The world is full of amazing creatures. However, with the effect of habitat loss and human activity, several species are brought to…
The first genetically engineered organism was created in 1973. That was just bacteria and not something that most everyday people would be…
We think of all microbes as more or less the same species with some variations here and there, when in reality, it’s…
The creator of the Incredible Hulk, Jack Kirby, claims that the character was inspired by a mother lifting up a car in…
Jurassic Park taught us all that if you have the will, the determination, 65 million year old DNA, and fictional science on…
The ocean is home to a vast array of life forms on a scale most of us will never appreciate. Over 226,000…
Hiking is great exercise that gets you outside exploring new areas! While hiking is generally considered a pretty peaceful, tame hobby, some…
Space isn’t just the final frontier, it’s a logistical nightmare. Movies about space gloss over a lot of little details that people…
Everyone knows what you mean when you refer to a weapon of mass destruction these days. We typically categorize them in one…
The pages of astronomy books are packed with old mysteries. Thanks to the advancement of technology, experts can now look back and…