Fast food restaurants have shown time and time again that their marketing brilliance and consistent product quality can lead to billions of…
It’s 2025, and a new year is underway. Who knows what the coming months have in store? Well, if you struggle to…
For various reasons, product advertisements sometimes go awry in a big way. A case in point: Budweiser Light’s ad campaign featuring transgender…
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Except in times of famine, cannibalism has very rarely been about food. In most cases, from the medicine-makers of Europe to the…
Everyone has been scrabbling around at the moment trying to stock up their cupboards with food that will last out the lock-down.…
The current “core curricula” of public schools in the US are comprised of the following subjects: (sciences) biology, physics, chemistry; (mathematics) arithmetic,…
Every spring, when the month of April arrives, pastel colors herald the arrival of a new holiday season. And whether you are…
Finally, 2021 is in the rear-view mirror. Most of us enter a new year hoping for bigger and better things. Worldwide, countries…
As most history buffs already know, UNESCO has been safeguarding historic monuments and sites since implementing its World Heritage Convention in 1972.…
The latest Batman movie is a dark and serious noir detective film where Batman must stop the Riddler, who is a crazed…
New York City’s modernity makes it difficult to imagine a time when it was anything but a land of skyscrapers, subways, and…