Asia has influenced the Western world in many ways, but for all the vast benefits we’ve received from them, we’re barely even…
The River Thames is the whole reason that London exists. Running through the city’s center, it has provided water and the opportunity…
Even the most powerful corporations can crumble overnight when bad decisions pile up. Some ignored innovation, others made catastrophic financial moves, and…
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Caves aren’t just for bats and ancient bones anymore. Although many caves have incredible natural beauty and rich histories, some also have…
“Horror is the natural reaction to the last 5,000 years of history.” – Robert Anton Wilson Imagine going out on a routine…
Germs are crafty little invaders, often thriving in the everyday items we take for granted. We might feel confident tossing groceries into…
It’s an oft-repeated notion: Everything on Earth has already been explored and how awesome it would have been if we had been…
There are nearly 144 million inhabitants in Russia, putting it at ninth place in the list of countries by population. With a…
There are nearly 144 million inhabitants in Russia, putting it at ninth place in the list of countries by population. With a…
Movies require a ton of work and money to make, so studios attempt to make nothing but hit films. Of course, the…
Humans do weird stuff. Sometimes, we don’t even realize our behaviors are strange until we really stop to look at ourselves objectively.…