Fashion fads are like any fad, really. Some of it works. Some of it doesn’t. And you don’t know which of those…
From Shakespearean tales of royal shenanigans to Stephen King’s modern-day masterpieces, the fertile minds of great writers have provided endless works of…
Top Ten Intriguing Shipwreck Mysteries That Were Recently Solved
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasThe ocean floor is littered with shipwrecks, many of which hide a secret. But as wonderful as mysteries are, not knowing the…
Let’s be honest: we’re not holding up Hollywood stars and famous icons as shining beacons of common sense. They simply don’t live…
Although fashion trends come and go, a constant thread can be found in the hazardous pursuit of beauty. The need to dress…
Among the many reasons people have for selecting a particular gift, throughout history, symbolism has often played a big part in gifts…
They are everywhere, but despite their mundanity and status as a subject of loathing by germaphobes and the health conscious alike, toilets…
Given how many humans have existed in the world and how many events and incidents, both big and small, happen every day,…
Someone says fetish, and our brains immediately think up 50 shades of hot candle wax, whips, and chastity belts, but not all…
Armor and shields. Protective combat gear has come a long way from chainmail, plating, and Roman shields. But let’s go beyond Kevlar…