One of the benefits of living in the modern world is that we get the convenience of modern medicine. That is to…
It’s 2025, and a new year is underway. Who knows what the coming months have in store? Well, if you struggle to…
For various reasons, product advertisements sometimes go awry in a big way. A case in point: Budweiser Light’s ad campaign featuring transgender…
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Disney World is well-known as a food lover’s dream, with delicious snacks ranging from turkey legs and specialty cupcakes to Mickey ice…
Some of the most cherished songs of all time are based on true stories. In many cases, these are events from the…
People tend to remember the big picture of history they learned in school: the famous generals, the important inventions, or the impossible…
People are getting smarter these days. At a time of increased financial concern the world over, it’s no wonder we are always…
The Covid-19 pandemic is turning out to be an unprecedented event in human history. While we’ve gone through our share of ancient…
10 Blurred Lines around the Reality of the Slender Man Legends
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasWe all know that the Slender Man is nothing more than a pure urban legend created online in 2009 on an Internet…
We’ve all heard at least one ghost story in our lifetime. It seems that everyone and every place has come in contact…
When I was 23, I started losing my eyesight, and the doctors didn’t know why. It began innocently enough, with a less-than-perfect…