Fast food restaurants have shown time and time again that their marketing brilliance and consistent product quality can lead to billions of…
It’s 2025, and a new year is underway. Who knows what the coming months have in store? Well, if you struggle to…
For various reasons, product advertisements sometimes go awry in a big way. A case in point: Budweiser Light’s ad campaign featuring transgender…
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As bizarre as it may seem, a number of women have married serial killers. According to psychologists, some wed such murderers due…
Amazing things really can come in small packages, and tardigrades are perfect examples! And they have the most adorable nicknames ever. Can…
Most famous vacation spots suck. It’s just a fact. They used to be great but time and opportunism have reduced them all…
Tutankamen tends to grab the spotlight. But there are other mummies with remarkable tales to tell. There is a boy disguised as…
It is a massive life decision to join the military. Even though a marriage can kill you, signing up for the Army…
Top Ten Films That Have Had a Tangible Effect on Reality
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasFilm industries around the world, especially Hollywood, make it seem as if movies are of the utmost importance to society and possess…
Nothing else compares to the terrifying idea that the human body can burn itself without external causes. This phenomenon is known as…
As a species, we have been filling landfills and oceans with non-perishable waste and pumping more and more greenhouse gasses into the…