The insanity defense might be a popular trope in fiction, but it is actually used in less than one percent of court…
Johan Tobias
Who of us didn’t grow up being told ‘Don’t chew your nails’ or ‘Stop picking your nose’? Though children may not realize…
It’s not exactly a secret that many famous songs are based on, or were inspired by, books. The art of storytelling for…
People talk about the value of a dollar a lot, and these days that usually includes lamenting how a dollar isn’t worth…
One of the biggest forged art scams in history resulted in roughly $80 million being spent on “fake” paintings. So the world…
The Covid-19 pandemic is changing the world in unexpected and unprecedented ways, going well beyond wild animals reclaiming urban spaces and amateur…
Hollywood is a world that was designed to look as shiny as possible on the outside, but everybody knows that it can…
Sure, some children do sometimes go wrong for one reason or another, and do something so evil that the law simply has…
Bribery is generally viewed in a negative context. There are different levels of bribery, of course. Convincing your child to be quiet…
The mind can stumble over simple things. At times, a biological glitch is responsible. Then we see the wrong colors, cannot stop…