In a list of people least likely to kill you, Doctors would probably come somewhere near the top—just under Nuns but way…
It is my birthday! This is the vanity post as promised. On the recent update, bassbait suggested a list of my favorite…
You don’t hear about mass hysteria often these days, but most of us know the term and have a general sense of…
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“Equality,” historian Walter Scheidel once wrote, “was only ever brought forth in sorrow.” At this moment, COVID-19 is sweeping through the world…
King of the Hill remains one of the most popular cartoons ever aired on primetime television. However, during its run, it was…
What are ghosts? Are they creepy figments of an overactive or jittery imagination? Or are they manifestations of souls that cannot pass…
There are fantastic stories of people surviving disasters, such as Juliane Koepcke, the German-Peruvian woman who fell 10,000 feet out of a…
Treason alert: this list intentionally omits some of history’s most infamous traitors, because a search for “history’s most infamous traitors” delivers page…
Your home is your sanctuary, the place you sleep, eat, hang out, and go to every single day. For this reason, it…
Pro wrestling has long had the reputation of being low-brow entertainment, something enjoyed by the uneducated and unwashed masses. Of course, to…
Before getting into the fun stuff, we should define what we mean by an ecosystem. An ecosystem is a geographic area where…