The Roman Empire was one of the greatest civilizations ever established. Lasting over 1,000 years, they dominated the ancient Mediterranean. Roman laws…
Marcus Ribeiro
Normally, when historical figures show up in movies, they’re exaggerated. Desperate to keep fiction more fantastic than life, filmmakers have to take…
From the moment the first 13 colonies formed the United States of America, there have been several attempts to create new states…
In today’s society, fortune-telling typically involves tarot cards, palm reading, and horoscopes. These modern practices are tame compared to what went on…
There is no denying that flashy or highly unusual artifacts are fascinating. As the world of archaeology turns more glitzy, these items…
Between the 16th and 18th centuries, tens of thousands of people were executed for witchcraft in Europe. Then as now, witches were…
Christopher Columbus still has his own holiday. Today, most people are at least dimly aware that Columbus wasn’t exactly a great guy,…
The 20th century was a time of immense global achievement but also of global unrest. It saw the fall and rise of…
If you live in the the United States (and even if you don’t) you’ve probably heard about a number of the country’s…
History can be a hard sell. There are a lot of dates to memorize, and it wasn’t all as edge-of-your-seat exciting as…