Fast food restaurants have shown time and time again that their marketing brilliance and consistent product quality can lead to billions of…
It’s 2025, and a new year is underway. Who knows what the coming months have in store? Well, if you struggle to…
For various reasons, product advertisements sometimes go awry in a big way. A case in point: Budweiser Light’s ad campaign featuring transgender…
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Thousands of adults entering the workforce every day have never known life without the Internet. But as computing power has increased exponentially…
It seems like things are in a constant state of flux these days! People are going back to work, business are re-opening…
Even after humans fought for centuries to escape the restrictions of this world and thus be able to venture into the cosmos,…
Think libraries are boring? Well, think again. Today’s libraries are a delightful combination of old school and high tech. Of course, libraries…
Classical music usually soothes with its dulcet tones. Usually. But sometimes it is raw and shocking. Sometimes it expresses the side of…
Our brains are constantly processing information from our senses to make us understand who we are and what we feel. When those…
Modern news coverage has made the world aware of the terrible force that is the tidal wave, but few know that the…
The weekend is upon us, which makes this a good opportunity to review the peculiar stories that have made headlines over the…