It’s always thrilling when archaeological discoveries are announced or ancient shipwrecks are found on the ocean floor. Over the past couple of…
Marjorie Mackintosh
Industrial growth was the driving force in creating the modern world. The economic progress of a country greatly depends on its industrial…
When we think of modern computing, we inevitably think of how fast technology moves these days. It seems we can barely buy…
Mob mentality can cause even the smartest or kindest people to do things that would make a priest blush. That’s because each…
As technology becomes more advanced by the year, the products that were once only seen in movies set in the future have…
DNA is the genetic code unique to every human, but another more obvious sign of individuality exists—your face. Love it or not,…
“Space, the final frontier,” as described by Star Trek’s opening sequence, is a place of mystery and exploration, where humans have only…
There are two types of sounds: Those we can hear and those we can’t. The average human hears every sound between the…
Sounds can elicit specific emotions in our bodies and minds. A baby’s laughter can spark joy, and a dog barking can bubble…
The world as we know it is fairly explainable by science. However, there’s still an aspect of existence that blows the most…