Winston Groom’s Forrest Gump had a remarkable knack of being at the right place, at the right time, multiples times. By sheer…
Statues and paintings of Jesus can get predictable. They stare, pray, suffer on the cross, or rest in a manger. Upon closer…
Art is a difficult profession. You can spend decades learning the skills of drawing, draftsmanship, and composition. Still, you will be no…
Top 10 Horrifying Facts About Working In An Amazon Warehouse
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasThe moment you hit that “Place Your Order” button, a chain reaction sparks, sending a team of warehouse workers and delivery drivers…
Top 10 Crazy YouTube Channels Where People Risk Their Lives
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasSince YouTube was founded (15 years ago, yes we are that old), it has been known as an experimental space. YouTubers are…
It’s no secret that Google is slowly suppressing offbeat content or channels on YouTube that don’t support the political and social views…
[Note from JFrater: It is not all too often that we publish lists on music for their own sake. But with my…
Top 10 High-Stakes Gamblers Who Managed to Break the Bank
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasBreaking the Bank, winning so much that the table, or even the casino itself, runs out of money, is a favorite daydream…
From Pirates of the Caribbean to Treasure Island (and Treasure Planet, and The Secret of Treasure Island, and Muppet Treasure Island…) the…
Top 10 TV Shows That Predicted the Future and Got It Right
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasThe future is often thought of as an unknowable, inscrutable web of possibility and promise. To try and know the future is…