Many kings of Europe have existed who were absolutely essential to the development of the continent. From Byzantine emperors to kings of…
Marcus Ribeiro
Many in China like to claim that their country has seen 4,000 years of continuous civilization. In truth, new evidence hints that…
History is not the same everywhere. How else can we explain historical accounts of an event differing from nation to nation? Since…
Roughly 150,000 men of Jewish descent fought in Hitler’s army. While their families back home were being corralled into ghettos and sent…
The 19th and 20th centuries were a period of unprecedented change in human history. In 1807, the Napoleonic Wars were raging; in…
Most fans of American colonial history know about the harrowing disaster of Roanoke or the many problems faced by the first Jamestown…
In modern times, France has developed a reputation for being unsuccessful in war. This started during World War II when the French…
Many people who only encounter the Greek and Roman myths as children never learn just how weird some of them are. In…
For millennia, we’ve been using swords to settle heated debates, as what is war but a debate that got really out of…
The vast majority of castles these days are little more than ruins preserved by charitable organizations for educational value. In the past,…