A wise man once said that time keeps on slippin’ (slippin’) into the future. On the other hand, he may have had…
Johan Tobias
Want to live forever? You’re in weird company. Here are 10 immortalists acting out their fear of death in very peculiar ways.…
Movies! Of course we all are fond of movies and love to include them in our family and friends gatherings to have…
Scientists can be an eccentric bunch of people, especially when it comes to animals. Throughout history scientists have performed all manner of…
Listen, we live in a big, strange world. So big and so strange, in fact, that the weirdest possible day would be…
Conspiracy theories have been circulating since before the 19th century. Honestly, knowing humans, probably even longer. Some of these conspiracies really make…
10 Remarkable Pairs of Events That Happened in the Same Place
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasSome people see a coincidence and believe it’s a sign of something more. Maybe divine intervention, aliens, fate, or who knows what.…
Some wars seem important and inevitable. Like World War II or the American Civil War. Others, not so much. Turns out, humans…
Although the branding of human beings is usually associated with marking people in such a way as to indicate the ownership of…
If you ever want to waste a few hours of your day on a frustrating task, try to find the last time…