William Shakespeare is possibly the most famous writer from the western world and is a fundamental part of high school English lessons.…
Johan Tobias
Theft in itself isn’t that bizarre or mysterious. Thieves steal things like jewelry, cars, gadgets, and other material objects all the time,…
Typos can be frustrating at the best of times. So can simply not knowing how to spell a word, even though it’s…
The thrill of searching through thrift shops and flea markets is that you never know what you will find. Chances are that…
Musicians often lead crazy lives, full of excesses and unique experiences, so it’s only normal that their deaths should be just as…
Ancient structures and design will always be admired and it will remain huge tourist attractions, but there is also something to be…
Celebrities are known for their expensive and unique taste in things, which is why items related to them usually sell for pretty…
Frightful stories of cryptids, aliens, and urban legends get retold every Halloween. Campfire versions embellish the truth for cheap scares. The following…
Everyday people encounter things that can’t be explained. What that statement means can be interpreted in a lot of ways, however. A…
Famous people seem to have it all, the reputation, the money, and the glamorous lifestyle. Of course, on top of this is…