Before it was revealed that the Cottingley Fairies were just cardboard cut-outs, people were mesmerized by these delicate little creatures who were…
Let’s get the cards on the table at the outset here—this list comes from a sceptical position. A heavily sceptical position. That…
During 1968 and 1969, the notorious Zodiac Killer murdered five people. Several witnesses saw one of the murders take place and described…
If you want to feel justified in patronizing a company with a dubious history, calling any negative story against them a “conspiracy…
Top 10 Strange (And Revolting) Facts About Synthetic Inventions
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasModern technology is making the world more synthetic. Some inventions that mimic real things are valuable—like the fake snot that fights diseases.…
Breast milk helps build a baby’s budding immune system, and the act of breastfeeding establishes emotional bonding. And, frankly, mammals are built…
The ’90s are famous for many things—but these days, they’re most famous for their spawn—the overly-nostalgic X-ennial middle-children that call themselves 90s…
Piercings have always been a way to express uniqueness, push boundaries, and make a personal statement. Over the years, enthusiasts have sought…
Top 10 Killers that Started Down a Dark Path at an Early Age
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasIt appears you are never too young to start killing. While most kids choose sports, art, or music as hobbies, some decided…
We all love superhero movies, and every time we go to the theatres, we are excited to see them doing incredible feats…