In 2011 a novel strain of Escherichia coli or E coli bacteria caused a serious outbreak of food borne illness focused mostly…
It is my birthday! This is the vanity post as promised. On the recent update, bassbait suggested a list of my favorite…
You don’t hear about mass hysteria often these days, but most of us know the term and have a general sense of…
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We’re so used to pop culture providing stories of ragtag bands of brothers with lowest-bidder equipment overcoming vast legions with sophisticated weaponry…
Outnumbered, cut off from any hope of rescue or support, operating secretly. The dramatic potential of troops or pilots conducting a raid…
There’s nothing quite like the prospect of a battlefield advantage to convince a general or politician to plow some money into a…
10 Surprising Products Made By Your Favorite Companies, Including The Samsung Machine Gun
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasWould you believe it if a random person told you that Samsung manufactured machine guns? Or that Volkswagen makes sausages, Toyota sells…
While people might worry about the health of organs like the heart, lungs, and liver, not many people think about their eyes.…
Feces is the new gold—at least in archaeology. Not only does ancient scat contain 10 times more DNA than bones, it reveals…
In an age of seemingly endless wars where nations can no longer even way when they’ve achieved objectives, let alone satisfying victories,…
Lost in the hubbub over Budweiser’s finger-pointing corn-syrup Super Bowl ad was an unprecedented spot from another beer company: Michelob became the…