It seems that most habits these days aren’t good for you. Once upon a moonbeam, cigars and opium and casual racism were…
Want to avoid massive loan payments for worthless degrees or certificates? In the U. S., go only to regionally accredited post-secondary schools.…
Words, like people, have stories to tell. Languages, like nations, have their histories. They have their peculiarities and quirks that can be…
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Famous people seem to have it all, the reputation, the money, and the glamorous lifestyle. Of course, on top of this is…
A wise man once said that time keeps on slippin’ (slippin’) into the future. On the other hand, he may have had…
Want to live forever? You’re in weird company. Here are 10 immortalists acting out their fear of death in very peculiar ways.…
Movies! Of course we all are fond of movies and love to include them in our family and friends gatherings to have…
Fashion is a relevant term. It is based on peoples’ personal preferences. Although there are fashion trends that the world gets crazy…
Scientists can be an eccentric bunch of people, especially when it comes to animals. Throughout history scientists have performed all manner of…
We learn from the world around us. Its storied history lies within every street, building, and memorial. Every statue has a unique…
Listen, we live in a big, strange world. So big and so strange, in fact, that the weirdest possible day would be…