At a certain point numbers begin to lose meaning. The human mind isn’t good with large numbers and the vastness of large…
If you’ve ever worked in customer service, hospitality, retail, or just ever had a terrible boss, then the phrase malicious compliance will…
Pop culture has really exploded into a monster since the emergence of streaming technology and a million cable channels. There are video…
Most bank failures don’t make prime time news, though when they do, it’s usually bad news for everyone else. Some of the…
With money tight all around, more people are *trying* to save by DIY’ing—doing it yourself. From construction to renovation to crafting to…
No one likes to feel embarrassed for any reason. It’s one of the more unpleasant sensations you can deal with that doesn’t…
Have you ever stopped to think about what you’re allowed to do in the world in a general sort of way? There…
Fashion is an artistic form of self-expression, and like any art form, it is constantly evolving and branching in new directions. Of…
10 Mysterious Boxes, Tombs, and Scrolls That Have Never Been Opened
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasTo “hermetically seal” something (after the alchemist Hermes Trismegistus) is to seal it in such a way, usually by magic, that it…
There’s a saying that goes “fake it till you make it” which basically means if you can’t do something or don’t know…