Never mind lunatics taking over the asylum; history shows they’ve always been in charge. From human experimenters to genocidal maniacs, here are…
The legend of Pocahontas and explorer John Smith is cherished as one of the most touching love stories in American history. The…
Nowadays, we have a decent understanding of mental health and many who need help can find it in psychiatric hospitals. That was…
In ancient times, the term barbarian referred to any group or tribe that wasn’t part of the great European civilizations, namely the…
Some of the festivals we celebrate today can seem quite extraordinary. Just think about the Spanish festival La Tomatina, which is the…
ellions often originate from a strong sense of indignity surrounding the status quo. Whether they’re peaceful, like was the case with Mahatma…
The actual day-to-day of archaeology and other similar professions may not be that exciting, as they often have to carefully spend time…
We’re so used to pop culture providing stories of ragtag bands of brothers with lowest-bidder equipment overcoming vast legions with sophisticated weaponry…
Outnumbered, cut off from any hope of rescue or support, operating secretly. The dramatic potential of troops or pilots conducting a raid…
Feces is the new gold—at least in archaeology. Not only does ancient scat contain 10 times more DNA than bones, it reveals…