It seems that most habits these days aren’t good for you. Once upon a moonbeam, cigars and opium and casual racism were…
Want to avoid massive loan payments for worthless degrees or certificates? In the U. S., go only to regionally accredited post-secondary schools.…
Words, like people, have stories to tell. Languages, like nations, have their histories. They have their peculiarities and quirks that can be…
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It is a common refrain that prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. If that is true, then the second oldest…
William Shakespeare is possibly the most famous writer from the western world and is a fundamental part of high school English lessons.…
Theft in itself isn’t that bizarre or mysterious. Thieves steal things like jewelry, cars, gadgets, and other material objects all the time,…
Typos can be frustrating at the best of times. So can simply not knowing how to spell a word, even though it’s…
The thrill of searching through thrift shops and flea markets is that you never know what you will find. Chances are that…
Creatures evolved into all the wild and wacky forms we know today for many reasons. These included alterations of ecosystems, changing food…
Musicians often lead crazy lives, full of excesses and unique experiences, so it’s only normal that their deaths should be just as…
Ancient Rome and Greece are often cited as the birthplace of Western culture and the cradle of amazing thinkers and artists to…