One of the benefits of living in the modern world is that we get the convenience of modern medicine. That is to…
It’s 2025, and a new year is underway. Who knows what the coming months have in store? Well, if you struggle to…
For various reasons, product advertisements sometimes go awry in a big way. A case in point: Budweiser Light’s ad campaign featuring transgender…
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Despite their knuckle-dragging, backwards-looking territorialism, the war machines of the world are under constant pressure to stay one step ahead of the…
A place that has seen a lot of bloodshed can sometimes become a haunted space. And around the world, many of these…
To many, radiation is a modern specter of death, an invisible killer that withers once-healthy victims down to nothing. This technological boogeyman…
While millions perished under the Nazi regime throughout Europe, thousands survived to tell their stories and help to prosecute the cruel perpetrators…
Attach a notion of “specialness” to something, and people will find a way to throw money at it. This is a principal…
Ten Fascinating Music Plagiarism Cases and How They Ended Up
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasWhen one song sounds like another, did one copy, or rip off the other? Sometimes that question is fun speculation; other times,…
The “Mandela Effect” describes the phenomena in which a group of people all share a collective “false” memory of an event, detail,…
Dolphins are not only the sweet-natured, lovable mammals we have all been led to believe. They also have a darker side—with some…