Throughout history, man has tried to control the forces and processes of nature. Agriculture is just one example. We learned to farm…
Johan Tobias
The world’s oldest countries take great pride in how long they have been successful nations, nation-states, or republics. Even if they aren’t…
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the first appearance of Pokemon. In the years since we were introduced to these pocket…
There are some terribly unsettling things that happen every day that we’re not aware of until it is splashed on the front…
For the thousands of songs the world hears, millions go unlisted. Musicians can often save time from songwriting to shift through the…
Our voices are amazing things. Starting with the grunts of early man, humans devised common vocal sounds to communicate knowledge – exponentially…
Top 10 Underrated Acting Performances Of The Last Decade
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasEvery year, moviegoers are treated to new unforgettable films. But far too often, the spectacular acting performances that make the films so…
Most UFO sightings are witnessed by only one person, which makes it harder to convince others that the sighting was not just…
The reboot is a popular Hollywood trope that has been plaguing franchises for decades. This habit of pulling the plug on anything…
Top 10 Otherworldly Beings You May Encounter Around The World
by Johan Tobiasby Johan TobiasThose with a strong belief in the paranormal often speak of a thin veil between our world and the dark “realm” of…