Asia has influenced the Western world in many ways, but for all the vast benefits we’ve received from them, we’re barely even…
Even the most powerful corporations can crumble overnight when bad decisions pile up. Some ignored innovation, others made catastrophic financial moves, and…
Clearly, the timing of this article will lead many to dismiss it out of hand as “cope.” However, the recent change in…
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There’s a joke on the internet that if you perhaps Google various nefarious terms, the FBI probably has a file on you…
Though we often think of amendments in relation to the US Constitution, any nation or state with a constitution has likely amended…
Back in the 1940s there were three networks on American TV: ABC, NBC, and CBS. If you even had a TV back…
Your brain is almost always there when you need it, barring those occasions when you find yourself chemically altered, really tired or…
In 2018, the United States was home to an incredible 660,000 restaurants, giving food lovers plenty of options when it comes to…
Human sleep is a relief to the weary, while sometimes despised by the hard driven. Essential and mundane, human sleep is still…
Engineering is the practice of applying scientific and mathematical principles to real-life situations. While scientists usually get all the credit for all…
In an ideal world everyone gets along, no one hates anyone and we certainly never try to ruin anyone’s career or life…