When you think of a wedding no doubt chandeliers, fairy lights, romantic décor, flowers and dancing come to mind. Huge sums of…
Johan Tobias
Some shows make a point to devastate their fans on a regular basis (here’s looking at you Grey’s Anatomy). Others carry on…
Top 10 Quirky Facts And Stories From The World Of Gaming
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasAfter throwing your copy of ‘Contra’, your NES and whoever was playing with you (who managed to walk too far forward, killing…
10 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Bruckheimer Movies
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasJerry Bruckheimer is synonymous with hugely popular movies (and movie franchises) including The Rock, Flashdance, Top Gun, Pirates of the Caribbean and…
Thousands of people embark on cruises each year to enjoy vacations, holidays, and honeymoons with family and friends. But not everyone returns…
Some songs are instantly forgettable, and others have incredible staying power. Songs that stay popular for years on end, don’t always have…
There likely isn’t a country, city, town, or village in the world that does not have some sort of scary legend that…
Conspiracy theories about the rich and famous are growing thick and fast by the day. If they’re not “dead”, they are members…
Top 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Found Footage Films
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasA lot of movie fans regard The Blair Witch Project to be the first found footage horror film to shake up the…
Isn’t it always enjoyable to watch actors fighting with bad guys on screen to rescue their girlfriends or daughters or for any…