Another week has gone by, and 2020 still feels like the longest year in the history of mankind. Be that as it…
Creatures evolved into all the wild and wacky forms we know today for many reasons. These included alterations of ecosystems, changing food…
2020 may be full of horrible news, but the ridiculous continues despite all that’s going on around the world. Here are ten…
We learn from the world around us. Its storied history lies within every street, building, and memorial. Every statue has a unique…
Dirty snowballs. The nickname suits the ice-cores of comets—but not their insanity. Comets spew booze, destroy each other, and outgrow the Sun.…
Across the world, homosexuals are often persecuted for their sexual orientation. As a result, large populations of gay people have formed communities…
“Learn to code,” shout simpletons at people whose industries are crumbling. Whether affecting coal miners or trendy Internet journalists, the march of…
The Communist Party of China (CCP) is becoming increasingly paranoid of its own citizens. As China has advanced towards a more prosperous…
For centuries Japan has proved fascinating to Europeans. From the moment that European explorers reached Japan there was a desire to trade…
For most people, monkeys are adorable little primates who wouldn’t hurt a fly. For anyone who has worked with monkeys, or been…