challenges to evaluating UAP. No standardized reporting mechanism existed until the Navy established one in March 2019.”. So, what does this mean?

A Gallup poll followed the Pentagon report in July 2021. It recorded 41% of Americans have seen unidentifiable aircraft, 50% consider rational explanations like human activity, while 9% have no opinion whatsoever (Link 3). These purported military abductions (referred to as MILABs) came out in 1996 when Austrian MUFON rep. Dr. Helmut Lammer Ph.D., published, Preliminary Findings of Project MILAB: Evidence for Military Kidnappings of Alleged UFO Abductees. Elaborating further, here is a list of 10 alien abductions that could have been the military.

Related: Top 10 Ways Aliens Have Appeared Through The Ages

10 Leah Haley

In 1990, Leah Haley remembered an alien abduction. She recalls her experience as if it were a dream, later seeking hypnosis. Born in 1951 in Decatur, Alabama, Haley had a career as a certified business administrator and author, whose 1993 book Lost Was the Key put her on the map of the UFO community. Her original claims were that extraterrestrials were the culprits. However, it took years to even fathom the idea of military involvement.

Through select Freedom of Information Act, U.S. Patent Office documents, and interviews with abductees in subsequent years, Haley believed she was not chosen at random. She has endured an abduction with her sister and been offered jobs randomly by total strangers for positions at nearby military bases, even recognizing fellow abductees in her conscious life.[1]

9 Col. John Alexander, Ph.D.

“It is clear that MUFON has…become the champion of unsubstantiated, barely tangentially related nonsense” said Col. John Alexander in response to assertions made by an Austrian MUFON representative, Dr. Helmut Lammer, whose suspicions about military kidnappings of alien abductees was published in a series of 1996 MUFON journals. “The list of involved personnel goes on and on…since military personnel rotate on a frequent basis, there would have to be thousands… Where are they?” refutes Col. Alexander to whistleblower testimony on MILABs.

Not an abductee, Alexander is an author academically respected in the UFO community. He ascended through the ranks of the U.S. Army beginning in 1956 before retiring in 1988 after holding key positions in special operations intelligence. Purportedly, Alexander was a member of an elite group of high-ranking individuals using privileged knowledge to manipulate information related to UFOs across the globe. Collectively, they gave themselves aviary code names and infiltrated other occult government groups such as MJ-12. Code name: John “Penguin” Alexander. [2]

8 Dr. Karla Turner

Dr. Karla Turner was an academic and professional educator but gave it all up to focus on alien abduction research when she and her family regressed unsettling memories. Since her 1996 passing from an aggressive and rare form of breast cancer discovered only after her encounters were made public, Turner’s published works describe her family’s firsthand encounters. They also suggest that you, the abducted, are a targeted individual and not chosen at random.

Turner was convinced the military targeted abductees in response to the reports people had made. In Turner’s second book, Taken, she discusses the idea that some prominent abduction theorists state should be avoided—don’t think of aliens as good and evil. Turner claims, “this cannot be done, nor should it be.” She continues that those who have been abducted have the right to know how their “participation” will be used by their abductors. Under what circumstances and what reason will the abducted be “made a part of this agenda” since they have been “implanted, trained, and programmed to participate in some future scenario.” Don’t abductees have the right to know for what purpose “our minds, bodies, and souls will be used?”[3]

7 Melinda Leslie

A woman with psychic insight who does energy work and conducts vortex and UFO tours, Melinda Leslie has been very transparent about her own alien encounters. In the early 1990s, Leslie and two friends went independently under hypnotherapy after they discovered missing time during a road trip in California. Each remembered similar experiences, including being examined by aliens with someone dressed in what looked like a naval uniform working side by side with extraterrestrials. Leslie said the military personnel “wasn’t another abductee, he was just there, watching…”

Leslie’s testimony alleges black projects are only feasible if classified into above-top-secret special access programs. Is it possible that the Robertson Panel (1953)—a collaboration between Howard Percy Robertson, a mathematical physics professor, and the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence set the tone for intelligence protocols today? Melinda Leslie, like so many others, attempts to pull their experiences into the light, hoping that more testimony can pave the way toward full government disclosure.[4]

6 Myrna Hansen

1980. Cimarron, New Mexico. Myrna Hansen and her then six-year-old son Shawn approached a pasture on route home from Oklahoma. It was nighttime when they witnessed a beam drag cows up into the air (Link 1). Within seconds, Myrna claimed that a small craft had seemingly become aware of their presence, ultimately abducting Hansen and her young son.

Immediately following the Hansens’ experience, Myrna was referred to an Albuquerque MUFON researcher, Paul Bennewitz. Enlisting the help of hypnotherapist Leo Sprinkle, they would go on to regress Hansen. She and her son were taken to a deep underground military base. Her precise description of the location attracted the attention of members from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, who have allegedly monitored Myrna and Shawn since that time.[5]

5 Linda Napolitano (aka Linda Cortile)

The story describes Linda suddenly awake above her bed to see strange figures in the process of levitation. Once on board a craft, she was subject to medical analysis and alien experimentation by different beings, some human in appearance. As her account later gained attention, two men came forward as “witnesses” who ultimately went on to kidnap and interrogate her multiple times, leading Napolitano to believe it was a cover-up.

Linda’s recollection of events, like many before and after her, had deployed critics. In subsequent years since her experiences, medical professionals associated with the case have found that she is of sound mind. Walter H. Andrus, founder and then director of MUFON, considered Napolitano’s story as, “definitely authentic case of human abductions by aliens.”[6]

4 Betty & Barney Hill

Betty and Barney Hill were not an ordinary couple for the time—interracial, yet both respected in their community as rights activists. In September 1961, the Hills were driving home through remote New Hampshire when Barney became acutely aware that a light was trailing their every movement. When they finally arrived home, the couple felt there was some missing time. Their case is one of the first highly publicized alien abductions in modern history. To this day, a lengthy measure of evidence in this case exists and cannot easily be refuted. Just before events took place, the couple pulled the car over to determine what was stationary above them.

When Betty & Barney finally underwent hypnosis, the initial recorded sessions (which are widely available today for free) reveal when Barney first peered through binoculars, he “could almost feel this figure’s intense concentration to carry out a plan—to capture the witness.” Barney recalls “a red-headed Irishmen” and what “looks like a German Nazi” during regression (Link 3). Once on board the craft, the Hills were subjects of separate analysis. Consequently, Barney’s faith and humanity had been irreversibly shaken while Betty embraced her curiosities after a being displayed a distant star map of where they had come from.[7]

3 Katharina Wilson

A lifetime of abduction experiences stretching back to when she was just a child, Katharina Wilson believes black operations are more common than we think. “I have to admit that I do not understand why I am remembering these scenarios, or abductions or whatever we choose to call them. I have even wondered if someone may be ‘importing’ these events or memories into my consciousness through a mechanism.” Wilson thinks that as each new year passes, another whistleblower comes forward.

Untrained ears would assume her firsthand accounts are frightfully imaginative works of fiction. Deep-sea submersible experiences, surfacing and being transferred to U.S. Navy vessels, behavior modification trials like those of MK-ULTRA. Anyone caught by UFOlogy’s gravity has heard of the likeliness of alien abductions persisting throughout the generations of family members. Moreover, one thing is for certain, Wilson believes that what abductees are revealing only scratches the surface of remote viewing and “screen memories.”[8]

2 Niara Isley

Previously registered as an airman in the U.S. Air Force, Niara Isley’s efforts to shine a light on ETs have revealed yet another layer of what she calls “shadow government.” Isley has been on a spiritual journey for most of her life, but once she had discovered a missing three-month chunk of time in 1980, she sought hypnosis. “What I discovered was staggering and life-altering, turning life upside down for me for a good many years.”

While employed with the government, Isley worked with radar technology and provided research and development support near the Tonopah Test Range, 30 miles southeast of Tonopah, NV. Over time she has revealed being held against her will on the moon in a joint “Reptilian-Gray-Human secret base.” “I was scared. I knew I had to get back to my daughter, so I was pretty compliant. I just didn’t want to do anything that would get me killed.”[9]

1 Corey Goode

Recognized at a young age as possessing empathic abilities, Corey Goode was trained to fill support roles and several other militarized black operations (Intruder Intercept Interrogation Program, Auxiliary Specialized Space Research, etc.) starting in the mid-to-late-1980s when he was just six years old. It was a 20-year post in various secret space programs, after which he would undergo age regression and return to his original timeline. However, recalled on multiple occasions, Goode has persistently maintained that his experiences of direct physical contact with non-terrestrial beings are very real and that he was chosen as an acting liaison between multiple ET federations and councils.

Although on the flip side of every coin lies additional context. Particularly when you are considered a compromised individual by the UFO community at large. A society of like thinkers with open minds that do not typically earn money for their lectures and appearances, Goode was earning tens of thousands of dollars in speaking fees. He first captured audiences around the world on David Wilcock’s Gaia program, Cosmic Disclosure. Which must have opened old wounds because it was revealed that he actively doxed any and all opponents. What made a real stink of things, however, was when Gaia proposed in dueling lawsuits that Wilcock’s decision to leave the network was wholly fabricated by Goode love-bombing him with the promise to one day join the “alliance” and put to rest any Luciferian doubts.[10]

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10 Nightmarish UFO and Alien Encounters with Unusual Endings Thu, 16 Mar 2023 03:29:51 +0000

There’s really no way to handle a UFO or alien encounter. Most of us probably never have and never will experience such an event. And when it comes to bizarre encounters, there are not too many that can compare to it. Obviously, the Roswell crash is at the top. Bigfoot? Not so much. Megalodon? No way.

With so many stories going around, it’s hard to differentiate between what’s real and a hoax. Stories of being medically experimented on, being tied down on an alien craft, or being taken without knowledge are some of the encounters we hear about often. The ten women listed below did just that. Except, their encounters didn’t turn out bad. Their encounters were frightening, for sure, but they seemed to end rather… calmly. Weird. It was almost like having a nightmare—scary while you’re in it, but it’s fine when you wake up. Whether you believe it or not, these encounters are their truth.

10 Sharon Gilbert

An author, reporter, and co-host on SkywatchTV, geopolitics enthusiast, and Christian podcaster, Gilbert takes on many roles daily. On the Jim Bakker show, she discussed her alien encounter. What makes Sharon’s story interesting is that it is the opposite of the typical alien encounter. Most alien encounters start with witnessing the spacecraft before seeing the aliens. However, there were no indications or warnings for Sharon. Her encounter began as a frightening confrontation.

While lying in bed, an alien visited her in the form of her husband. Her husband was lying in bed and something disguised as him lifted out of his body. She insisted the creature wanted to have sex with her. The communication between the two was internal. Before she pulled the mask off, she told the creature, “Jesus is real.” She revealed that it looked like a gargoyle with reptilian features.

However, Gilbert never revealed how the creature left the room. If it wasn’t worth mentioning, it probably wasn’t an issue. A lot of responses to her encounter were negative once it circulated on the internet. But Sharon was unbothered by what people thought.[1]

9 Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera

An educator, entrepreneur, and south Florida community activist, Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera has always connected with a diverse group of people. She even ran for the Republican primary election to represent Florida’s 27th congressional district. With so much support from the people, some questioned if the interview she gave in 2009 about an alien encounter risked her election.

Regardless, Rodriguez Aguilera never regretted or changed what occurred during the encounter. Rodriguez Aguilera claimed that at seven years old, she was taken aboard a round spaceship. She recalled interacting with tall blonde aliens. Two women and a man. She never mentioned any aggression from the aliens or being experimented on. Instead, the aliens provided her with information. She mentioned that they explained to her that “the center of energy is in Africa” and “God is a universal energy, not a person.”[2]

8 Alex Dietrich

“I hope I’m not the UFO, Tic Tac person for the rest of my life. This is not what I envisioned for myself,” Lieutenant Commander Alex Dietrich was quoted saying after talking about her UFO encounter on 60 Minutes. In November 2004, Dietrich observed a UFO hovering over the ocean while training with colleagues. The UFO moved at speeds beyond anything she had seen before.

She never claimed to see an alien or gave any indication of what she thought it was. Just simply an unidentified Tic-Tac-shaped object. Nothing less. Nothing more. Dietrich never mentioned having an interest in UFOs and didn’t entertain the idea or thought of it being more than what she saw. For the disbelievers, after hearing about a retired pilot’s UFO encounter, do you believe it even more?[3]

7 Angelia Schultz—aka Añjali

Angelia Schultz (who now goes by the name Añjali) ran as a Democrat candidate for South Dakota Senate and Secretary of State in 2014. Years later, she mentioned that she was a retired defense intelligence official. On August 17, 2021, Angelia talked about her alien encounter at a press conference in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.

She mentioned meeting a couple at a Southern California coffee shop who eventually showed her the location of an alien base. She didn’t reveal exactly where in the Mojave Desert she went in January 2010. But she said that the man she met had excavated a tunnel on the side of a mountain. She said a bright light guided them to the secret alien base. She remembered seeing aliens with lavender skin and one that looked like a praying mantis. The conversations with the aliens were through telepathy.

During her press conference, she stated that she planned to go back with other individuals. As of today, there is still no confirmation if she went back to the base.[4]

6 Dale Snipes

Dale Snipes, the author of 78 Years of UFOs, has experienced alien encounters since she was a child. The most terrifying encounter was at 3 am when an alien tried to take her against her will. On the show UFO Witness, she told investigators that she woke up to a strange sound coming from the kitchen. Soon after, an alien appeared in her room and communicated with her telepathically.

She mentioned that the alien—believed to be a Star Person—wanted to show her something and asked if she would come with it. It wasn’t clear what the alien intentions were. During the encounter, she recalled trying to wake her husband up many times. She said even when she dug her nails into his arm, he still didn’t respond. Eventually, the alien did leave. The next morning, her husband showed his arm covered with bloody scratches.[5]

5 Shel Marie

Full of emotions and terror, a UFO encounter at Alaska Pacific University left Shel Marie with thirty years of traumatic memory loss. On the Aliens in Alaska show, Shel allowed cameras inside her hypnotherapy session.

During the session, Shel starts by saying she went outside to smoke a cigarette. She remembers randomly looking up at the sky and noticing a large black object covered with lights and an unfamiliar language written on the craft. She mentioned she would have never known it was above her if she hadn’t looked up.[6]

4 Geraldine Orozco

One too many times, Geraldine Orozco would become pregnant and then have a miscarriage weeks later. Each time there was never a fetus found. The cause remained a mystery even when seeking medical advice. That was until she was taken into an alien spacecraft in October 2013.

She recalled her body feeling paralyzed as she was surrounded by tall grey beings. In the craft, she mentioned seeing her children. She remembers noticing that they were part human mutated with alien DNA. Ever since the incident, she started a support group for other women who experienced having their babies stolen from the womb for experiments.[7]

3 Geri Julian

Most things are kept quiet at Jicarilla Apache Reservation, New Mexico. That was until Geraldine Julian talked about her encounter on UFO Witness. Rather than referring to them as “extraterrestrials” or “aliens,” Geri referred to them as “disturbed people.”

The first encounter she remembered was when she was sitting outside and saw a craft fly from behind a mountain. She said the craft descended from the sky to approach where she was sitting. Later that night, two small people tried to force her out of bed. She recalled she couldn’t scream or do anything. Eventually, “the disturbed people” left her alone.[8]

2 Jane Nelms

Jane Nelms is no stranger to having alien encounters. She told her encounters to KLTV 7 News. In 1973, she mentioned being abducted by five aliens. Then, in the 1980s, she mentioned one day being pregnant, and after a horrible night, she woke up no longer pregnant.

Years later, she and a UFO group gathered in Winnsboro, Texas. She remembered seeing a bright white light glaring through every window in the house. She also heard there was a grey alien outside. By the time she went outside to investigate further, she had heard branches snapping and noise coming from the ship ascending into the air.[9]

1 Lily Nova

Maybe you heard of her, or maybe you haven’t. Unlike most, Lily Nova’s alien encounters didn’t start as a child. Her encounters didn’t even start with her searching for aliens. The COVID-19 pandemic in Missouri shifted her interest in astrophotography, which led to alien encounters.

Her first alien encounter started in November 2020. She mentioned seeing a couple of crafts flying over the neighborhood. The more time she spent outside, the more frequent the encounters became. She stated seeing different aliens. The ones she remembered seeing the most had a blue complexion. She saw some with glowing skin and blonde hair. Rather than having physical encounters, the aliens sent many images of themselves through telepathy.[10]

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Convincing Alien Abduction Stories – The 10 Most Well Documented Cases Sun, 26 Feb 2023 17:31:08 +0000

Stories of UFO sightings and alien encounters have been around since the ancient times. These cases became so phenomenal that they led to the creation of a pseudoscientific field of study known as Ufology. Although there are many skeptics who think that these encounters are just made up by people who are desperate for attention, it can’t be denied that some of these cases are well-documented and detailed. Listed below are ten of the most convincing alien abduction stories.

The 10 Most Well Documented Alien Abduction Stories:

10. The Allagash Abductions (1976)

Allagash Abductions
Retired medical artist Charles Foltz painted this depiction of the famed Allagash Abductions, which he claims took place in 1976 on Big Eagle Lake on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway. (Image courtesy of Charles Foltz for SJVT / FhF).

In August 1976, four artists were on a camping trip near Allagash, Maine when they suddenly spotted a glowing orb hovering over the trees. Jim Weiner, Jack Weiner, Charles Foltz, and Charles Rak were night fishing in a canoe when they spotted the orb. As it slowly moved towards them, the four men panicked and paddled towards the bank as fast as they could. A blinding light suddenly beamed at them, and the next thing they knew, they were already standing in the bank, with no memories or whatsoever of what happened.

They began to have nightmares afterwards, which they believed to be recollections of their abduction. They dreamt of being examined by beings with long necks and large heads. The four of them went through regressive hypnosis and lie detector tests, which they all passed. Rak would later on retract his recollections during the hypnosis saying, “The reason I supported the story at first was because I wanted to make money.” He claimed, however, that they really did see strange lights during their camping trip.

See also; 20 Mind-Blowing Stories You Didn’t Know About Aliens.

9. Jesse Long Alien Abduction Story (1957)

Jesse Long claims that he was first abducted by aliens in 1957, when he was just five years old. The aliens conducted experiments on him, which became more painful and traumatic as time passed by. He claimed that they placed a foreign object on his leg that remained with him for 34 years. It was eventually removed and sent for further research at the Southwest Research Institute in Texas. The laboratory report stated that the object had unique characteristics which cannot be explained.

According to Long, he was abducted multiple times over the years and was even forced to crossbreed with a female alien. He was driving to New Orleans in 1990 when a light appeared to bring him inside an alien craft. He was presented with a baby and was told “This is your child.” Nine other children stood along the hallway and he knew right away that they were his children.

8. Frederick Valentich (1978)

Frederick Valentich was an aspiring pilot who was on a training flight off the south-east coast of Australia when he mysteriously disappeared. During his flight, Valentich radioed Melbourne’s Air Traffic Control to report that he’s being approached from the east by an unidentified craft which was emitting a bright light. The transmission was suddenly interrupted by strange, metallic sounds. An intensive search was carried out which encompassed over 1,000 square miles, but no trace of Valentich was ever found.

The young pilot was described as a ‘flying saucer enthusiast’, which led investigators to believe that his disappearance was probably staged. However, numerous reports have stated that there have been UFO sightings in Australia on the night of Valentich’s disappearance.

7. Whitley Strieber Alien Abduction Stories (1985)

Convincing Alien Abduction Stories

Whitley Strieber is a well-known horror author who claimed that one of his books, Communion: A True Story, was actually based on an actual alien encounter. It began in December 1985 when he was awakened by a strange noise, after which an inhuman creature came rushing towards his bed. He woke up in the morning feeling disoriented, without knowing why. He recalled memories of his encounter months later through regressive hypnosis, claiming that he was abducted and assaulted by the creatures.

Strieber went on to write four additional autobiographies detailing his encounters with these creatures which he referred to as ‘Visitors’. He theorized that these ‘Visitors’ might have more physical substance than what we normally assume, and that they’re not even a little human, but they’re clearly intelligent. At his own request, Strieber went through extensive tests for temporal lobe epilepsy and other brain abnormalities, only to find that his brain was functioning normally.

6. John Salter Jr. Alien Abduction Story (1988)

On March 20, 1988, John Salter Jr. and his son were driving on Central Wisconsin’s Highway 14 when, for some unknown reason, their truck started driving off of the scheduled route. They’ve been traveling in the opposite direction for an hour, but neither of them could account for the lost time. They eventually decided to take a rest for the night and continue their journey in the morning.

During their drive the next morning, they saw a bright saucer-like form which immediately disappeared in an incredible speed. They began to feel some sort of familiarity upon seeing the mysterious saucer, but they would only start having detailed flashbacks months later. They recall getting forced off the highway by unknown creatures who communicated with them through telepathy. The creatures led them to a spacecraft, where they received injections in various parts of their bodies. After that, they were guided back to their truck, and Salter claimed that they parted with the creatures in a friendly manner.

These events take a bizarre turn when upon returning home, Salter noticed an improvement in his health. His immunity was heightened, cuts and scratches healed rapidly, age spots and wrinkles have faded, among others. Salter’s son did not experience the same physical changes, but claimed that the encounter was the most extraordinary event in his life.

5. Pascagoula Abduction (1973)

On the night of October 11, 1973, Charles Hickson and his friend, Calvin Parker Jr., were fishing from an old pier in the Pascagoula River when they heard a zipping sound and spotted a glowing, elongated object hovering above the ground. Three humanoid creatures emerged and took Hickson and Parker aboard the spacecraft, where they were examined. They were returned to the fishing site after the examination, after which they immediately reported the encounter to the sheriff.

After 30 minutes of questioning, Jackson Country Sheriff, Fred Diamond, left the two men alone in a room rigged with a hidden microphone to further attest the validity of their claims. The audio recording of Hickson and Parker’s private conversation showed how distressed they were about what they’ve just experienced. Ufologist Philip Mantle later republished a book on this case and calls it one of the “most unique close encounters on record”.

4. Travis Walton Alien Abduction Story (1975)

The True Alien Encounter Story

On November 5, 1975, Travis Walton and six of his coworkers were riding a truck when they suddenly encountered a saucer-shaped object hovering 110 feet away from the ground. Walton approached the mysterious object and was struck by a beam of light. His coworkers drove away from the scene due to fright. Walton woke up in what he thought was a hospital emergency room, but upon focusing his line of sight, he found himself surrounded by three bald creatures.

Walton later turned up in Snowflake, Arizona after disappearing for nearly a week. He and the six coworkers who allegedly witnessed his abduction voluntary submitted to a series of tests, which they all passed, except for one whose results were inconclusive. Walton continued to tell his story throughout the years without any discrepancies in details. His coworkers also stood by their side of the story, even refusing bribes to contradict their narratives. Walton eventually wrote a book detailing his claims, and it became the basis for the 1993 film Fire in the Sky.

3. Antonio Vilas Boas (1957)

Then 23-year-old Antonio Vilas Boas was working at the fields on the evening of October 16, 1957 when he saw a bright red star in the sky which turned out to be an egg-shaped spaceship. Boas attempted to flee but was captured by a five-foot tall humanoid who dragged him inside the craft where he was stripped off his clothes and covered with a strange gel.

He was later joined by an attractive, female humanoid. The two had sexual intercourse, after which the female rubbed her belly and pointed towards the sky, gesturing that she will raise their child in space. Boas was taken on a tour around the ship, where he attempted to create a clock-like device to prove his encounter, but was immediately stopped by the humanoids. He was escorted off the ship and found out that the abduction lasted for four hours.

Dr. Olavo Fontes of the National School of Medicine of Brazil examined Boas and concluded that he had been exposed to a large dose of radiation from an unknown source. Boas went on to recall details of his experience without hypnotic regression and he stuck to his claims throughout his life.

2. Betty Andreasson Alien Abduction Story (1967)

It was on the evening of Janury 25, 1967 when a reddish, orange light suddenly shined in the kitchen window of Betty Andreasson’s home. Andreasson rushed to the living room to comfort her frightened children while her father looked out the window. That’s when he saw five, odd creatures hopping towards their house. Before anyone could react, the creatures made their way inside and placed the whole family in a state of suspended animation. Andreasson was brought inside a craft where she underwent a physical examination and was given a bizarre test, which she described as a painful yet religious experience. When her captors brought her back home, they placed her family under some kind of mind control to put them to bed, then they left.

An investigative team was assigned to Andreasson’s case, which included an electronics engineer, an aerospace engineer, a telecommunications specialist, a solar physicist, and a UFO investigator. The case was studied for twelve months, and the results were presented in a 528-page review. The review stated that Andreasson was sane and her claims were believable. Ray Fowler, founder of Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), concluded that Andreasson was “either the most accomplished liar and actress the world had ever seen, or else she had really gone through this ordeal.”

1. Barney and Betty Hill (1961 Alien Abduction Stories)

Betty Hill Abduction

The alien abduction case of Barney and Betty Hill is probably the most famous and well-documented one of its kind. The couple were driving home from a vacation when they noticed a bright light that began to grow bigger and take the form of an “odd-shaped” aircraft as it moved around the sky. It eventually descended in front of their car, hovering around 80-100 feet from them. Barney Hill stepped out of the car and, using his binoculars, was able to spot humanoid figures looking at him through the craft’s windows.

He immediately ran back to the car and asked his wife, Betty Hill, to keep an eye on the craft. They heard a series of beeping sounds. The sounds followed by a tingling sensation passing through their bodies. They were only able to regain consciousness at the second series of buzzing sounds, at which they realized that they were already driving 35 miles south of the sighting location. They couldn’t recall what happened during the missing time. And, they both felt strange and anxious when they got home. They decided to seek for answers regarding the events of that night through a psychiatrist. They went through separate hypnosis sessions. But both described nearly identical experiences of being abducted by creatures with huge, black eyes and gray skin.

Betty and Barney Hill’s case became so widespread that it introduced the alien abduction phenomenon into popular culture. Moreover, Betty’s hand-drawn Star Map, deciphered by experts as the alien’s home, has continued to amaze astrologers until today due to its astonishingly accurate astronomical details.

Author: Shiela Arbuso

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10 Interesting Ways We’re Looking for Alien Life Wed, 15 Feb 2023 21:00:56 +0000

Carl Sagan once said “somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” It’s that desire to know what is not already known that drives humanity beyond the stars. We push beyond our own world to the reaches of space to see what’s out there. And what we’ve found is literally beyond comprehension. The James Webb telescope has sent back images of the universe stretching back over 13 billion years, almost to its very creation.

We’ve seen thousands of galaxies which hold billions of stars and potentially hundreds of billions of worlds. All out there in space, just like us. And the question remains, are any of them like us? Are there other people out there? Or things that draw breath and live and grow? The search continues, and it involves more methods than you might think. 

10. Monitoring Starlight 

The vast space between here and literally anywhere makes searching for alien life a little harder than searching for a lost pair of socks. In many cases it seems easier not to look for aliens per se, but signs that they exist. That’s why we’ve started monitoring starlight. 

Light from distant stars is often one of the few things we can see from a faraway galaxy. Even with the James Webb telescope, we’re not going to be peeping into the windows of alien houses. But a star can tell us a lot about a particular solar system just by analyzing the light that reaches us.

Starlight is also searched for signs of alien technology, not just their worlds. If you have a massive space station, for instance, it’s going to cast a shadow and we might be able to see that blocking starlight as well. The idea is that a suitably advanced race will have created amazing technological feats, like star-sized power plants or computers that take up whole solar systems. 

Stars like the distant Boyajian’s star are prone to periodic dimming which has led scientists to wonder if there are alien mega-structures that could be interfering with the transmission of light from there to here. 

9. Tracking Biosignatures in Alien Atmospheres

Planets pass in front of stars. Using a technique called spectroscopy, we can analyze the spectrum of light that comes from a star when a planet passes in front of it. There will be a color shift that lets us see the spectrum of the planet itself and the gasses that must exist in that planet’s atmosphere to filter out certain frequencies of light. 

Methane is a gas produced by living things in our experience, and conducive to life. If a planet has methane in the atmosphere, it’s a possible host for life. So we can analyze the light spectrum, filter out the light from the star which won’t change, and determine what gasses are present in a planet’s atmosphere and perhaps whether it holds life. 

With thousands of exoplanets already discovered and now, thanks to the Webb telescope, tens of thousands more likely on the horizon, there will be a lot of ground to cover in terms of looking for life. Narrowing the search means looking for specific things like biosignatures, those signs that a planet does or at least can host life. 

We search atmospheres for gasses like oxygen and methane, the things we know are conducive to life because our own atmosphere has them and living things need or produce them. While oxygen is an obvious one, it’s not an all or nothing proposition, especially since we know oxygen has only existed on Earth for a fraction of its life. Instead, scientists have identified thousands of potential compounds that could indicate life that we can search for. Things like carbon dioxide but not carbon monoxide are also potential indicators of life or, at least, habitability. 

8. Technosignatures In an Alien Atmosphere

So we’ve seen how biosignatures and technology are both targets for the search for alien life. But with a little modification to those search techniques, we can also hone in on technosignatures. 

What we’ve described so far is searching for markers of life or the possibility for life. Technosignature hunting is the search for signs of industry. More specifically, pollution. A species able to build is able to pollute. That means we can search the atmosphere for nitrogen dioxide, for instance. Though it comes from natural sources, it also comes from burning fuel.

Solar panels are another potential technosignature we could detect. Because every planet has to orbit a star for life to exist, it is not unreasonable to assume an intelligent species would harness their sun’s power just like we have. Solar panels reflect a lot of light and that light would have a specific spectral signature. If we detect that, it could indicate life.

7. Radio Signals

One of the oldest and still most popular ways to search for alien life is to search for radio signals. Researchers at MIT discovered a repeating signal likened to a heartbeat in July 2022 that comes from billions of light years from earth. The exact location hasn’t been identified, but it joins the list of many signals, some mysterious and others naturally occurring, that we’ve detected over the years.  

Just before that signal, Chinese scientists claimed they too had detected an alien signal, possibly from an alien intelligence, using their massive Sky Eye telescope

SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, began searching for radio signals as far back as 1960 with their Project Ozma. One of the big problems with this method is narrowing down where to look in the vastness of space and the fact that many natural sources of radio waves exist. Stars and numerous other celestial bodies produce radio frequencies and need to be investigated and ruled out in the search. The hope is to one day find a signal that’s more than just background noise and offers a clear sign of intelligent intent. 

6. Telescopes

Arguably the most obvious way to search for planets is still at the forefront of the effort. Using a telescope is not as simple as it sounds, but it’s how we get those amazing images that come back to us thanks to things like Hubble and then the Webb telescope. The hard part is figuring out where to look.

There are many telltale signs that can be relied on to determine where to point a telescope. One method is the wobble method. You find a distant star and observe the light. If the star looks like it’s wobbling, it means something might be orbiting it and so you train the telescope on that area. 

We have already filled the sky with numerous satellites and probes to aid in our search. Webb and Hubble are two but there’s also Spitzer, Kepler, Tess, and Cheops with many more on the way. The European Space Agency plans to launch PLATO in 2024 with the ability to observe 1 million stars and search for planets around them 

5. Quantum Communications

The average person is not super familiar with the idea of quantum communications but it’s of interest to those searching for alien life. Signals could be sent across galaxies using photons without losing any information in the signal. Instead of using standard bits like our computers use now, with their ones and zeroes, quantum communications use something called qubits. Humans are still playing with this idea to develop secure communications networks that we believe will offer unprecedented security for a potential quantum internet

While we’re just getting the hang of it, the idea is that a more sophisticated species would have mastered it and could be using it already. This could also account for why our search for signals is getting us nowhere. Looking for radio signals in a quantum universe would be like trying to track dinosaurs at the zoo. You’re just late to the party and what you want to find doesn’t exist anymore.  But if we tweak what we’re searching for, we may start to find better results. 

4. Life-Hunting Robot Probes

Closer to home, the moons of Saturn and Mars are still ripe with possibility. While we haven’t discovered signs of life yet it doesn’t mean there’s nothing yet to be discovered. And more efficient means of discovery will improve our chances. 

NASA has been looking into the idea of sending probes to moons like Europa and Enceladus which can be sent below the ice we know is there ro search for signs of life. A team of robots could be inserted into liquid water below the ice and allowed to swim far and wide to see what they can see. 

This would be just one kind of future smart probe that is able to search and then determine for itself if it’s found anything useful. Because signals from space take a long time to travel to Earth, they could use AI to help them search and analyze, only reporting back when they believe they have found something of note. 

3. Gravitational Lensing 

If you recall Star Trek IV (the one with the whales) then you may know there’s precedent for things being whipped around the sun. And as fantastically fictional as that movie was, there is science behind the idea of using the sun’s gravity to make things move. It’s called gravitational lensing and it might help us intercept alien signals.

If something is big enough, then its gravitational pull can even bend light. It will also focus and magnify that light as a result. Researchers have posited that communications signals can be bent and focused in the same way. That means stars like our sun could be used like terrestrial satellite networks, transmitting and looping signals across the galaxy. If another race of beings used stars in this way, and we set up a satellite relay, we could listen in. 

Communications aren’t all, though. The effect of the sun on light is also being pursued. If we get a spacecraft or satellite into a position where the light from it is bent and then focused by our sun, we can get a much clearer look at alien worlds. The sun would effectively become a natural telescope, magnifying the view for us. At least one researcher thinks the effect would be stunning – the ability to achieve a resolution of 20km per pixel. Clear enough to make out continents and even weather patterns on other worlds.

2. Wet Chemistry 

Offputting though it may sound, wet chemistry holds the possibility of finding life on other worlds. This one works on planets closer to home, like Mars, rather than in distant galaxies. 

Using something called Sample Analysis at Mars, or SAM, the Curiosity Rover has been searching Martian soil for the building blocks of life. This includes any organic compounds that may contain things like oxygen and nitrogen. Soil samples are analyzed in three different chambers where they can be subjected to a variety of solvents and others where they can be baked. The result was the discovery of various organic molecules that normal sample analysis would have missed. We didn’t discover life, of course, but it gave us a much clearer picture of what was there and could definitely help in the future.

This technique can be applied again elsewhere, on moons of Saturn like Titan, for instance. 

1. Auroral Radio Waves

Have you ever heard of auroral radio waves? There’s not something that pop up often in casual conversation but they are a definite point of interest in the search for alien life. 

Here on Earth, the Northern Lights occur when charged particles from the sun collide with gasses in our atmosphere. They occur over both poles, not just the North. It’s most often green but different gasses produce different colors. And Earth is not the only planet where these occur.  

An aurora produces radio waves and those radio signals can give us information about the planet they come from, including what kind of magnetic field it has. This is important because a magnetic field is essential to a planet harboring life as we know it. Our magnetic field is the reason our atmosphere stays put and harmful particles from space can’t reach us and wipe out all life on the surface. 

If an exoplanet is discovered and has an aurora, we can analyze those radio waves. If they indicate a strong magnetic field, then that could be a strong indicator that the planet is a suitable host for life. Likewise, the signals themselves could lead us back to planets we might otherwise overlook.

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